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RE: Human Governments Are Satanic

in #anarchy3 years ago

As usual, excellent in content and presentation!

One comment :

"It was clearly not God's moral will that Jesus be crucified."

I think we may say that the death of Jesus at the hands of men and the entire salvific economy of God's actions in creation and history is within His moral will.

Likewise, it is also within God's moral will that no particular human being commit murder, especially that of an innocent.

The apparent contradiction is due to us and not due to Him.

God's foreknowledge and sovereign ordering of human evil enables Him to achieve His moral will in salvation in spite of and, in fact, utilizing the moral evil of men -- this is the mystery of His grace and providence in operation, redeeming even our darkest acts for His good purposes.


Hey, Brother,

Thank you for reading, and for your thoughtful response. It may take me a while to think through what you've said...

Assuming you understand my intent, how might you more correctly reword my sentence? Would this be accurate?:

"It was clearly morally evil of Pilate to command Jesus' execution."

Do you agree with my subsequent statement?:

"Pilate had no moral authority to execute Jesus, but he had sovereignly granted power."

Thanks for your insights.