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RE: Fake Experience, Fake Reality (Part Two)

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

I have had several encounters with law enforcement (in person) and all have been very positive. I am afraid you may be mentally ill and trying to spread your illness to others. You should really try and get some help.


I was a policeman and I can assure you that there are a lot of honest people in those ranks who do their job in a professional manner.

Really? Show me some proof. I know several cops personally, and they all have an "above the law" mentality. Show me the cop who blew the whistle on corruption in the force? THAT is what honest people do. Cops? NEVER.

I'm really sorry if you had a bad experience with cops, it's really awful I was a policeman and with property I tell you not everyone has the bad intentions I'm a family man and I love God .. I can ask you what the world would be like if Policemen did not exist?

The world did not have cops until late in the 19th century. Why did it take 10,000 years after cities started? Clue: It wasn't public demand. It was for public control and protection of an elite at taxpayer's expense. Cops started out with a bad reputation but thru govt. ed and the media that was changed by propaganda. Radio Pictures/RKO made my favorite movies because of real dialogue and scripts that showed it like it was, e.g., the cops in "Maltese Falcon".

The world did not have cops until late in the 19th century.

This is factually incorrect as the first modern police force was created in London in 1829. 1829 is not late in the 19th Century.

Why did it take 10,000 years after cities started?

There are examples of people doing many of the same things as modern police forces. For example, in ancient Athens publicly owned slaves were used for crowd control; Roman vigiles apprehended thieves, runaway slaves and were supported by Urban Cohorts which were heavy anti-riot troops; you had the British constables and Santa Hermandades in Spain during Medieval Europe; Paris created a police force in 1667.

In summation, your claim that there were no cops before the late 19th century is factually wrong on its date for modern police force and factually wrong on the existence of such offices prior the late 19th Century.

It wasn't public demand.

Then explain the voluntary policing organizations such as vigilantes and night-watchmen.

Edit: I use a Chrome extension that reformats Wikipedia into a reader friendly format. It is called Wikiwand. However, as not everyone has Wikiwand I wanted to change a source from Wikiwand to Wikipedia.

I stand corrected. Sorry, I misremembered. Put in context, how important is this compared to the 10 millennia I cited?

It doesn't really affect your argument except for that one part which wasn't the main thesis.

Well, around here it would be like JACK YANTIS WOULD STILL BE ALIVE. The lady in New Meadows would not have been raped. That is just in the past couple years AND THIS IS A TINY COUNTY.
Self governance is how we ALL function every day. It is a sign of the arrogant delusional state MOST cops live in that you think the rest of us are good people because of laws and cops. We are good people because we are good people...

You cannot make claims such as person X would still be alive or person Y would not have been raped if cops didn't exist. They may be alive and unraped or someone else may have killed them or raped them.

COPS would not have raped or killed them if there were no cops.

Cops would not have but that is no guarantee that they would not have been murdered or raped by someone else or even by the same people.

I have had several encounters with poisonous snakes, and all of them have been very positive. But I'm not silly enough to therefore conclude that poisonous snakes are harmless. And if citing real-world examples of real-world violence, injustice, and outright murder, make me "mentally ill," then I'd rather be "mentally ill" than whatever you are.

He didn't read the part about searching YouTube videos ... or was too afraid or busy to check.

It is more likely that a video of negative police activity will be posted to youtube than videos of law enforcement doing the good they do every day. Negativity gets more views and is more newsworthy especially in our current media culture which is largely trying to demonize law enforcement, to what end I don't know. I agree that the power of the state is increasing beyond acceptable levels. I am not sure a 100% lawless society is better than what we have today. Today some law enforcement officials are doing bad things but not the majority. If we lived in a lawless society would there be more peace and safety from the threats of violence from others than we currently have?