I agree with a good portion of this, well ok, all of it. Some though i kinda see as rediculous from both sides. Some is simply we have allowed community to break down. We need to get back to family, friends and neighbors like it used to be and put down the damn devices once in a while. Even if we achieved real Anarchism i wonder would they still find something wrong with the necesity of some laws and try to go where the general population thinks of anarchy? That is that it is all about no rules or accountability. Living like animals. I believe in anarchy as a general rule according to its legit definition. I simply dont trust human kind. Not right now with all the violent tendencies. There must ba a gradual change and real informative teaching on true anarchism and we must bring the next generations up in that environment. I fear true anarchism is not possible with those of us brought up in the current environment. To jaded and quite possibly to angry. There is always hope and dreams though. Great post i appreciated it.
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Thanks for the awesome insight. Yes, humanity is in a rough spot right now, ignorant of the most basic knowledge of right and wrong behavior, which is the foundation of liberty/anarchy. I, too, am quite jaded. I feel your pain. However, I think there are more people aware of Natural Law now than there were decades ago (myself included. I just found out about Natural Law and Anarchy about 3 years ago). So that's why I do what I do. I try to help spread knowledge through my work. I might not see any great, positive change in my lifetime, but I get comfort from knowing that in the future, humans might put an end to the current system of slavery and experience a great deal of liberty. Thanks again for your comment.
You speak and right so much more elequintly than i. Keep up the good work of spreading positive information like this.