An Interview With The President of the Freest Country On Earth - Vit Jedlicka of Liberland

in #anarchy7 years ago

One of my most popular posts here on Steemit was nearly a year ago and called, Why I Left Canada and Became A Citizen of the Dominican Republic.

In it I detailed how I had become a citizen of the Dominican Republic after ten years of residency (despite being told it would be 2 years when I began... which is very normal) and how I was glad to have an option beside the citizenship forced upon me at birth by Canada along with millions of dollars in extortion.

The Dominican Republic (DR) was a step-up from Canada as they extort their own tax slaves a lot less if they happen to make most of their money outside of the country... but I was still a tax slave.

That's why I was thrilled when this year I was not only bestowed with citizenship but even given the title of a diplomatic ambassador for the freest country on Earth, Liberland!

Liberland's President is an anarcho-capitalist and he intends for the country to be as ancap as possible while still meeting sufficient criteria to be recognized as a country by currently existing countries. And, one of the very ancap policies is that taxation in Liberland is completely voluntary.

It's actually an incredibly exciting and ingenius way of forming a country and will serve as a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world much the same way America did hundreds of years ago but not any longer.

I had the opportunity last week at Freedomfest to sit down with the President of my country, Vit Jedlicka, where we discussed how phenomenally well Liberland has been progressing and the exciting prospects for its future.

You can see it here:

Liberland is located between Croatia and Serbia and I am hoping to visit my motherland in person later this year!


I found some interesting information about Liberland on wikipedia,

Very interesting, thanks for more great content Jeff!

Also, here is the website to register your business in Liberland!

Liberland's President is an anarcho-capitalist

I am a voluntaryist and even though that country looks free-er than the rest of the world (for now) , the title of president doesnt sound right. I'd believe that such a country would have a council of supervisors, with nobody in command. That is how I see it for the movement I kickstarted a few months ago

I am unsure and there is a fair chance that I am incorrect but perhaps he is president only as a ceremonial position so the country would be recognized as such. I am sure neighboring countries would have no problem with the legitimacy of them but large organizations/countries probably dispute the claim.

And it's 1st time I hear of such a country...
Citizenship costs $5000 in donations hmm...

That is a lot cheaper than the U.S.A. citizen registry process when you total all expenses.
What happened to the days when freedom cost a buck o'five?

You can also contribute the same value in work for Liberland.

I dont know enough about liberland - yet - to sustain a conversation but yeah, its plausible

but here is a starter:

The President is the head of the provisional government of Liberland, until the first democratic elections.

Dear Jeff, you've got too many great stories/posts. Please slow down a bit so I can catch up! :) All the best!

Liberland here I come ;)


I'm so glad you reminded me of this place.

Here comes @jeffberwick again with his unusual announcements. I just took a short break from sleep to check what's cooking with hard fork and surprise surprise, Jeff's video with the president of Liberland (never heard of this country before). Going back to sleep now. I'm still on 9 to 5 slavery. will watch the video later. Good morning.

He was on Reason TV or Dr Paulºs Liberty Report a long while back, when it was still forming and both armies of Croatia and Serbia were preventing people from accessing Liberland.

Looks more interesting

Very inspiring, my lady and I are looking to apply for citizenship in a Central American country as well within the next year or two. Thank you for all of the fantastic advice with the Eth, you the man Jeff.

Great video,Jeff!
Liberland is one of the most controversial things in Croatia and Serbia, in both countries some people claim Jedlicka just wants attention while others praise the guy,claiming his actions to be that of a real freedom fighter.

@jeffberwick im interested in the HK bank account with Liberland Residence, can you give out further details ablut that?

I had fun meeting VIT at Freedom Feast! Such a leader! 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

True freedom is not dependent upon place.

Liberland sounds amazing. How safe will it be, nestled in Europe with all of the crap going on at the moment?

no place is safe anymore

sad but true.....the big island of hawaii feels very free to me......especially the puna district and the reinstating of the hawaiian kingdom...

I dont know if you know it, but Hawaii has the highest homeless rate in the country. It is so bad that it threatens its economy

This is super interesting. I love some of the ideas and will be following up to see how it develops.

@jeffberwick Dude we have so much in common being from Canada and seeking more freedoms. This is unreal! :D

Woah an interview with a president ? That must have been exciting thing to do ! You are a very interesting man.

Anarchist style

Congrats on the citizenship. May your next 10 yrs be as free as your last 10.

sounds like a great place, and if they allow graffiti, even better! How do I get there?

Congratulations for the honor of your interview! I bet it was exciting and rewarding. Always enjoy your wise perspective.

I must go there, too. I'm thinking very seriously of including Liberland as a setting in a novel I'm working on. Research is in order!

Please feel free to contact us any time, I would love to read a novel based in my adopted country of Liberland :) [email protected] or [email protected]

You will definitely be hearing from me! :)

I just sent an email, @reonardun!

He was recently in Charlottesville, VA and left voicemail about wanting to meet up. My cell phone could not call his cell phone back however. He had a really weird overseas number, and T-mobile was not making the connection. I was very disappointed to say the least. Hopefully he doesn't think I was ignoring him!

LMAO. Canada is amazing. One the best countries on earth. You will not be missed.

Communist shithole.

It is. Especially Vancouver Island where I live currently. Across the channel in Vancouver they've just announced that they're now doing "pre-crime arrests."
Leaving for Nicaragua this fall.

Lmao, you are delusional. I used to like your stuff, but can now see you are a plain old crack pot. Statements like that bust my gut.

You're just mad he doesn't have to pay for your crappy healthcare anymore.

LOL no the guy is delusional. Canada is widely regarded as one the best places on earth to live. This guy is a quaack. Cant believe I supported him here on steemit as long as I did. The guy is off his rocker and you are all enabling him.

Way to upvote your own comment too. Lame

I've been to Canada before, several times - except for Vancouver it pretty much eats a bag a dicks.

You obviously went to shit holes. Cause it well known that Canada is one the best places to live in the world.

Dumb ass. Jeff's pretty much on point. Listening to him has changed my life completely.

How's that housing market going? And what about Trudeau's pledge to the Queen of England? "A loyal subject"? And how about getting "points" for being a good citizen??? I love the people of Canada, but much like the US, it's going to hell in a handbasket.

Things are great in Canada quit confusing us with Americans

Canada is as bad as the USA.
Just because the country says its the best does not mean its true Gavin?
I gave up my Citizenship/slavery card three years ago. Stay there with the rest of the Sheeple.

LOL the country doesnt say it. Quit acting like a jack ass and get out side. Calling me a sheeple lol. You sound like a joke. "I gave up my Citizenship/slavery card three years ago. " - Mental issues.

Your housing prices are as bad as ours. How many Canadians can afford to buy a house?

Also, look at your 10Y bond yields -- just as low as the US:

Or your growth rate... 0.9%? That's not good growth:

Take a pill bud. Go get some fresh air lol.

Liberland sounds amazing, am gonna look into it and sign up to their email newsletter :) Never knew such a country existed :)Thanks for sharing

@jeffberwick, I say we all STEEM that way today.
All in favor?

Signed up :)

The principal! He will give me TP! I would hate for my bungholio to get polio....Where I come from, we have no bunghole.

I gotta check this out, I have never heard of it before. Thanks Jeff!

This is awesome. Did you have to give up your Canadian citizenship? I would give mine up in a heartbeat if I didn't have family there.

I would like to go to Liberland.

It is very possible now. Just contact us.

Wow, I was not aware this was even a thing. Goes to show the power of blockchain technology and how it can inspire new countries!

Definitely wouldn't mind dual citizenship in case Liberland becomes recognised by more important countries in the future.

Crazy, very interesting.

Sandwiched between two countries who hate each other intensely, what could go wrong?

I wonder how he intends to defend his foundling country. Staring competition? Best of three of rock, paper, scissors? Tic-tac-toe?

Just seems the deck is massively stacked against a physical country starting out. Its better to just circumvent the whole thing using crypto. And we are.

It's basically a flood plain too with no development. I admire their effort, but there are other places that provide better options. Mexico where @jeffberwick is and Panama where @hilarski is are good choices.

I think physical sovereign states are obsolete anyway. Its just a matter of time before the world catches up to that notion. Virtual assets and citizens are more flexible than an arbitrary collection of geographically dictated population centers.

But like usual, I'm ahead of the pack until things catch up 5-10 years later.

I hope to see it. I am tired of tax farms and imaginary lines.

Upvoted and also resteemed!

Great video

Free Liberland n Tibet 💃💃💃

Hear! Hear!

Congrats Cuz

Is there a population cap? How will they expand territory? Buy it from neighboring countries?

Listening now, hope you don't cover these topics.

I am Canadian I should read up more on this. I've been to the Dominican and would love to live there.

You lucky bum Jeff, I'm still waiting for my application to be approved to give up my Canadian piece of shit passport.
Be well.

Ok. Does Liberland have its own military? Once it becomes prosperous Serbia/Croatia will want a piece of it. They can also place an embargo on this nation since they surround it. Wide open for extortion. Human Nature is Human Nature.

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