If you ever wonder why some folks say "All Cops Are Bastards"....
You know why these cops don't give a shit how they treat people?
They answer to virtually no one. There is no real market consequence for bad actors when the government pays you regardless of the quality of your service.
Watch what happens when you try to file a report. These goons are not here to protect you, but each other.
Good human beings in law enforcement, speak up, and get out.
Privatize everything. Hold this mafia accountable.
The above video is absolutely unreal. Please watch it all the way to the end.
What else do gangs do? They murder people.
I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
~ Eric Garner
Fuck the police. get your friends and loved ones out of "law enforcement" and into private protection.
Cops and politicians are paid with stolen money and are, on a whole, simply a parasitic force adding no value to society that could not be added via the private, free market.
Finally, for those who think I am just some "ignorant hater," here is a video of a cop saving a little girl's life. More of this type of bravery would be had if the corrupt statist system of "protection" were ended. These "cops" saved this girl because they were acting as decent HUMAN BEINGS. Let's wake up the individuals in law enforcement to the evils of the government violation "service," and look for free market, privatized alternatives.
Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DTube and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)
severe truth..
In Russia the most people have the same atittude to the police, and there are many cases of their outrage as well.. Their main power is that it's a part of a state system, and all their sins are hidden from the eyes of the society. But policemen have thousands of skeletons in the closet
The externalisation of our societal issues has led to the gradual disintegration of our communities and indeed society at large .. it's time we began to take responsibility for ourselves and those around us and stop looking to others to solve our problems.
Absolutely... They are being paid regardless of their service,and indeed with the stolen money from the general public....GOVT is the biggest counterfeiting system that we have...
This is just absolute truth without a doubt the police will never always remain corrupt because no matter what they do they still get paid,
I was arrested by the police once, and For no reason too, I was going to report them, but even the judiciary is shit as well.
I hope this compilation just shows the worst of many, many attempts, but I doubt it.
Yes, cops are the most dangerous gang in America, and yes, sometimes cops still manage to do the right thing. But there's still no such thing as a "good cop".
wow, shocking videos. I always expected some bad stuff to happen but not to this extend. All the cops I met so far were acting more or less reasonable. But then I was not trying to threaten them and I am from a small community.
The thing is though, none of the people in the videos above are threatening them as far as I can tell. Smaller is always better though, for sure.
I did not mean threaten in the criminal sense. All the people are acting perfectly reasonable. I mean that by trying to file a complaint, the officer might feel threatened because they don't know if the complaint might be against them.
is it? small town cops around here can be the worst, my friend won $10,000 from a harassment suit against his town's police force which only has 3 cruisers.
Well, that is the definition of a police officer.
They are an officer of the govern-cement.
They are there to protect and serve the govern-cement.
The lie begins with "a government by and for the people".
But that line was thrown out, but we were never even told
by the signers of the Constitution for The United States.
Gangs with a unique dressing code, that's what they are
You just got yourself a follower! Thanks for sharing this! More people need to wake up to reality, and fast. https://killedbypolice.net is a harsh wake up call for those of you who still think police are here for your protection. Make all the copsucking excuses you want but it won't change the fact that police are the world's largest gang.
#ACAB #PeopleOverPolice #Voluntaryist #VoluntarySociety #EndTheFed
Happy to be following you @kafkanarchy84. I was born in 84 as well, it's almost like Orwell knew people born that year would be the biggest promoters of this kind of material.
I hope I can find more voluntaryists on steemit to follow.
My wife @ascendedmonkey just told me that the first novel she read that made her passionate about literature was "Kafka on the shore" by Haruki Murakami :)
lol....a gang? i kinda agree with you
What's so funny about murder?
If the good ones were to get out, wouldn't that leave only bad ones?
ACAB. The proof is in the witness videos.
Everywhere, they are always a rogue occupying army.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Lord Acton
Fuck the Police.
Fuck the police, fucking instrumnts of represion! Word up bro!
I couldn't agree more..
And it's still comparatively easy for most as compared to us..
And in my state they are called as assholes. Well not all of them but every one of them. They treat us like shit, those bitches.
Hola amigo.
Muy interesante el artículo y los video.
Si bien es que existen un porcentaje que no me atrevo y no sé cual es de policias honestos y humanitarios. Hay al menos en mí país una sarta de funcionarios que se valen de una placa para cometer hechos punibles.
Esto me recuerda lo dicho por un amigo en una oportunidad y que dice textualmente: Nunca creas en beso de prostituta.... Ni en saludo de policia.
Gracias por el post.
We have rude government employees because the government has a monopoly on certain things. You think getting rid of them would make private security all polite and compete for who has the best customer service but in reality a monopoly would soon form and then you would be dealing with something way worse and less responsive to your customer service issues than the government, you would be dealing with the cable company, have you ever tried to deal with the cable company?
I have never called a woman a "cunt" to her face before but I had no other response after the "customer service" representative threatened to sue me if I cut their wire that was on fire and about to set my house on fire, she claimed that what I was seeing was not actually happening!
So the huge monopoly-providing, bailout power the state provides makes no
difference in accountability? Not buying it. Look at the Wall Street bailouts.
An anecdotal experience with one shitty customer service rep does not disprove my point. Did you continue using this company’s products after this bad experience?
now we went from the cops to wall street bailouts?
did all governments provide bailouts or just some of them?
of course, its a monopoly!
"Dawn defense will be there to respond to your complaint of a mugging between 11-4 next Tuesday"
More or less the same as city cops now.
You can’t connect the dots here, Bobby?
Banks/businesses without government, force-backed monopoly power, are demonstrably more likely to answer to market signals. This is a science called economics.
Dominos (or whatever private business pizza shop) poisons your pizza and their ass is getting sued or the guilty branch goes out of business.
Cops kill people. Banks fail. Government keeps paying cops and bails out banks. No real answer to consequence or market signal. Fuck man. This is not that hard to understand. Getting the feeling you just like to argue.
You steal have refused to define stealing, by the way, regarding our other thread. What’s so hard about that?
Right but some governments choose not to bail out the banks didn't they? So bank bail outs are not an essential or necessary government policy.
You can take dominos to court because the government has a monopoly on force, they can even make Dominos bend to our collective will.
When your drug dealer kills someone by poisoning your drugs then you can't really take him to court right?
If you did he could just deny he sold you any drugs and you don't have a receipt as proof do you?
If your drugs are stolen then you cannot call the cops so then your only recourse is violence right? That is how you resolve things without government having a monopoly on violence.
If drugs were legal and they were stolen then you could call the police who could apprehend them without violence.
The vast majority of the time when cops kill people it is in self defense, when it is not then they should be held accountable and often are. We hear a lot about it when they are not. It's not their job to kill people. They don't kill very many people compared to the number of people killed by drug gangs, cartels and terrorists. I do like to argue, I did define stealing as taking something in an unlawful manner.
your meme is funny but it's not clear how it relates to my comment.
Well look at that intimidation. Looks like mafia indeed. I think they should take a bit less of those roids....