A few thoughts on Anarchy from a post-apartheid South Africa (not for the squeamish)

in #anarchy9 years ago (edited)

It was a Monday night. The air was cool and crisp.

I had just finished up whatever it was that caused me to go to the farm that night and was walking to my pickup truck.

Then I heard it…

The sound that haunts me to this day and still sends shivers down my spine whenever I think of it.

It didn’t then…

At first I thought it was an animal in distress… I waited listening to see if I could hear it again because it sounded so eerie.

A hoarse pathetic long drawn out wail

There it was again, drifting down from the mountain on the cool evening breeze… the cold thick air enabling sound to travel much further at night and assisted by the breeze heading into the valley to where my bakkie (pickup) was parked.

By the third time… and even more alert now I said to my mother, who had come out of the house to see me off, “that sounds human…”

It was coming from the vicinity of the neighbor’s property with his dogs barking and sounding upset “I better go check it out” I said.

I drove up the dirt track to the top part of our farm to as close as I could get to the neighbors sheds. It’s like fort knox up there. High walls and razor wire, so I went to the fence where the dogs were barking and called out… no response.

I called out a couple more times and shone my torch over the wall through the razor wire, but still the only response I got was from yapping fox terriers…

It must be the donkeys, I concluded and since it was now after 9pm and I still had an hour’s drive back home to town, I delivered the news that it seemed like nothing was out of the ordinary and went on my way.

At 5am with things beginning to stir on the farm my mother heard the pathetic wails again… this time much hoarser and fainter. So when the farm laborers arrived, at first light, she instructed Gerry, the tractor driver, to get over that wall and not to come back until he had spoken to the old man that looks after the place, to determine which animal was suffering.

Gerry came back with even more distressing news…

It was the old man….

He had been tied up with wire and was in bad shape… we would have to get the police and an ambulance as soon as possible.

To cut a long story short… The gang of local scrap metal thieves had entered the property, beaten up the old man that looks after the place… dragged him to a deserted spot on the mountain and… here is the worst of it… Inserted his body into a black plastic garbage bag. The intent was obviously not to do him in right then and there but to let the sun do its work in the daytime and have him roast and die of heat stroke in the black plastic sack.

That was Saturday night…

He had managed to wriggle his way out of the bag but that did not save him from the exposed position he had been placed in. In the two days and three nights he had lain there the sun had burned blisters on any exposed skin and his hands had swelled up like balloons from the wire cutting into his wrists. He was hungry, severely dehydrated and in a lot of pain.

At first he had been too scared to call for help and when I had eventually responded to his cries, the night before, he thought it was the gang that had returned and had remained silent. It’s a good thing Gerry found him that Tuesday morning, he would not have lasted another day.

Criminality is one thing, but barbaric cruelty is another.

South African crime is particularly barbarous and it’s not always race related as some like to imply. This incident above was black on black.

Another of my farm neighbors suffered an ordeal that began in the daytime and lasted many hours. The gang was waiting for him inside his house when he arrived home. They had been falsely tipped off that he kept large sums of cash at his house.

To keep another long story short… they waited for his wife to come home so that they could gang rape her in front of him to get him to talk… a favorite tactic these days. When she did not put in an appearance they resorted to another favorite tactic.

The humble household iron…

They stripped him naked and proceeded to “iron” his thighs and more sensitive parts to extract the information they wanted.

Suffice it to say, they eventually left after clearing the fridge, cooking themselves dinner and leaving him alive but unable to walk properly for a while.

What does this have to do with anarchy you ask?

South Africa has seen some deplorable forms of government. Apartheid benefitted the whites who lived in very ordered and law abiding areas but the “black” areas were often very poorly governed and in some cases completely lawless no-go zones.

Add to that the forced removals, disruption of family life and uprooting of communities and you create a breeding ground for all kinds of nastiness.

Stir into the mix poverty, poor education, lack of opportunity and a migrant labor system.
Since blacks had to live in “home lands” but “black labor” was required on the mines, men would leave their homes to live in “hostels”. These hostels are still today, at times, some of the most violent and lawless places on earth.

Image from http://www.aljazeera.com/

The migrant labor system also deprived families of fathers and husbands and boys of good examples to emulate… mothers had to fend for themselves and children raise themselves. The simplest form of government, the family and home life was destroyed. Small wonder a large percentage of youth grew up on the streets and gravitated towards criminal gangs. These youth have grown up and continue to breed more of their ilk. This is a multi-generational problem now and manifests itself in sheer depravity.

Decades on we are still picking the bitter fruit of poorly conceived policies and governance.

The apartheid government barely cared about crime in the black areas, the current government is overwhelmed and to busy “swilling at the trough” to do anything meaningful… you need to be dead for the semblance of anything to be done.

Murder and rape trial conviction statistics are generally in the single figures, and those are the cases that get to court. Attempted murder and grievous assault are almost treated like petty crime.

Don’t get me wrong South Africa is a beautiful country with beautiful and friendly people… you just need to watch your own back… the current incarnation of the law and government is not going to do it for you…

I might share my own personal horror stories with crime with you someday…

If we look north to the Middle East. We see the disruption of dictatorships and the ensuing chaos in their wake. The Gadhafi, Assad and other regimes are and were detestable but the still offered most of their societies a protection from the worst parts of human nature that resides within each of us.

Anarchist must beware that in their idealizing of anarchist utopia they do not forget that lawfulness and governance no matter how warped they are often protect societies from their worst selves.

It is when these completely break down that the true evolved beast within is unleashed.


I like the idea of being an anarchist and agree that it does seem idiotic to let ourselves be ruled by those who are clearly only concerned about their own interests.

This article raises a very valid point though, and the question to me: How, when governments have created dysfunctional societies (ours in SA is a perfect example) can we move to a non-violent anarchist society, when there clearly will be large groups that will take advantage of the lack of laws and consequences to riot, loot, rape, pillage and murder?

We live in an amazing country, and I do have so much hope for our future. But it is also a very dangerous country.

There are groups doing this now, under the government that exists. The real question is how can we move away from the governments that aren't serving humanity's interest ?

I agree, I it is exactly the "how" that I am interested in, and also the "how" to deal with criminal elements in an anarchist world. Because I'm from SA, crime is always a major factor to consider.

Since governments have existed for thousands of years, the first step would be how do governments deal with crime, since they've been the power structure we allow to rule us. Is there a better way? I don't know, but looking at how it is handled now could give us insight into the cause and effect that government has on the population.

There is sadly no quick answer, and no way currently to address is substantively, since gov retains the sole power to initiate violence against humans. Basically, they hold the gun.

I upvoted for the power of the story.

I'm staying to say that anarchy didn't cause this suffering, government did. Anarchists don't want a utopia that can never exist, they want to prevent small groups of people determining which humans get disassembled and why, at the end of a gun.

It is not fair to attribute to the anarchists that which 'the current incarnation of the law and government' have created for the people suffering under their rule.

How in the world am I to reconcile the idea that a government created the environment in which this old man nearly lost his life in a brutal fashion, and yet I'm supposed to believe that no matter how warped they are they should be respected? No masters.

Statists must beware that in their idealizing of a statist utopia they do not forget where the responsibility for over 250 million deaths outside of war belong, at the feet of government.

It would appear that OP is confusing anarchy and chaos.

Thanks for engaging in the debate, Perhaps I have more to learn about just what anarchy means and anarchists aims are... but from where I am standing, when the rule of law breaks down, the results are not positive. Perhaps that is not anarchy then...

anarchy just means without rulers. When you decide who to hang out with, you're making an anarchistic decision, unless you call your local congress person to get their permission.

wheb the rule of law breaks down it is usually because of corruption of that rule, so it makes sense that the results would not be positive. but thinking that an anachronistic institution like government is the solution to the problem it creates itself takes a faith I cannot commit to.

Are there any examples of an anarchic state/society that has worked? Thinking back, inevitably, there is a conflict, then one person/party is raised to a position of power above the state/society to bring order. After order is returned, that person/party never returns to their original position.

Historically, all of the anarchic states that I can recall have resulted in a dictatorship.

The world is in anarchy. There is no one world government. No one world rule of law. You have a bunch of competing warlords trying to gain the upper hand. For most people that fear anarchy, what they fear is already here.

Actually, all of the anarchic groups that have tried to exist were inevitably betrayed. By the socialists/communists in Catalonia (never forget) for example.

which anarchic states can you recall? Anarchy does not have a state. Governments have states, and imaginary borders and wars

Going way back in my memory, the first time I can remember was :

I was in nursery school. It was nap time. We were in a gymnasium and were told we could sleep anywhere. We simply needed to grab a sleeping mat, find a place to sleep and have a nap. Ian, Shelly and myself all wanted a red blanket. But there were only two. We could not come to an agreement. The stress level rose to a chaotic state and fighting began. In that moment, the teacher intervened and dictated who of us gets a red blanket and who gets a different colour.

The most recent/current one that is occuring:

If you look at https://steemd.com/witnesses, a miner named supercomputing has taken advantage of a flaw in the algorythm for mining and currently controls 90% of the steem mining. The Developers of steem are going to have to put a hard fork in the chain to prevent this from happening again. Is there any chance that the individual will stop on his/her own?

Both of these sound trivial, but without rulers/authority, how would these two events get resolved. And ... unfortunately, I do not believe that the majority of adults act any more reasonably than children when stress/provocation is applied.

You are imagining that I suggest no rules or authority that is established voluntarily.

Steemit is voluntary, and we agree to abide the decisions of devs. We will not be jailed for not powering up, or killed for lack of upvoting.

If someone breaks this system, we voluntarily accept that the devs have authority to fix it. If you don't want to participate, no one will tax, arrest, cage you.

Anarchy doesn't mean no rules, it means no rulers. If you don't want to follow the rules of the group, you can found your own group based on your own voluntary rules...

nice post that is great idea from you

if you want an in depth look - Nelson Mandelas autobiography is amazing @gavvet

here is the link to amazon:

Anarchy - mother of order. But the reality is otherwise ...

You shared a very powerful story. I think you're right that it's important that anarchists remember that things like that can happen.

However, it's also important to recognize that what you described happened under governance. It was not the result of a lack of laws and enforcement; it happened despite their existence.

I could expound upon the governmental policies that contributed to this incident, but you freely admit those, and, more importantly, it's beside the point. People will do bad things, with or without governance. So, what factors cause people to behave in this manner and what measures might prevent someone who is inclined towards doing this from doing it?

Government promises answers to these questions, and action based upon them, but it comes with a price. The price is that they will demand special powers and allowances where everyone else is restricted. The price is that they will provide no defense when it is the government itself committing those acts, which, through the necessity of supporting itself, it will.

Anarchy doesn't spring from an inherent trust in human nature, but rather from distrust. If you don't trust people to be good to each other, then why would you trust some of those people with power that can easily be abused? Utopia is the idea that someone else will look after you and take care of all of your needs. Anarchy is an understanding of reality: You need to take care of yourself.

No, this does not preclude working with others or any other strawman nonsense. It is assertion that each individual must, with or without government, be aware of their surroundings, seek out information, and take measures to protect themselves. Anything less is baseless trust and blind faith, no matter what socio-economic structure is utilized.

There's a difference between anarchy and savagery. Savagery is anarchy without education and self reflection. Modern day governments are just barely above savagery. Only with the advent of the internet are we in a position to be more self aware and to get better educated so as to be able to think for ourselves and better govern ourselves without having to blindly obey and follow someone who we think smarter than us.

Freedom is a long path, you cannot achieve it in 1 day. Nelson Mandela was a very inspirational leader who brought freedom to SA, but it's now up to the people to keep is and protect it.

Your post says that government is the cause of all the horrible problems mentioned in your post. I agree %100 there. But why are you putting the blame on anarchy or suggesting that it has anything to do with anarchy? I am not an anarchist. But I am assuming that you are actually an anarchist yourself and you are trying to make it obvious that government is the cause of all the problems mentioned in your post. I hope that is the case. Otherwise you are just like my brother. A delusional 'ignorant by choice person' who supports a utpoia idea of government and all the horrible things that comes with it. He loves it even though he sees all the problems that it creates and all the problems that it claims to address or stop but actually makes far worst. All the while he is accusing all other ideas and systems of being a delusional utpoia idea - even though his delusional utopia idea of govenrment is actually in place and is constantly proving itself to be a delusional utopia idea every moment that it is in place. I cannot see any good reason why you would even include anarchy in this post at all. Unless off course my first assumption is right that you are an anarchist. Or maybe you just don't know much about government or anarchy.