
I think we are not safe enough unless we are lying in such a pod. ;)

That is probably why they are banned from the highway.
Now that is something I could get behind, bicycles are death machines, you are twice as likely to die on a bike trip than a car trip. One difference between skydiving and surfing and not wearing a helmet on the highway is that if you kill yourself doing those things no one else really cares or is affected besides your loved ones but if you don't wear a helmet and then I paralyze you with my car on the roads we all agree to follow the rules of so that we can share them then its a huge problem for both of us that could have been only a very minor problem if you had worn your helmet, and then of course everyone's insurance rates go up. That said I like it when people don't wear helmets, more power to them, I believe in the right to kill yourself however you like but I sure would be pissed if the asshole decided to do it under my tires.