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RE: I just applied for citizenship to Liberland! Thoughts, Reservations, and Enthusiasm about the New "Free Republic" in Southeast Europe

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

The problem with taxes is that they are not voluntary, but taken under threat of force.
How things would get done is an important question, and one that much careful thought, writing, discourse, discussion and debate has been addressing/attempting to address for decades now. You should check out the YouTube account Man Against the State. He deals with these questions in depth, as do other great Voluntaryist thinkers.

All that said, those questions don’t matter considering the real nature of the question, which is essentially asking: “Without the slaves, who will pick the cotton?” It doesn’t matter. Slavery is immoral. And as long as someone can take your money under threat of force, it really doesn’t matter what the money is going to pay for. Theft is wrong.

I think another reason people have a hard time conceiving of a free society is because they have been trained to think in the macro. That is to say ”We need big, mega-state scale solutions to solve these huge world problems!!” But that’s backwards. If you help one neighbor nearby, or provide, say, your professional skills and training to those in your immediate vicinity, and others do the same, helping little by little, pretty soon the “mega problems” disappear. No state is necessary for this. In fact, states tremendously hinder and restrict growth, prosperity, innovation, business, and human well-being, whereas free, individual actors in the free market create these things.


That sounds exactly like the point where we have our differences.
I don't see taxes as theft. You get something back for your money.

It is very different in every country but there are some countries who manage to do it better like and some who just wast tax money. But if you have a community you need some way of getting money from everyone to pay for stuff everyone or the people with problems need.

Thanks for the youtube tip I will watch him later.

Taking money from someone under threat of violence is not theft?

In what sense? That is the very definition of theft, is it not?

The difference is, that a thief will not give anything back but a tax is suppose to pay things for the people who payed the taxes.

There are a lot of problems with taxes but I would not say that all taxes are bad and should be removed.

So if a thief would give you something back, it would not be theft? Where do you live? ;)

Let's say a "thief" guild comes every month, asks you nicely for a part of your money, and they say they use the money to hire more people to protect you from theft. Would you say
Oh well It's not theft cause they give me protection...they give me that service back?
Let's say this guild opens a "free" school for your kids ) and teach your kids on how great they are, in giving protection to people. And how there are bad egotistical people who don't want to pay for protection. Would that make things better?
Or this guild opens a hospital from the money they ahum "collect"?
Of they build a jail for all the "criminals" especially the ones who don't want the protection service?

If a "thief" guild would come to my house and protect me from something which is not caused by them that would be ok.
Is it not ok if a policeman protects you from people steeling your stuff? If the policeman want to get money from you so he doesn't steel your stuff thats a different thing.

Also another problem. You would probably get protection from thiefs all by yourself. So you get guns and security and whatever. But there is a poor lady on the other side of the street. She is almost 80, her husband died a few years ago and they never had kids because she is sterile. She can't protect herself from anything. She should probably get a job but because she is to old nobody wants to hire her because everyone is to afraid she could die any day. How can she be protected by the thiefs? Or should she just live with if because she is already to old and almost dead?

Who would protect you from people organising to become a "thief" guild? You would deal with if with your friends wouldn't you? But what if the people would become more who would protect you?
The idea of taxes is to create a bigger thing which is oranised by the people who pay for it. Right now it is not happening in some countries, but thats not because taxes are per se bad.

I'm not saying everything with taxes is great, but I can see the need of taxes. It would be great if we would not need them so people can't fu** do shit with it but I can't see a better option for this problem and I can't image the free market bringing us one.

You pay for the police all you want, via tax, but you can not force me to pay what you want. And you can't send your hired mercenaries (police) to make me pay for your hired mercenaries. Than you would be violating me and your mercenaries too. And I need protection from you and your hired mecenaries

Police can only do what normal people also would have the right to do....because they are normal people, just like you and me. They have no higher power and they can not get it from you me or anybody else either, you can not give what you don't have, and imagining that by doing some serious looking pseudo religious rituals you can give them that higher power is just a belief (as in religion) but doesn't give them higher power either. That someone who represents you can only do what you can do yourself, can also be show in that you can't hire a hitman to kill someone and give him higher power. You can not give them higher power neither can I. They have the power to stop real crimes, those with a victim. Just like me and you.

And the story of the old lady does not change that.
That is a, what if, problem.
Also that you are being protected, by police, I don't see it. It is really extreme rare that they protected someone (up front) And history shows they did not do much protection. They just follow orders just do their job, which consist of enforcing the whims of the politicians. history shows very well how organized protection always turns to organized murdering of the masses of people they should have protected. But very few of the order followers are actually protecting or turning to the resistance and thereby breaking the law. (because they are order followers they follow orders not their moral compass or conscience)
But of course it could be that, in communistic russia and nazi germany the police did maybe, in the meantime, help some old lady, when they where not buzzy deporting and murdering other innocent people.

Also because you and other people think you "need" them doesn't justify them violating me.

Maybe you can not imagine how the free market would bring such a thing. But I'm not gonna be a slave to your lack of imagination. The free market will not bring it either, we ourselves have to do it.

We are the free market, a market where the initiation of violence is not welcome. Because when there is the initiation of violence, there is no free market.

It's not hard for me to imagine hiring a protection agency or becoming part of one myself, without using violence and threatening my neighbour to pay for one, or pay me, with the use of violence.
We people can organize protection without becoming criminals ourselves, by threatening and stealing and violence.
But It's just a hard concept for other people to grasp and I understand that.

English is not my native language so there may be a mistake or two.


Don't worry, it's not my native language either. I'm happy my stuff is not so hard to read. :D
The problem I have so far with private protection companies is, they have to be payed from someone and that someone has to see a need for protection. So why would you want to pay for someone if your are Ok for a while or can buy a fence which is high enough for your home.
What is wrong about "what if"?
If we are talking about what is right or wrong we have to think about every part of it not just the one we have solutions for right now. Otherwise we are just the same kind of people we complain all the time.

This would be a fantastic YouTube debate video .... errr I mean Dtube .... But in the end, I still believe taxation must be implemented in a voluntary manner in order to be virtuous.

So if I come to your door and take money at gunpoint to build a park for your kids...that’s okay? That’s not theft?

What if the whole neighborhood agrees you should chip in for the park and they come with me, gun in hand, to take the money? Moral? Alright? Not theft?

What if I get everyone in the town, call it “government” and come to your door, and we all agree you should pay for the park (hey, you’ll be getting something in return) or be locked in a cage or killed if you resist? Moral? Of course not.

How is this any different qualitatively from what the state does when it collects taxes? Your argument isn’t logical.

Is it ok with you that I "broke in" your conversation. A little late to ask, I know. But I ask you so that I won't do it the next time, and shut up if you don't like it. And I apologize for doing it now.


Of course man. I was replying to the OP. I agree with you.