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RE: Mainstream Culture — What a shithole!

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

We have to agree on something: Christians run the spectrum from complete pacifists (Amish, Mennonites, Quakers, etc.) to outright savages: the Roman Crusaders of the Middle Ages. And frankly, the more a sect utilizes the jewish old testament, the more war-like he will be. So, I tend to be right in the middle which would be reflected best by Oliver Cromwell's Puritans... i.e., those who settled Jamestown, VA. Picture Christians of Switzerland today. A whole nation of WELL REGULATED MILITIA, but NEVER AGGRESSING, nor meddling in other nations. Therefore, it's best to pick on the Christians who you see, in particular being hypocritical to the NT expressions in the Gospel and Epistles. Sort of like Jesus does with the 7 Churches in Rev. 2 and 3. Now, in self-defense, MIGHT ISN'T ONLY RIGHT, it's demanded by Jesus if you are to have a family. WDJE? What Does Jesus Expect? Liberty First, then we Talk Peace.