
Communist shithole.

It is. Especially Vancouver Island where I live currently. Across the channel in Vancouver they've just announced that they're now doing "pre-crime arrests."
Leaving for Nicaragua this fall.

Lmao, you are delusional. I used to like your stuff, but can now see you are a plain old crack pot. Statements like that bust my gut.

You're just mad he doesn't have to pay for your crappy healthcare anymore.

LOL no the guy is delusional. Canada is widely regarded as one the best places on earth to live. This guy is a quaack. Cant believe I supported him here on steemit as long as I did. The guy is off his rocker and you are all enabling him.

Way to upvote your own comment too. Lame

I've been to Canada before, several times - except for Vancouver it pretty much eats a bag a dicks.

You obviously went to shit holes. Cause it well known that Canada is one the best places to live in the world.

Dumb ass. Jeff's pretty much on point. Listening to him has changed my life completely.

How's that housing market going? And what about Trudeau's pledge to the Queen of England? "A loyal subject"? And how about getting "points" for being a good citizen??? I love the people of Canada, but much like the US, it's going to hell in a handbasket.

Things are great in Canada quit confusing us with Americans

Canada is as bad as the USA.
Just because the country says its the best does not mean its true Gavin?
I gave up my Citizenship/slavery card three years ago. Stay there with the rest of the Sheeple.

LOL the country doesnt say it. Quit acting like a jack ass and get out side. Calling me a sheeple lol. You sound like a joke. "I gave up my Citizenship/slavery card three years ago. " - Mental issues.


Your housing prices are as bad as ours. How many Canadians can afford to buy a house?

Also, look at your 10Y bond yields -- just as low as the US:

Or your growth rate... 0.9%? That's not good growth:

Take a pill bud. Go get some fresh air lol.