Fake Experience, Fake Reality (Part Two)

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Part One of this series (https://steemit.com/anarchy/@larkenrose/fake-experience-fake-reality-part-one) explained how, when it comes to “foreign policy,” Americans’ perceptions of what is going on in the rest of the world comes from drastically limited, biased and controlled reports, which they nonetheless perceive as “experiences,” whether they come in the form of “entertainment” (such as movies), or “news” (state-approved propaganda pieces). This, however, shouldn’t be too surprising, and is even somewhat understandable, given the fact that very few Americans have any direct way to know what is happening around the world, or what the U.S. military is actually doing. They just don’t know any better, and don’t usually have an easy way to know any better, without going to the other side of the world themselves.

However, even when they should know better—even when they do have direct, personal evidence of the real world—most Americans still believe fake “experiences” more often than they believe their own eyes. As one glaring example, there are still many millions of Americans who think and say things like this:

The police are brave protectors who constantly put themselves in harm’s way to keep us safe! If you haven’t done anything wrong, you have nothing to fear from them, and if they are arresting you, you must have done something bad!

How often do Americans personally witness anything in real life that supports such a viewpoint? Damn near never. So why do they see the world that way? Because they are constantly barraged and bombarded with the “brave protector cop” stereotype in movies and television shows, and because watching those things registers in their brains as if they were actual experiences, instead of registering as what they actually are: fabrications and falsehoods.

So many people have positive opinions of “law enforcement” that are based entirely on how they see pretend cops behaving in fictional scenarios.

In the real world, however, what most people actually see the police doing is systematically robbing lots and lots of people for stupid, technical, victimless “crimes,” like not having the right sticker on their car. They see that all-too-familiar sight along the highway of the doughnut-eater casually swaggering up to the window of his latest extortion victim, to condescendingly ask, “Do you know why I stopped you?” And yes, most of us do know why he stopped the person: because the cop gets paid to look for any excuse to steal money from productive people (via issuing “tickets”) in order to give it to politicians. That is what the majority of cops actually do, day in and day out, in the real world. There is nothing brave, heroic or righteous about it. They are nothing more than professional road pirates.

On a video I made quite a while ago (titled “Cops are Cowards”), I asked how many viewers had ever actually seen anyone in “law enforcement” do anything genuinely brave. There were two or three half-hearted attempts at examples—which were just examples of good things (helping someone with something), but not at all brave things. At the same time, dozens of people piled on with stories from their own lives where they witnessed “law enforcers” being power-happy, abusive cowards and assholes.

Even among those who proudly declare how much they support those “brave men and women in blue,” few can actually point to any real-world examples of the badge-wearers behaving like brave protectors. And yet many millions still believe that stereotype, and still spread it. Why? Because they really and truly think they have experienced that reality, even though that “experience” consisted entirely of watching make-believe stories on television.

Of course, in this day and age, someone doesn’t need to rely solely on his own personal experience while trying to figure out what the real world is like. Thanks to cameras everywhere, there is no shortage of second-hand but genuine evidence to be found to show what “law enforcers” are actually like in real life. In fact, feel free to do a little experiment of your own: go to YouTube and try whatever word searches you can think of to try to find videos of cops doing brave, “righteous protector” type things. Then do a search for “police abuse,” and watch a few of those—or a few dozen—or as many as you can stomach before becoming enraged or depressed.

Then, of course, there is the line about “a few bad apples,” and how most cops are really fine, upstanding and valiant public servants. Funny how cameras only ever seem to be present when the “bad apples” are around. And what a coincidence that when the supposed “bad apples” are violently abusing or murdering people, none of the “good apples” looking on ever seem surprised or shocked by it. (It’s worth noting that the original saying about “bad apples” was that “one bad apple spoils the whole barrel.”) Of course, in real life, as experienced by real people, the true rarity is the decent human being who wears a badge and is not perpetually on a power trip, fishing for reasons to fine, harass or kidnap non-violent people.

Oddly, some will even cite their own lack of experience as proof of something, by saying things like, “Well, I’ve never had a bad experience with the police!” To reach some general conclusion from that makes about as much sense as arguing, “Well I’ve never been bitten by a rattlesnake, and therefore rattlesnakes are perfectly harmless!

I can only imagine what it must sound like to some young black kid in some poor inner city neighborhood, where it’s pretty damn obvious what the “thin blue line” really is (the most obnoxious, sadistic, violent street gang around) to hear some middle class white woman out in the suburbs talking about how she never has problems with the cops, and how they’re always very polite to her. No shit, lady. Because if the thugs in blue get all sadistic and abusive at you, they at least might actually get in trouble for it.

Notwithstanding Godwin’s Law, it’s also worth mentioning that even in Nazi Germany, most upstanding law-abiding citizens never had a problem with the SS. If you’re an obedient, meek subject under any regime, however tyrannical it may be, there’s statistically a fairly good chance that the goons of state won’t get around to beating you to death in your own home. That does not mean that they are noble protectors who only hurt despicable villains.

A lot of the time, the people who wear badges are mentally imbalanced, sadistic, insecure, malicious power-happy assholes, who routinely lie, commit theft and assault, and occasionally commit murder. A lot of real people, in real life, have learned that the hard way, through real experiences. And no amount of television fairy tales can erase the real pain and real suffering that thugs of the state have inflicted upon them.

On television, wild animals are nice (and can sometimes talk), good guys are inexplicably bullet-proof, no matter how scary things are everything will turn out fine in the end, and law enforcers are brilliant and brave heroes who always save the day. But those aren’t real experiences. Those aren’t real life. And it’s high time that at least most grown-ups came to understand that.

Coming up in Part Three we will consider a few more ways in which people believe statist mythology and related fake “experiences” more than they believe their own eyes.

PART THREE: https://steemit.com/anarchy/@larkenrose/fake-experience-fake-reality-part-three

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(Larken Rose is a speaker, author and activist, having advocated the principles of non-aggression, self-ownership and a stateless, voluntary society for over twenty years. Donations to help support his articles, videos and other projects can be made by PayPal to "[email protected]" or by Bitcoin to 13xVLRidonzTHeJCUPZDaFH6dar3UTx5js.)


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I personally think one major issue in the present age is that a lot of people have been sold dreams on a flat screen, dreams that are worth nothing in the reality.

Our generation needs to wake up and understand that TV is not real life and the assumed sense of freedom and security that majority of humans feel after being policed by other humans is only there for being sake.

A problem with that is that our brains interpret the TV as actual interactions with real people. It takes someone who's kinda broken, socially, as I am, to be able to not be hypnotized into cultural affinity with fictional persons and culture on TV programs.

Only some people are even capable of that. You seem to be one.

Sorry about your luck. ;)

Here comes Susie snowflake!

I have had several encounters with law enforcement (in person) and all have been very positive. I am afraid you may be mentally ill and trying to spread your illness to others. You should really try and get some help.

I was a policeman and I can assure you that there are a lot of honest people in those ranks who do their job in a professional manner.

Really? Show me some proof. I know several cops personally, and they all have an "above the law" mentality. Show me the cop who blew the whistle on corruption in the force? THAT is what honest people do. Cops? NEVER.

I'm really sorry if you had a bad experience with cops, it's really awful I was a policeman and with property I tell you not everyone has the bad intentions I'm a family man and I love God .. I can ask you what the world would be like if Policemen did not exist?

The world did not have cops until late in the 19th century. Why did it take 10,000 years after cities started? Clue: It wasn't public demand. It was for public control and protection of an elite at taxpayer's expense. Cops started out with a bad reputation but thru govt. ed and the media that was changed by propaganda. Radio Pictures/RKO made my favorite movies because of real dialogue and scripts that showed it like it was, e.g., the cops in "Maltese Falcon".

The world did not have cops until late in the 19th century.

This is factually incorrect as the first modern police force was created in London in 1829. 1829 is not late in the 19th Century.


Why did it take 10,000 years after cities started?

There are examples of people doing many of the same things as modern police forces. For example, in ancient Athens publicly owned slaves were used for crowd control; Roman vigiles apprehended thieves, runaway slaves and were supported by Urban Cohorts which were heavy anti-riot troops; you had the British constables and Santa Hermandades in Spain during Medieval Europe; Paris created a police force in 1667.

In summation, your claim that there were no cops before the late 19th century is factually wrong on its date for modern police force and factually wrong on the existence of such offices prior the late 19th Century.


It wasn't public demand.

Then explain the voluntary policing organizations such as vigilantes and night-watchmen.

Edit: I use a Chrome extension that reformats Wikipedia into a reader friendly format. It is called Wikiwand. However, as not everyone has Wikiwand I wanted to change a source from Wikiwand to Wikipedia.

I stand corrected. Sorry, I misremembered. Put in context, how important is this compared to the 10 millennia I cited?

Well, around here it would be like JACK YANTIS WOULD STILL BE ALIVE. The lady in New Meadows would not have been raped. That is just in the past couple years AND THIS IS A TINY COUNTY.
Self governance is how we ALL function every day. It is a sign of the arrogant delusional state MOST cops live in that you think the rest of us are good people because of laws and cops. We are good people because we are good people...

You cannot make claims such as person X would still be alive or person Y would not have been raped if cops didn't exist. They may be alive and unraped or someone else may have killed them or raped them.

COPS would not have raped or killed them if there were no cops.

I have had several encounters with poisonous snakes, and all of them have been very positive. But I'm not silly enough to therefore conclude that poisonous snakes are harmless. And if citing real-world examples of real-world violence, injustice, and outright murder, make me "mentally ill," then I'd rather be "mentally ill" than whatever you are.

He didn't read the part about searching YouTube videos ... or was too afraid or busy to check.

It is more likely that a video of negative police activity will be posted to youtube than videos of law enforcement doing the good they do every day. Negativity gets more views and is more newsworthy especially in our current media culture which is largely trying to demonize law enforcement, to what end I don't know. I agree that the power of the state is increasing beyond acceptable levels. I am not sure a 100% lawless society is better than what we have today. Today some law enforcement officials are doing bad things but not the majority. If we lived in a lawless society would there be more peace and safety from the threats of violence from others than we currently have?

This is really worth reading people need to become more aware. Can't wait for part three.

Very intresting read. I completely agree with you, americans are being massively brainwashed and they are probably one of the most brainwashed nations in the world.
Most other places(even a lit of americans I would say)despice the government, but they are brainwashed to think "well, we can't live without it. If only everyone had that "click" in their head. The realisation that the government is a huge mafia of the masses is so close, yet so far.

Can you provide an example of a anarchist society in the modern world that has existed for over two centuries?

Great article. Except using a white middle class lady as example. Its same concept which I agree with of TV heroes being cops so we buy it and don't question its validity because its been sold slowly to us throughtout our generation. I'm obviously a white female. I could give you stories of when I was poor and harrassed by an angry black Memphis cop and then as a upper middle class woman disregarded by cops after assaults multiple times. They literally refused to put a name on someone who publicly assaulted me in front of a NY bar. His friend was charged but not him. Why? He was a Puerto Rican gang banger informant etc & part of their club.

I could tell other stories but the only difference is they pull you over less cause you have a nice car, you probably have insurance. I had a female who worked for Police dept once tell me "I knew you didn't have insurance, look at what your driving" which says volumes about how the departments think.

Its great to see such insight but go see how many middle class whites or business owners got their property seized never to be returned again, even when they don't charge them. They get treated no different in jail. I try to be observant, sensitive and fair so its harder and harder to see the whites have it better. No people with titles & elites do.

When a white woman calls the cops cause her partner just beat her do you think she's recieved better? A white abused child? The trouble may be its so unfathomable to those who've heard whites have it better all their lives that trying to even say look its a myth, ask the little hungry abused white kids in Missisippi, SF (maybe even under the Getty just saying) or anywhere for that matter is not ok.

Even opening up the conversation is seen as war, racism or uh oh Nazi. Its not so I hope we will evolve because racial divides are always beneficial for deep states but never good for the community.

Have you heard of Jack Yantis? That is my little county. I dragged my voluntaryist ass back into the political arena and tried to get a new Sheriff elected. The locals love their local boy, even if he is criminally negligent. If they had just read the Attorney General's report, it was PAINFULLY obvious that the Sheriff colluded with Jack's murderers, for over an hour in the back of a squad car before the State Patrol arrived and separated everyone. People ought to have gone to jail, but no. Deputies not on the force any more, but the Sheriff who hired them (and our local deputy rapist, "Poke'm Yokum") is still in charge, still hiring incompetent thugs and still protecting them when they rape and kill locals. RE- ELECTED. Gawd bless Uhmurka!

You are pointing at the Hegelian Dialectic at work in our community. There is a simply blueprint the hivemind uses to control its slaves. It is a blueprint for mind control. It permeates our schools, gov't, workplaces, and relationships. The key to liberation is awareness. Recognize the signs of control. https://steemit.com/mindcontrol/@jamestrue/a-simple-blueprint-for-mind-control Keep writing friend! Many are still asleep.

This is a very true statement: "very few Americans have any direct way to know what is happening around the world"
Your’s is very deliberate post. Hats off...
But true in your post, "No shit",
I saw part 1 and 3 also.
"Computer monitors and TV screens, and listening to radio broadcasts and “news reports.”
I saw part 1 and 3 also.
"Computer monitors and TV screens, and listening to radio broadcasts and “news reports.”
“Kicking the Dragon,” good keep it up

Great examples of how collective limiting beliefs are created and upheld in society, even if they have no grounding in reality.

USA lives in a constant information bubble

Great and informative alas I have missed part one

If you click on his avatar (his picture) you will be able to look in his blog, and see Part I, and all his other posts, and comments, too.

Poland. The arrest of Robiert Biedroń, then an activist of the organization for the fight against homophobia. He protested against the march of aggressive nationalists during the independence march (national holiday). He says that he is in pain, that he is suffocating, he wants to go his own strength.
0:43 s:
Police: "Biedron, maybe you want in the bottom? A stick in the butt? Faggot ban"

In a world that is not peaceful, neither soldier nor police can provide the order in this contemptuous life that we do not like each other..

One thing I love about Mexico. People aren't fooled like Americans when it comes to "Law Enforcement". I'm always amused when I meet a Mexican and get the opportunity to hear their opinion of the police.

Law enforcement in Mexico is much more corrupt than it is here.

And that's a good thing! =)

So let me get this right... you are saying Fox News is fake? Lol, just kidding. The media is just a tool to distract people from real problems.

You are saying the truth they think we are fools and with some tv series could change our mind.They kill inocent people everyday that is pure fact

In my country, the Fake Experience is working in the opposite direction in relation to the police and all law enforcement agencies. The police initially have the reputation of thieves and scoundrels, the usual greedy people in positions of authority. This is due to the political and economic upheavals of 30 years ago. Corruption has become entrenched in the country at all levels of government. Our parents ' generation massively faced with the arbitrariness of the police and gave this experience to us. So, even not having own real- negative experience with the police, every person in our country perceives them negatively, and always expect trouble.

what is real news?

To night 11 pm.

I am following you. I like is it.

I can attest first hand to what you are talking about. I remember when I was a student driver. I was caught speeding. Not deliberately. It was my third hour and the police pulled me over. My instructor was on the passenger's side and after showing him my learner's license and I asked him to provide me with the documentary evidence that I was speeding. He said he used his judgment and concluded that I was speeding. I said I was not and that if that is the case why not give me a warning or give me some demerit points.

He said no, that is even after my teacher asked him to provide the evidence. In court, while I was cross-examining him, the judge kept cutting me off, and speaking on his behalf. At one point he told the judge that he had evidence that I was speeding. The officer then reached into his pocket and took out some document he then gave to the judge. I was not allowed to see it, and he made his ruiling based on that.

So, I can attest to an unfortunate encounter with the police. They are making their quota and following orders as they say.

For almost as long as I can remember, I've understood the truth of America's police state. Probably because I remember seeing multiple incidents of police shooting my neighbors as a child. I've stared in the face of a stoic, ego tripping cop who knows that what he's charging me with is bullshit.

I've had a few very dark revelations about humanity and one of them is that violence is one of the most effective tools available to us, when it comes to controlling other humans.

Western society has perfected it. Violence while simultaneously throwing up an illusion of non-violence. Non-violence itself has shown to be less than effective, most of the time. Of course, you have the outlier of Ghandi's movement but then again, his people outnumbered the British.

You have definitely earned a like and a follow from me, @larkenrose. Running across people like you makes me think I'm not as crazy as I feel sometimes.

I look forward to your next article. Salute.

Keep up

Kudos on this. I upvoted it and will subscribe. Keep up the great work. ;)

Nice article, but it's missing evidence. Where's the proof? It's one thing to say that Americans are fed horseshit day in and day out, but do you have concrete examples or evidence of said horseshit? I know it exists, but do you? You try and expose this blind trust of law enforcement and the military, but what evidence do you have that anything you're saying is actually occurring. Nice opinion piece, but I'm afraid it's not much more than that.

You REALLY come off like a shill.

WAIT. So you're saying that people like cops and military personnel in movies and TV shows DON'T ACT LIKE MOVIE AND TV CHARACTERS!?
This whole piece can be discredited with one supporting fact: The situations in movies and TV are exaggerated for the purpose of eliciting an emotional response from the audience. REAL cops are REAL people, and like all people from all walks of life, some are jackasses, some are genuinely dedicated to their cause, and most are just doing what they can to get their job done. This doesn't undermine that only a hand full that make the media headlines tend to be assholes, mainly because at the end of the day they're still (if not all, than a fair majority) doing what they can to make the streets safer and responding to 911 calls. This kind of call for blind aggression at authority is misplaced. Instead of looking at cops, look at your politicians, look at your schools, look at your congress and demand more from the people that actually have an impact on you and ACTUALLY use the media to cover up what they don't want you to see.

Once authority to initiate violence is granted, all is lost, no civilized society can exist. But this is done all over the world. When people stop exempting authorities from morality their lives will be changed dramatically. If it's wrong for me to rob you for charity, it's wrong for an authority to rob you to support the state. Where does an authority get his "authority"? If you don't have it and your neighbors don't either, how can authority be created? How can an elite be exempt from morality? Creating such an exemption is unjustified in reason and is a form of self-enslavement. It is an irrational belief based on fear. As such it creates more fear and is self-enforcing until the society self-destructs. This is exactly what is happening as the police brutality increases, groups polarize and attack each other, and the military expands the violence worldwide.

I'm not even disagreeing that when people in a position of power abuse it, it causes dismay with the people. I'm calling you out because this isn't saying fuck "bad cops" and that the cops enlisted sound have to go through measures to ensure they're mentally stable for the job, it's just an edgy middle schooler "FUCK DA POLICE" with a coat of fancy paint

That is a crock of shit. If even a fraction of the provably real convictions of corrupt, evil, criminal cops, are real, then there is no 'test' of mental suitability for the job of being a road pirate that has any meaning whatsoever.

Your contention is like the kid standing behind the principal in middle school, saying 'Yeah!' to the mean kids when he's telling them to be nice to you.

It'll do you just as much good, too, when the principal isn't there to protect you from the bad kids, and they turn out to be the ones that wanted jobs being mean to people and the only ones with firepower, so they can get away with anything they want.

When they want to get away with something of yours, your attitude today will ensure you have no allies to help you.

Think about that.

Dude, you can go on long rants about how I'm defending people who have done nothing wrong all you want, but my argument still stands: because not ALL cops are corrupt and power hungry, it's ignorant, lazy, and childish to attack a people for its extremists. What's funny is I can tell if I apply your logic to Muslims (despite that their holy book calls for the murder of non Muslims) you'd call me a bigot or that if I bring up that the media you hate so much is primarily run and controlled by jews, you'd call me antisemitic.

"Dude, you can go on long rants..."

Not as long as you, apparently. No one is paying me to shill.

You can't make even one true statement. Every sentence you wrote there contains demonstrable untruths.

I shall cease feeding you, troll.

You can't make even one true statement

Not all cops are corrupt, you fucking autist. This isn't an opinion, this is a fact based on unbiased logical reasoning. You're just upset that the fact that you can't LOGICALLY put every cop in the "corrupt" category completely destroys your "BRO ANARCHY FIGHT DA POWER" narrative. Some cops are assholes. Some grocers are assholes. Some teachers are assholes. Some people are assholes. Instead of being a coward and hiding behind a blanket statement, why not attack the ideology of the corruption itself? Because that takes work? Because then you'd have to evaluate people individually? Because then you're not the "so cool freedom fighter" you think you are fighting what you perceive to be the biggest issue in the country? Grow a pair and look at the REAL issues. Race superiority (black, white, brown or otherwise) is an issue. A polarizing society is the issue. Jackasses who believe in nothing but what the mainstream media put out for them (which most of the time isn't the full story or is just a flat out lie meant to misdirect the masses from issues that would otherwise damage their narrative) is the issue. So the next time you think about saying "HUR DUR FUCK DIS GROUP", think for a second: is it the WHOLE group, or is it a handfull that the media prop up because it's more newsworthy to talk about an asshole than a saint? And remember when you polarize, you're doing nothing more than contributing to the "divide and conquer" doctrine that's actually one of the biggest and most deadly issues in modern America.

People are social creatures, and part of our behaviour is to join a group and defend it, even to the death. For patriotism.

This isn't news. It's been abused for millenia, and the folks sucking down blue pills like they're addicts actually are addicts. They're addicted to being slaves.

Those of us that aren't are in the minority. Morality has nothing to do with biology, and expecting people born to be slaves to 'wake up' and become human beings instead of cattle is unrealistic. It is more useful to consider ways in which the woke, but non-psychopathic, those who aren't interested in mastering hordes of slaves, might engender our freedom from the psychopaths.

Maybe when we do that, we'll be able to create a less predatory world for the born slaves. I'm not sure it's really our job, except that we need to keep that resource, the billions of slaves that want to be slaves, out of the hands of psychopaths.

That's a damn tall order, and I sure haven't got a master plan to get it done.

I'd like to see one though, with reasonable chances of success.

Voting isn't the way, and war sucks. What is the third way? I was kinda hoping it might form around crypto.

Still am.

Instead of excluding cops from your list of people that abuse the tyrannical powers they seek, and attain, because they crave power, I suggest you rethink your position.

Try to make some friends that are cops. Hang out with them, and laugh at their stories.

Before long, you will find out you were very wrong.

They'll tell you so.

I'm simply saying to conclude ALL cops are bad is polarizing and factually incorrect. The second you make an entire subset of society your enemy is the second you're no better than a racist who can't accept that all of one race don't act the same.

Don't tell me. I'm not one of those road pirates.

I've known cops for years. I had to. What I told you to do is exactly what I did, and what I told you they'd tell you is what they told me themselves.

Also, you're talking about cops, the guys walking around with guns, and being all bad ass alla time. Who do you think wants that job? It ain't for little old ladies. It's a job for guys that WANT to be badasses walking around with guns beating people up and getting praised by a fawning (frightened) public for it.

My suspicion is justified on that basis. My knowledge is based on my experience.

You're better off without the experiences, trust me. Or don't.

I just hope you don't learn I'm right, the wrong way.

Dude I'm coming out of the air force, I know cops and security forces guys. They're like everyone else; some are jackasses, some are passionate about making a difference, and some are just doing what they're paid to do, like any other job. Also, no, to assume people become cops just to "be a badass" is presumptuous and in the cases where I've seen some men and WOMEN (coming off a little sexist there, champ) join law enforcement was to make a difference in the community with their own hands. Get over yourself.

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One of the things that lead to believing in fake reality is also the increasing distance between people. Technological progress and work specialization result in people becoming more and more closed and self-oriented. That's why, when someone gets hurt in the street, most people don't care, they think "this won't happen to me" (if they think at all) and just pass by. We have a hard time to identify ourselves with other human beings. Actually, I've recently posted an article about human life worth philosophy. I would love to hear your opinion about it. Cheers!

Your post is Great! The sample pictures you posted are smart match to the stories. I follow and upvote you.

Yes its correct

thanks for sharing :)

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good article, I like your post, I am very good at making an article, and I need to deepen my knowledge about writing, I really need the writing from senior like you, thanks

what's real? what isn't? each person have a reality for themselves and each reality it's a fantasy into the person.. so it's a fake reality?
Great post dude.

That right

Thank's @larkenrose
I can get some knowledge from your post

As an American yes I am brainwashed. Do I fear police officers, yes. Do I feel they are bad, in general no. The use of their power allows them enforce law. Don't bother them usually keeps you away from trouble. When you encounter them just obey by the law. If you ever feel they are crossing the line you can always speak up.

"If you ever feel they are crossing the line you can always speak up."

I promise if you do that when a cop is done raping you, you will regret it.

I've seen exactly that happen, and there was't a damn thing I could do to help the guy.

No one will help you, either, when you speak up, unless you form associations with good people that will protect you. Then the cop will rape someone else. Usually.

They're usually smart enough to pick on weak victims, like all bullies.

I always believe what comes around goes around. Everyone someday will meet their maker. It is true I have been taken advantage of many times just by the color of my skin, but as time passes and each experience I retain I become more ingrained to react like any common sense person will react. You are exactly right with joining a group of good people. People can always be proactive without the use of violence.

"...always be proactive..."

There are few things I will agree with more strongly than this.

When someone threatens to screw a gun into your ear, however, as has happened to me, it may not always be possible to end the threat without violence.

Fortunately for me, the Police and Fire Commissioner fired that cop the day I told them.

Problem solved, because good associations already formed. No shootout necessary.

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very considerable post, you are so fantastic in making a post thanks for sharing

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great share. everybody should read clearly

Very true people too often take the movie example of cops as real. Thing are not as bad in England as US but getting there rapidly as @dannyshine shows.
There are a very few good apples. From my experience on cop who unfortunately passed are from a heart attack at only 52. He had thousands of people walk his beat in his memory. He was a fair and decent human, I can across in may time he was very fair and kind. If I was intoxicated (legal or illegal) he would say go home and always give you an option. He let us party as long as it was not disturbing others RIP!
But this experience has massively been out weight but the bad nasty cops I have come across! He was a protector an example of what police should be but unfortunately that example has gone now and the police are getting increasingly thuggish and violent here in the UK too, but still people think of them has authority !

Most of the police are crupt but not all some angles are also working they do their 100 percent. In every field there are good people are present. Lets Hope for the good