You think getting rid of them would make private security all polite and compete for who has the best customer service but in reality a monopoly would soon form and then you would be dealing with something way worse and less responsive to your customer service issues than the government
So the huge monopoly-providing, bailout power the state provides makes no
difference in accountability? Not buying it. Look at the Wall Street bailouts.
An anecdotal experience with one shitty customer service rep does not disprove my point. Did you continue using this company’s products after this bad experience?
now we went from the cops to wall street bailouts?
did all governments provide bailouts or just some of them?
of course, its a monopoly!
"Dawn defense will be there to respond to your complaint of a mugging between 11-4 next Tuesday"
More or less the same as city cops now.
You can’t connect the dots here, Bobby?
Banks/businesses without government, force-backed monopoly power, are demonstrably more likely to answer to market signals. This is a science called economics.
Dominos (or whatever private business pizza shop) poisons your pizza and their ass is getting sued or the guilty branch goes out of business.
Cops kill people. Banks fail. Government keeps paying cops and bails out banks. No real answer to consequence or market signal. Fuck man. This is not that hard to understand. Getting the feeling you just like to argue.
You steal have refused to define stealing, by the way, regarding our other thread. What’s so hard about that?
Right but some governments choose not to bail out the banks didn't they? So bank bail outs are not an essential or necessary government policy.
You can take dominos to court because the government has a monopoly on force, they can even make Dominos bend to our collective will.
When your drug dealer kills someone by poisoning your drugs then you can't really take him to court right?
If you did he could just deny he sold you any drugs and you don't have a receipt as proof do you?
If your drugs are stolen then you cannot call the cops so then your only recourse is violence right? That is how you resolve things without government having a monopoly on violence.
If drugs were legal and they were stolen then you could call the police who could apprehend them without violence.
The vast majority of the time when cops kill people it is in self defense, when it is not then they should be held accountable and often are. We hear a lot about it when they are not. It's not their job to kill people. They don't kill very many people compared to the number of people killed by drug gangs, cartels and terrorists. I do like to argue, I did define stealing as taking something in an unlawful manner.
your meme is funny but it's not clear how it relates to my comment.