Mainstream Culture — What a shithole!

in #anarchy7 years ago


What a shithole.

Folks all over social media are “outraged” over Trump saying “shithole” when referring to other countries, but have no problems with either his or Barack Obama’s drone bombing of innocent children in these “shithole” countries.

The irony and dark amusement never ends, when it comes to the sheep crowd.

I’m using this opportunity, and the gif file above, to invite the more aware individuals on these platforms over to Steemit. Things are a lot less “shithole-y” over here, in my view.


A couple months ago it was Russians rigging elections, then it was whether or not folks would kneel or stand for the magic rag salute. Now, it’s a remark made by a reality TV show president that has everyone so “SCANDALIZED”!!!

Show them a picture of the kids Obama and Trump bomb and mutilate and these same amoebas will say “Meh” and go back to chugging their Biff Lite beer on the couch and pontificating loudly on this or that “moral virtue.”

Click this link to see what’s really happening:

It’s happening under Trump, too. And on an even greater scale. Whether or not Trump said “shithole” or not, is not the issue. The issue is a bunch of virtue-signaling dummies pretending to be outraged at crimes against humanity, etc, when really, they don’t give a good goddamn at all, as long as their hair is in place, mom’s credit card works, and their “protest outfit” skinny jeans are tight enough.

The talking heads on the news are exactly the same. A bunch of faux “outrage.” They can all get fucked. For those of you with me here on planet earth. Godspeed and god bless.

Peace, Love, and Anarchy!




Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Show them a picture of the kids Obama and Trump bomb and mutilate and these same amoebas will say “Meh” and go back to chugging their Biff Lite beer on the couch and pontificating loudly on this or that “moral virtue.”

Exactly mate, that's what you get from a propagandized, dumbed down citizenry.
"Fuck Yeah, drop those peace bombs U S A, U S A, U S A."
Repeat until brain dead
Makes me fucking sick mate.
Great post.

People are more scandalized about Trump calling Haiti a "shithole" behind closed doors, than they are of the Clintons using their faux-charity Clinton Organization to rip off Haiti people.... Un Real! And Haiti is a shithole. I've known people who have visited and some of them even used that exact word to describe their experience there.


@kafkanarchy84 SHIT everywhere in any government! Hahaha

Amen. “Government” is shit. Voluntary and consensual governance based solely on individual self-ownership and private property, on the other hand—now that, gives me a boner!

It makes more and more sense.

Like philosophically and ideally I agree with anarchism and voluntaryism, but can we at least admit that Hillary Clinton and her family are a bunch of occultist, corrupt murdering satanists? Owned by Soros and the House of Rothschild? And John Podesta and his brother are sicko pedophiles that should be locked up? Seth Rich was the confirmed leaker for Wikileaks and got whacked exposing the corrupt DNC ran by the Clintons that stole the nomination from Bernie??? WARNING LINK NSFW // CONTAINS CONTENT OF JOHN PODESTA TORTURING A CHILD // YOU'VE BEEN WARNED here

Yeah, I've heard about these things, no way I will click the link though, it was enough when I read a couple of facts/stories about this topic a few months ago. Just shocking. As @kafkanarchy84 said, the mass won't care about these things. They are way too busy watching and being involved in the circus.

So your ignorance and apathy is justified by the ignorance and apathy of others? I get your point but the truth needs to be spoken. I don't care if you just watch NPR and CNN all day and work for CPS, I'm going to tell you that John Podesta is a pedophile and that he should be hanged for his crimes not walking free, writing columns for the WashingtonPost owned by Jeff Besos, not because the constitution but because those are the laws of nature bestowed by God. Cause if you're not aware, then you're assuredly an apathetically ignorant individual who's only contributing to the mass apathetic ignorance. The lack of intelligence or concern in the masses is not a reason to demonize them but to pity them, and in that we should help them and try to save them, at least to a practical extent. I'm really a nobody as far as influence goes.. so sorta just arguing for the sake of arguing but I feel that is truth.. Appreciate your sentiments nonetheless!

yes. how would something like this be halted in an anarcho-libertarian world?

@fundposhprincess Well, that's really a more complex question than I was asking. I was just saying that it's far better having Trump than the satanic cabal in control. Even with Trump in though, we have not seen any true justice dealt to these perps and they have not been "halted" in any sort of judicious manner, only prevented from further devouring our children and tax dollars. So let us pray the Good Lord gives this country the strength to hang these goblins. God Bless Trump!

The terrors of the Military industrial takeover of the upper echelons of govt may never be fully known but at least Q dropping bombs

I wish it were still laughable. Unfortunately, it's starting to get kind of heartbreaking. I'm losing faith in my fellow man...

Thankfully I've stopped following these things and spend way less time being angry over hypocrite people making tantrums over trivial shit while doing the exact same thing or turning their heads away from the problems they should care about.

Most people who are vocal about these things won't care about anything horrifying. Never, ever. I've witnessed that plenty of times. They contradict/make a fool of themselves in a few minutes because most of them don't think but regurgitate the actual hyped story the media feed them. That's why they go around crying about sexist airconditioners, racist movies(for placing a white guy in the leading role, think about that logic), objectification of women IN VIDEO GAMES :D:D:D and mean words of different people instead of anything serious that would make a change.

i always do get a kick out of their priorities lol

Good morning kafka.. It sad that such world figures gives such statements.. when all eyes are on them..
Resteemed..and upvoted..

It's a open secret friends history tells us government everytime laugh and dance for our ignorance and foolishness. They are the scavagese, they every time need flash and blood of the people, but we people always believe them and always victimized by then. I am always the follower of the world peace and brotherhood philosophy, but all these shits! It's a burning issues of the modern world, we make awear and united together to make a strong bond among us to find out the way. Thanks for sharing such a valuable lesson, have a good day friend.

Well the thing is most people already established a hatred for Trump and that's why they are finding faults in everything he say or do

Culture told them to hate him, so they did. Culture told them to worship Obama, so they did.

@kafkanarchy84 however I think obama's oratory abilities made them people blind to his overturez

Well I can't explain why it's so

Bingo. The sheeple do as their MSM shepherds command. It's sad and quite scary what millennials think these days, especially.

all i can say is you guys voted for the douch and yall knew he was a douch

I’d correct you there just a little, as I am an individual, and certainly not part of “you guys.” Plus, I didn’t vote. It doesn’t matter anyway, though. Any president would have continued the murder spree. That’s just the nature of the worldwide religion know as statism.

You are right, it's either one or the other, usual whatever evil you think won't be the worse.

Anarcho-libertarians need to "pick a place". The world needs to see what would happen if your "fortress" would actually work as well as you promote. This needs to be PRIORITY NO. 1 and the Anarchapulco '18 event. Roger Ver started something, but seemingly, has died on the vine.

You can be outrage by Trump calling countries shitholes AND be outrage by Obama and Trump for bombing children at the same time -I don't see the contradiction here. Yes bombing civilians is horrific, and also creating hate against other people by the American president, or being racist is horrific, as it can justify those actions. A lot of people listen to him. It's a classic divide and rule policy.

It's all a distraction. They are losing and desperate.

Luke8:17 - For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be revealed.

What do you expect from a culture that preaches peace and worships guns, teaches forgiveness and maintains the death penalty, and praises liberty while housing the worlds largest prison population? We are a nation of bigots, hypocrites and armchair warriors. Give no credence to anything the american majority says.

we "worship guns", because we value FREEDOM over peace. So as for the "death penalty". Assuming a 100% certainty over a capital crime... such as what we have on Podesta and Clinton. What is the alternative to setting them ablaze after a dousing of gasoline? Do tell.


What freedom do we earn by gunning each other down in the streets?

What freedom do we gain by selling arms indiscriminately to foreign countries for the sake of profit? Arms that have been used to kill US soldiers for the past 17 years.

This is how we stay free?

why do you insist on clouding the issue? if I somehow promote a meddling foreign policy with a "standing army", when in fact, I am talking about the justice system and protecting privacy and private property. And i am not talking about an anarchic justice system which might include "gunning each other down in the streets". So no, THAT is not how we stay free. That is not how we properly use guns. Shall we tackle this intelligently under the spirit by which the Founders penned the 2nd Amendment? Let's start over, yes?

Certainly! And I highly respect your request for focused and intelligent recourse, by the way.

I understand what you are saying about our right to bear arms for the defense of life and property, and respect for the wisdom of the framers of the Bill of Rights.

But this began with commentary on my use of the term "gun worshipers", so I need to clarify my use of the term.

I find it hard to respect a society that is so full of flagrant contradictions;

Christians, so-called followers of Jesus, beating war drums, populating the NRA, and executing prisoners, Bible in one hand and pistol in the other.

Self-proclaimed "patriots" demanding that other people be censored or punished economically simply for straying from the opinion of the majority.

Democratic leaders of the "Free World" imposing world peace at gunpoint.

I condemn the spirit of "gun worship"; the "might is right" mentality that makes us the most violent, most untrustworthy and most feared nation on the globe.

We have to agree on something: Christians run the spectrum from complete pacifists (Amish, Mennonites, Quakers, etc.) to outright savages: the Roman Crusaders of the Middle Ages. And frankly, the more a sect utilizes the jewish old testament, the more war-like he will be. So, I tend to be right in the middle which would be reflected best by Oliver Cromwell's Puritans... i.e., those who settled Jamestown, VA. Picture Christians of Switzerland today. A whole nation of WELL REGULATED MILITIA, but NEVER AGGRESSING, nor meddling in other nations. Therefore, it's best to pick on the Christians who you see, in particular being hypocritical to the NT expressions in the Gospel and Epistles. Sort of like Jesus does with the 7 Churches in Rev. 2 and 3. Now, in self-defense, MIGHT ISN'T ONLY RIGHT, it's demanded by Jesus if you are to have a family. WDJE? What Does Jesus Expect? Liberty First, then we Talk Peace.

" shithole-y " They should be told to people who comment outside the subject at Steemit

I really could not care less about Trump but when I see media crucification that he is getting I fell sorry for the guy. Compare coverage on him and Obama. And if you see whenever he has a interview with some major TV channel they are always trying to put him in tight corner, literally nitpicking about every damn thing he does. Obvius anti-propaganda, enough said about U.S.A neutral journalism. Great article btw

well, am glad you are such a kind beings about humanity, but the truth remains that the evil that men does, always lives behind them.

A child who doesn't allow his mum to sleep at night can never sleep too.

Power is good, but if you use it against yourself(humanity) it will someday backfired.

They all are sowing seed for theirselves, and when the seed grows to a tree and beer fruits, they will all reap from it.


Mike... Fellow brother in Christ. May I beg you to find someone who writes and speaks English as his first language to help edit your posts. Let me help with this one:
Well, I am glad you are such a kind being in regard to humanity, but the truth remains: the evil which men do, always lives behind them. (I think best expressed as: follows them in their wake... Is Galatians 6:7-8 what you are trying to utilize?)

A child who doesn't allow his mum to sleep at night will never sleep, either.

Power is good, but if you use it against yourself, (humanity) it will someday backfire (or boomerang).

They all are sowing seeds for themselves; when a seed grows to a tree and bears fruit, they will all reap from it.

That floats quite well. Praise Jesus.

thank you belove brother in christ

well most of the world leaders don't care about the feelings of people.

Yeah, they do. They LOVE when we suffer and fight with each other. The more we have negative feelings the happy they are. Have you seen that vid of John Podesta torturing that little boy in the shower? Check it out:

This is the best way to stop these shitstorms:

And I wish they would all get fucked.

Finally someone ready to speak the truth.

Wit it. I am right along with you in all thinking all the bullshit news out there and the insane hypocrisy and allllll of that shitt.

Too people just want to be seen to be concerned, to be supposedly active, to be doing something about the problems. They wear their silly ribbons, yet continue living their lives doing absolutely nothing about any of this.

Like you rightly say - what about all those innocents being droned in these countries? Oh, listen to that - silence. Their care factor ends when there is no applause to be had, and no ego trip to receive. Mass society and mass culture is sick.

Glad to know other people get it.

Good post!!

It's a nice little game people like to play along with for some unknown stupid ass reasons fun

"POO" Time to make the headlines. I'm not really up to date to the mainstream media these days. Watching the mainstream Media is like, watching a dog lay a turd on a sandy beach. The word shithole basically sums up their whole coverage. Their headline stories is like watching shit float down a sewage drain. Alright, enough shitty references, shit is starting to stink.

Well said. I focus on the bigger picture and not the distraction provided.

No matter what is said or done there is always gonna be someone butthurt what is said or done because people don’t know how to stop being so dang sensitive!!!

Favorite post I've seen today =)

It's too rare to see folks calling shit the way it is, and I am glad you do.


Its starting to be heart breaking :(

The only shithole is the one below the nose of the current POTUS.


magic rag

... Love it.

All politics are usually criminals...