Anarchist Thoughts On A Japanese Weather Forecast.

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

The following image reminded me of an epiphanic moment I had had in Nagano a few months back.


This image is powerful. I was once watching the weather forecast on TV here in Japan, and the whole thing is so bright, colorful, and green. It is like a cartoon map of the world, without borders. I thought, "Damn, almost all of my anxious fears would be gone if the state didn't exist."

I could feel the true potential of the bright world of freedom in that moment. I saw that the prison is the mind, thinking the present "system" is necessary.

There is nothing to really fear from natural disasters. Tragedies will always be with us. At least nature doesn't create them consciously, intentionally, and in an evil fashion.

I can see a world where if I want to smoke a joint now and then I won't be threatened with a cage. Where a man who wants to sell hot dogs at a football game can do so without his money being taken. Where people may be armed, and have to face the consequences for how they handle the forces at their command. Where women are not raped by "peace officers" in parking lots who face no consequence for this violation of a woman's body.

If you've read Atlas Shrugged, I'm reminded of the description of the kids raised in Galt's Gulch. They have no real programming, and are fully alive.

I am not from this gang-world. I come from the land of..."nothing will ever be 'perfect,' but it could be infinitely....MILES AND MILES AND LIGHT YEARS AND MILLENIA....better and beyond this.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


This is all so true.... I am moving to Offgrid-Land. My last tether will be a Wifi hub and STeemit. My family is like the artists and Engineers in Atlas Shrugged - we are trying to escape. Upvoted, followed and Resteemed.

This is great. Followed back. Keep us updated.

The kids and I paint and my wife makes Glass art - I am trying to get them more active on Steemit. @borgheseglass We are looking for land to build an offgrid Log Cabin up on Lake Superior in Canada. A place where we can spend our days creating works of art and living off the land. Winters will be tricky.

Yet it's something you wanna achieve and experience, follow your heart. Don't waste your life away on a job that you don't like, being a tax paying slave all your life and consumer cow. Go out travel and achieve what you want to achieve. Money ain't always worth it to waste your life away. It's needed, but find your balance.

It really is a gang mentality. One gang with power against the other, threatening to steal or preemptively attack to gain advantage. We're subject to the will of those who do not believe in individual rights, those who would rob/steal/kill rather than work honestly. The world is run by evil and the government in it's effort to protect the innocent has been overrun by the ones we fear. How else but by universal enlightenment can we ever stop this parasitical beast? I fear that we are stuck in this system. The ones who feed off of our labors would rather kill us than let us be. We have unwittingly, peacefully given up our rights in an effort to stop the tide of evil, by empowering them. Socialism, the cancer of the world, is a self perpetuating monster. The average person would delight in being given "free" things rather than work. The state has power over the unintelligible, and we have given the unintelligible power through votes. Our own attitude of grace and selflessness has given rise to the power we fear. The real question is did we, the intelligencia, create our own enslavement?

The same thoughts seem to arise in many parts of the world. The new ideological currents are on fire. Let's hope we are strong enough to make it happen. Meanwhile we will continue to be a small minority, almost like an island in a sea of ​​hypocrisy, manipulation and the most important and most worrying, a great lack of critical thinking.

Awesome. I completely agree. What you do in your own house shouldn't be regulated by government who in turns makes in indentured servants by raising taxes and lowering the value of our earnings through inflation.

I saw that the prison is the mind, thinking the present "system" is necessary.

They made us believe it is necessary when it's not. They are the only ones who need it. And they need it to gain mass control and rob us of our money and freedom.

Yes, we are the little tax hamsters, running in our wheels.

Exactly, and the sad thing is like 60% of people don't even see that. And out of 40% who do 20% say: "well what can I do about it" - and that is what I hate about people.
Also in a system like we have today to change something we would need 50%+ on our side and I can't see that happening in the near future because we are outnumbered by blind sheep with cognitive dissonance.

I think it's coming sooner than we might think...

10 years ago the amount of people familiar with Voluntaryist principle and anarchism on the internet and in society at a whole was much less than it is today. 20 years ago try talking about this stuff and you were a real anomaly. It is growing exponentially.

You're right though, the fear of disobedience must be dropped.

I know what you are trying to say but take in consideration that "they" control everything from UN to NATO, all the big states and militaries. I think that if a global shift of conscioussnes would to happen that they would just eradicate us like pests with few nukes and a geoingineered biblical proportions storm and start a new "game".

I don't think so. If the parasites eradicate the host--the tax cattle--what becomes of the parasites?

They are not producers so they would not do well on their own, as a small minority of sickly parasites.


Yes of course tragedies will always be with us. Tragedies gave us more strength to fight. Tragedies provide us more courage, and make us strong. I know nobody wants tragedies but we have to face. Thanks for your sharing. I am know what goes on in your mind...definitely, our mind controls depends the way a person thinks..prison in our mind...we need to change our thoughts in order achieve freedom.

Well said! I was just thinking about the stupid way the world is run (that stage when you let ideas run around in your mind until they are ready to be written down). I like the concept of not being part of the 'gang-world', but we don't get much of an option, do we?

The whole world would be better as one country.

I think it would be better off based on private property ownership and not countries, as "countries" and their governments have killed over 262 million people in the last century and a half alone. That number does not include those killed in war. But, I do agree, we should all be united as human beings.

Looking at those flags I wonder if every scrap of dirt on this planet is owned by one of those governments. could we find a free zone somewhere? Probably not!

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one."
John Lennon - Can You Imagine

Kind of copy-pasted this from one of my last poems ^.^ but nonetheless seems to fit the topic.

So true....natural calamity is better than intensive diseaster created by the superior creature like human being....

No more words.....
And perfect work....
Cheers~~~~~Hey @kafkanarchy84

Very good post. your mind is very bright. Success always for you @kafkanarchy84

If all those countries are in one picture than why we cannot be unite in one Country i would like to see the whole world in one country ! we all are equal humans

Borders are important.
Such as, nothing is more important than the fence between you and your neighbor's property. Especially if you live on less than an acre.
When you have 40 acres, the fence line isn't all that important.

The thing about modern countries is that they had this idea of grabbing all the land. Of planting their flag. Of saying, "its all mine."

As a man of old, if you had a serious disagreement with the tribe, you could leave it and go live somewhere else.

To me, govern-cemental land areas should really be those areas they control. That they really use. That they have people in those areas stating that we are part of this govern-cement. Like, most of Alaska and Canada should not be claimed by any country. Today, they are only so in name. There is no law presence out there.

The thing about live and let live practice is letting people have somewhere else to go, if they do not agree with the group's ways.