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RE: Mainstream Culture — What a shithole!

in #anarchy7 years ago

we "worship guns", because we value FREEDOM over peace. So as for the "death penalty". Assuming a 100% certainty over a capital crime... such as what we have on Podesta and Clinton. What is the alternative to setting them ablaze after a dousing of gasoline? Do tell.



What freedom do we earn by gunning each other down in the streets?

What freedom do we gain by selling arms indiscriminately to foreign countries for the sake of profit? Arms that have been used to kill US soldiers for the past 17 years.

This is how we stay free?

why do you insist on clouding the issue? if I somehow promote a meddling foreign policy with a "standing army", when in fact, I am talking about the justice system and protecting privacy and private property. And i am not talking about an anarchic justice system which might include "gunning each other down in the streets". So no, THAT is not how we stay free. That is not how we properly use guns. Shall we tackle this intelligently under the spirit by which the Founders penned the 2nd Amendment? Let's start over, yes?

Certainly! And I highly respect your request for focused and intelligent recourse, by the way.

I understand what you are saying about our right to bear arms for the defense of life and property, and respect for the wisdom of the framers of the Bill of Rights.

But this began with commentary on my use of the term "gun worshipers", so I need to clarify my use of the term.

I find it hard to respect a society that is so full of flagrant contradictions;

Christians, so-called followers of Jesus, beating war drums, populating the NRA, and executing prisoners, Bible in one hand and pistol in the other.

Self-proclaimed "patriots" demanding that other people be censored or punished economically simply for straying from the opinion of the majority.

Democratic leaders of the "Free World" imposing world peace at gunpoint.

I condemn the spirit of "gun worship"; the "might is right" mentality that makes us the most violent, most untrustworthy and most feared nation on the globe.

We have to agree on something: Christians run the spectrum from complete pacifists (Amish, Mennonites, Quakers, etc.) to outright savages: the Roman Crusaders of the Middle Ages. And frankly, the more a sect utilizes the jewish old testament, the more war-like he will be. So, I tend to be right in the middle which would be reflected best by Oliver Cromwell's Puritans... i.e., those who settled Jamestown, VA. Picture Christians of Switzerland today. A whole nation of WELL REGULATED MILITIA, but NEVER AGGRESSING, nor meddling in other nations. Therefore, it's best to pick on the Christians who you see, in particular being hypocritical to the NT expressions in the Gospel and Epistles. Sort of like Jesus does with the 7 Churches in Rev. 2 and 3. Now, in self-defense, MIGHT ISN'T ONLY RIGHT, it's demanded by Jesus if you are to have a family. WDJE? What Does Jesus Expect? Liberty First, then we Talk Peace.