Anarchy is Common Sense. Nature is Property.

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Is your body proper to you?

Do you understand what this means?

It’s your property. Biology, and indeed reality itself, attest to this.

Do you know that nature says everything?

There is no need to overcomplicate things.

There are only two types of people in the world:

Those who value peace, and those who don’t.

Most are the former. But many are still brainwashed.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DTube and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


I think it was Chris Duane that said there are 2 kinds of people in the world.....
‘Those who want to be left alone and those who won’t leave you alone!’
We’re the former and government is the latter.
Keep fighting the good fight Graham.

You too my brother.

The minority want to be left alone. Sheeple seem to love slavery.

The sheeple are so bought into the system they are the system. You’re right they love being enslaved, it makes them feel safe and afraid at the same time, it’s a weird paradox.
I dont get it.

There is that Stockholm syndrome condition where slaves fall in love with their captors. Doesn't make sense to me either.

re fucking steemed because Anarchy!

I love nature.
Because I am not tired.

I loved the video Graham and get what you're saying 100%. I think that the natural condition of people is to avoid Government interaction, if they can. I don't want a speeding ticket, or to have to go to court for stealing, or robbery....but I also do not plan to break those natural boundaries if no one is watching either.

Nature can supply all you need, proportionate to the energy you exert. I sometimes plan my entire family's camping meal (about 10 of us with extended family) by trying to avoid using cash that day. The grandkids have fun helping me net baitfish. Together we catch fish with that bait. We pick vegetables or barter with the Amish for fruits and vegetables...then I prepare it all up. Is it a chore? Yes. But it's the only real chore that matters that, water shelter, mutual help. If everyone always helps everyone, no one is in need today.

I have a lot of Thai and Cambodian friends. They are humble and would rather help you, than help themselves. If everyone follows that general rule, we all live to help others and we all succeed and help, rather than hoard resources.

Absolutely! Everyone lives as an anarchist in the local world. Every family, every circle of friends functions without the state controlling it. But somehow once we reach the top people think we would require some central authority.

History has shown us that communism does not work. But history has also shown us that there will always be people trying to destroy peaceful coexistence of humans and try to control them. A very important issue is how to protect anarchy. I think that blockchain technology will play a key role in making central authority obsolete in large parts.

It would be great if you could make a post explaining the ground norms you are mentioning. I myself am very puzzled about this issue.

Thanks for the comment, @frdem3dot0.

I agree. Most everyone lives their everyday lives and interactions according to anarchic (natural) principle.

The ground norms I was referencing were just individual self-ownership, and by extension, private property, as defined basically by the libertarian/Lockean position.

In a nutshell: Your body is yours and so any unowned property you use your body to possess/improve is also yours.

I’d be glad to make a video going more in depth soon.

Thanks again.

I am looking forward to that video!

Great post kafka! But I believe you are forgetting some things.

Firstly, even though society as a whole might be near the mindset of living the anarchist way, you´re leaving out the issue of mental (re)evolution.

What do I mean by this? The main thing that prevents us from living in a decentralized way is culture, and revolutionizing culture takes time. The human unconscious mind is a natural system that (over)protects us in every way, so many changes are only attempted a great deal of time after it has already made sense into our conscious minds. That means that while you might feel like you are already there, there are A LOT of people who will resist it just because they don´t feel quite there yet. Its kinda what happened with the industrial revolution. Scratch that, I´ll give you a better example: the communictations revolution. Do you know why grandpa doesn´t use a smartphone even though he can clearly see the benefits of doing so? It´s partly because he feels overwhelmed with all the things he thinks he has to learn to use it, and partly because he´s so used to the old ways that the new ways scare him. Children learn instictually, so children who were exposed to that technology at a very young age learn to use it naturally because it feels natural to them. However, amongst the elder, only the brave enough dare learn how to use it. That is a metaphor for change in society. I believe that as newer generations are more and more exposed to the idea that there are alternative ways out there(like self-governance for example), they will gradually start testing them and using them, but that will take time. I dare say at least 4 generations.
Remember, I´m just looking at this anthropologically, but unless a natural or sociological disaster tears our society´s fabric in half, the whole cycle of change would take at least those 4 generations.

But don´t despair. Even if we don´t see the change we´re rooting for materialized in our lifetime, your work is important in opening the consciousness and belief systems of all those around you.

Kudos to you! Keep doing it!

A lot of good stuff here. I can't say I disagree. I am not sure I "forgot" those things either, though. Hoping this shift happens sooner than later my friend. Thank you.

Thank you as well for sharing your interesting views! And watch where you´re driving. Filming while driving is dangerous. :P

I have a special camera stand that mimics the movements of a human hand/arm holding a camera. ;) Thanks. I'll keep that in mind, though.

That's about as succint as it gets - those who value peace and those who don't.

I REALLY enjoy listening to an anarchist who embodies peace with real emotion.

Brainwashing is a powerful part of the System (I mean world organisation),
and 98% are really brainwashed hopelessly..
I see so few really "awoken" people. All the rest are "sleeping" without a hope to grasp what is really going on around.

Most people value peace but they dont know how to maintain it

Nature is the greatest source of inspiration:

No! :( I'm a tax slave living in a democracy where the dumb sheeple decided they own me and have a right to my paycheck.

I also agree that people who want peace are more than those who don't, but many of the people wanting peace are brainwashed by people who don't want it, they just use them for there own good.

Wonderful talk tells us about the human nature and has become a good and beautiful instinct, but man changes according to the climate and people who live with him

Thats why we are aiming to make a changes :)

I would like to say you good job..

Good post!!

The problem is that the problem you describe is not an "absurd hypothetical" it is exactly the sort of problem that would occur constantly. Just last night someone decided to park in the parking space I had cleared out for my wife, luckily they moved their car when asked, what if they hadn't? What if they had responded with violence? I was certainly prepared to do violence. I don't own that parking space but I cleared it out, not as a public service. So I feel like it is mine, right?

So then of course the parents come to kill whoever killed their kid, where does it end?

It wouldn't really be better to have the cops come pick that kid up and take him home and tell his parents he was stealing?

Nature is constant violence, and of course it is often parasitic, there are thousands of species of parasites.

If the state of Japan was dissolved then it would soon be called "China".

I was certainly prepared to do violence.

The problem is, as you yourself made clear, the spot’s ownership wasn’t clearly established. This is the problem with the oxy moronic concept of “public property.” Who owns the parking lot? It sounds like your definition of “property” wasn’t clear here. Your instinct was right, though. You put in the work to claim the “unowned” spot, so it should be yours.

So then of course the parents come to kill whoever killed their kid, where does it end?

Nature is constant violence, and of course it is often parasitic, there are thousands of species of parasites.

Addressed this at the end of the video.

You should read some material on Voluntaryism. Then at least you could critique its tenets accurately.

And yes, what I described with the boy and the apple tree is an absurd hypothetical. If you or anyone you know would shoot that kid then you/they are a psychopath.

These psychopaths do the same shit now under current systems of governance. The current systems simply add to the .01% of psychopath violence by systematizing, normalizing, and legitimizing violence, increasing it 10,000 fold.

we have examples of societies where security is provided by competing firms, Mexico for example.
Or Bill and his crew just decides to go kill everyone at dawn defense, right?
When dawn defense does not honor its contract with Alice what is her recourse?
What if Alice cannot afford to pay, she can be victimized by anyone right?
In America people get shot over less. Violence of all types has trended down significantly under a statist model over time. There are a lot more than 300,000 violent people in America, we have 1.5 million gang members, those are just the organized violent people.

So random corporations are able to arbitrarily enslave people in this utopia, sounds great. As a consumer I would choose the most violent security agency to protect me, as would anyone with any sense, because that one would always win. Dawn and Turner would totally go to war and one would won, then they would have a monopoly on force.

Firms typically use as much violence as is economical. A company that uses excessive force would incur high costs and have little cooperation from the community and competitors. Reputation would be a factor as a firm that becomes a crime syndicate would have to deal with a hostile public. An oligopoly by a cartel is more likely than a monopoly but even they would have a hard time competing with innovators and voluntary militias. Another benefit to polycentric law (which has much better historical examples than Mexico) would be less incentive for people to be incarcerated for victim-less crimes, that alone would mean most of today's prison population would be free and those resources would be used to protect property rights instead of enriching drug cartels and gangs.

Bullets are cheap. If Bill isn't a mighty productive slave the agency would probably be best off killing Bill. All the "firms" are essentially crime syndicates. We have examples in real life called the Crips and the Bloods.

Reputation would be a factor, I would want the most violent firm to put fear into the hearts of my enemies and prevent anyone from even considering victimizing me.

We can legalize drugs without dissolving the state and resorting to competing protection agencies. Why not start there?

give me some examples of polycentric law, how about the Crips and Bloods?

we have examples of societies where security is provided by competing firms, Mexico for example.

Lol. Mexico is nowhere near a free market, private law society. Cartels work within the protection of the corrupt state.

When dawn defense does not honor its contract with Alice what is her recourse?


So random corporations are able to arbitrarily enslave people in this utopia, sounds great.

You mean like they do now? Try again, Fun Bobby.

The cartels are the state in Mexico, when there is one main cartel (which is usually or always the result of the CIA supporting that cartel) then the violent crime in Mexico is much less. When Carlos Guzman, a man who at one time had 500,000 employees, loses control then a bunch of cartels all compete for market share and the violence goes way up.

We see the same thing anywhere the state loses control, violent gangs always arise. Places in America where we can see exactly how competing security firms operate in real life include neighborhoods in Baltimore and Chicago and St. Louis. These firms are called the Crips and the Bloods and many others. Chicago has something like 100 competing security firms and it is a bloodbath.

LOL Court? there was no court, only private mediators, but why would dawn defense even bother to engage with the mediator Alice hires, assuming Alice has the money?

No, I don't mean like they do now, the solution offered in your video was actual slavery not the tax slavery that we hear so much crying about. Real slavery, if you don't pay AT&T they shut your phone off and send you a bill, dawn defense was going to enslave Bill in a workhouse.
Of course if I was dawn defense I would always find bill guilty, in fact I might find everyone who can't afford their private security bill guilty of some crime and then enslave them, and there wouldn't be a damned thing they could do about it. But of course Bill didn't turn out to be a productive slave, a shitty worker not worth his salt, so in that case we just decapitate bill and use him as fertilizer, right?

You yourself just admitted the cartel is supported by the state.

No, I said "the cartels are the state in Mexico", it's the opposite, the state is supported by the cartel.

As the book ** "The Egoistic Gene" would say the biological roots of our existence of Richard Dawkings **, we are nothing, more than an instinct of survival dictated by our darker genes that come from the deepest of the origin of the existence human, therefore, questions belongs to our body. Do not
never, we are only a genetic instrument to preserve the existence, now we can enjoy it and make free will decisions, sometimes yes but sometimes we take them for ourselves since it is the genes that decide which way to go and where to go, and it is the genetics that decides if we are pigeons or crows, the genetics defines where we are going so that for nothing in the world we can decide for ourselves, even though we do not like it we are the product of a set of genes that are transmitted from generation to generation until we die and the gene has the certainty that his species already has a new generation and can already discard those old bodies and get rid of them.
Thanks for the very interesting question the point of view.
Best Regard @galberto.

Genetics only dictate your starting point. Your genes also say you should close your eyes while watching a bright light, but you can CHOOSE CONSCIOUSLY to keep them open, even while going blind. Genes are not free will, they are a baseline, a starting set of instructions. That´s the error of interpretation of genetists. Even though animals can´t resist their natural urges, we as humans, are not bound by genes that influence our thoughts or even reflexes, we trascend them. And it is our duty to become what best works in a word with billions and billions of people. And that is to take every step to keep aggression to a minimum...

Concerning everything that has to do with thought proceses: we are "programmers of our own mental code"...

Very respectable the point of view but I have children in the classroom that I see their parents, and I see the child and the genetics is very influenced.

but we must work so that we do not dominate the genetics.

and have a better world.

thanks for answering.

I need to make a distinction. I didn´t say we are totally ABOVE our genetics, but I said that we can rise above some of its determining factors. If your genes say that you will be born with a disease for example, then you will.
Genetics totally and unequivocally influence our physique and our intelligence to a huge degree.
But regarding the MIND(not the brain), 90% of it its just software, and recent studies say genetics is so flexible that you can even influence your brain(hardware) with thought patterns, which in turn release just the right neurotransmitters to influence it. Or rather, you don´t influence genetics, you take yourself where genetics say you shouldn´t be able to. This is the case for example, where depressed Alzheimer patients die in a very short period of time, while active joyful Alzheimer patients take years and years to get to the same point. There are records of some of them living up to 40 years without fully developing the disease, which their genetics say they should have developed it fully blown.

So yes, I have already read "The Egoistic Gene", its a fascinating point of view. But of course when you´re just starting to study the effects genetics have on people, and you look at a broad statistic, you will see huge patterns for it. It´s because the vast majority of people let themselves be driven by their genetic influences. It´s the EXCEPTIONS you need to study to understand that we are not bound by our genetics in the least, at least regarding our use of the mind. Even Stephen Hawking was a bright example of my point. May he rest in peace, he was my science hero. When he developed ALS, he was not expected to live past his 25th birthday. However against all odds he managed to live a (mentally) productive life and he died at 70 years old. Even though ALS is not usually inherited, cases of early incisive development like his, most certainly is, and statistic say not only he should have died much sooner but he prolonged his life 9 times the expentancy. You can´t explain that from just a genetic points of view. Cases like that, of people who overcome their genetic diseases against all odds, are a combination of lifestyle, internal drive, healthy thought patterns and/or plain old stubbornness. Neither of that is coded in genetics.

I understand your point of view. I respect it, you are a very intelligent person and it shows, but it lacks information and depth on recent developments and research. It is just like when psychiatrists started analyzing how our brain chemicals work and they thought that EVERYTHING could be reduced to neurotransmitters and hormones, and they are right in their own way. And then they started seeing patients in control groups who get A LOT better with placebos and patients who despite receiving a large dose of antidepressants don´t improve that much on their depression.

That is why psychology still exists. As any good IT technician knows, it is neither practical to try to handle everything at the hardware level, nor is it trying to handle everything at the software level. Yes, I´m comparing the mind/brain system to a computer. But we have something that a computer doesn´t(for now): individuality, that lets us rise above our factory specs.

Its easy to get caught in statistics and fail to account for individuality´s role in overcoming genetics, but you are right in that when speaking of the majority of the people, genetic usually has the last word, just because the majority of the people doesn´t think enough to overcome their tendencies, or rather they don´t even believe that´s possible. If you think you are a slave to your genetics, you are right, because then you will never dare defy it.

Adding further to our conversation, genetics seems to be more mutable than we previously thought. On this article from CNN says that astronauts in space have their dna measurably mutated. They studied two genetically identical twins, and when the astronaut twin that back from space, his genes differred in 7%.

Gua i am complete gratefull with your great answer, your topic are very very interesting, but in some case is really example my partners have a simultaneus child 2 son and their father too have a brother iqual to him.
And in this case the genetics are transmite. Great information about astronauts 7% are differred is a lot modificación
Well thank for your point of view really really i grew up in a farm and study a lot very hard to be a profesional.
Well thank you so much.

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