An Amusing Comparison Between Understanding Reality And Mind-Controlled Perception In A Typical Life Situation - Part 2

in #anarchy7 years ago

In this new series, I compare Anarchist and Statist perceptions in a typical life scenario. 

To be clear on definitions as you read through.....

An anarchist is a free human who knows what liberty is and does not hold the immoral and harmful belief in external authority in their mind.  They know that being ruled externally is immoral and harmful, and thus external authority (government) is illegitimate and should be disobeyed and ignored out of existence.  

A statist is a free human who is under mind control, doesn't know what liberty is, and holds the immoral and harmful belief in external authority.  

With that said.....

While walking down the street, if one comes across......

A License Plate 

What an Anarchist might see…..

A sinister tool of surveillance that everyone with private transportation is coerced into buying.    

What a statist might see.....

An annoying thing I have to renew every year or two.

Liquor License

Anarchist – A form of extortion. A slap in the face of logic and morality.    

Example:  Bar owner “A” sells liquor.  If bar owner “A” has a liquor license, he will be allowed to operate and will avoid a more extreme form of overt violence and extortion at the hands of statist mercenaries, as outlined in the following example.

Bar owner “B” sells liquor.  This is the EXACT SAME ACTION as Bar Owner “A”.  However, bar owner “B” has not paid his extortion money to the statist mercenaries (He has no “liquor license”).    

At minimum, bar owner “B” will face heavy extortion fines imposed on him, in addition to violent threats and threats of being thrown in a cage.  At worst, will lose his business, actually get physically harmed by violent statist thugs, and/or actually get thrown in a cage.    

Statist – But someone might try to sell me tainted alcohol if there isn’t any supervision.  Meh. I need pirates to keep me safe from swindlers.

Parking Meter

Anarchist – Yet another form of extortion.  Another boondoggle for the state for doing literally nothing.  A tool which also plays a role in the theft of cars.  If you don’t pay extortion fees to the state, they use it as an excuse to steal your car, aka “tow”.

Statist – The best way we’ve come up with to keep parking spaces open in a crowded environment.

Red Light/Photo Radar Cameras

Anarchist – An absolutely intolerable, fully automated form of extortion.  Not only immoral, but also ineffective.  They don’t stop anyone from speeding or running red lights.  All is does it steal more money from people and centralize it in the hands of a gang of authoritarian parasites calling themselves government.    

Statist – Hey, it’s unfortunate, but people are stupid and need to be controlled in order to be safe.

A Bank

Anarchist – An integral part of the ruling occultocracy’s control grid over humanity.  Absolutely outdated and unnecessary.  A centralized structure used as a weapon against liberty and the human race.  An institution of slavery.  Systemic fraud.

Statist – A safe place to keep my money.  An indispensable part of my life and the economy.    

A Car Being Towed

Anarchist - Theft.  Obviously immoral and harmful.

Statist – No, my car got towed, not stolen! That’s what I get for not following the rules, I guess.

Tax Preparation Office

Anarchist – A business model that shouldn’t exist.  Charging fees in order to figure out how much money and property people will have stolen from them.    

Statist – Thank God they exist!  I’m so busy on my phone and facebook, I don’t have time to figure out my taxes, so I pay someone else to do it for me.  I don’t like taxes, but they’re necessary to provide services and keep me safe from scary brown guys with beards.    

Homeless Person

Anarchist – A free human who has most likely been compromised mentally, emotionally, and physically due to the overtly Satanic system of slavery enveloping the earth.  An absolute tragedy that does not have to occur.  People become homeless, largely due to immoral, and thus harmful, beliefs like external authority, of which statism is the most prevalent.    

Statist – Glad that’s not me! I feel bad for them, but I figure they probably get by ok, especially with some kind of government assistance.  There are winners and losers in this world.  That’s just the way things are! 

Stay tuned for part 3!

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from pixabay


does an anarchist believe in such a generalised concept as 'morality'? who is saying what is moral? just a question... I believe in anarchy, but not all my reactions are anarchistic. i'm not sure i would call myself an anarchist, but in certain situations others would label me as that. anyway, nice post, sets up a conversation. i like that 'funnny' is one of your tags. lets not all take ourselves too seriously as anarchists unless we are really sharing information to decentralise the state.

who is saying what is moral?

The politicians of course. They are the most holy. ;)

does an anarchist believe in such a generalised concept as 'morality'? who is saying what is moral?

I believe personally to know what is immoral. I'm not gonna tell someone how to live a moral live in relationships with me, but I will tell the what I find Immoral if they would do that to me ...themselves or let it do by anyone else. They don't have to do specific things for me but they may not do specific things to me, like stealing, raping, punch me in the face, shoot me etc. Because I believe.....believe it or not....that if someone initiates violence against me without me having done anything, that I have the right to defend myself. And not only a right in the sense of "human right" or "law" but I will naturally defend myself (that can be by fight or flight) nothing special.

Oh........and no one can force me to do something that I see as immoral, like stealing raping, punching murdering.

This is the best personal answer I can think of right now. I could say the NAP (Non aggression principle)
But that would have been to short i.m.o. so I wrote you this.

The non aggression priciple however is worth looking in too if you're not familiar with that already. this I found to be a very clear explanation.

Thanks for taking time to reply to me. I think i understand that we can know what is immoral without necessarily preaching what is moral. I agree with that definitely.

Thanks @wordsword. Yes, the NAP is absolutely essential to understanding morality and how it effects our daily lives. Thanks for that input.

Thanks for the comment. When I use the term "morality", it is in the sense of objective right and wrong for human behavior. Many people have a skewed sense of what morality actually is. For example, just because someone doesn't LIKE some type of behavior such as drug use or a particular sexual orientation, they say it's immoral. Just because someone doesn't LIKE something does NOT make it immoral. Immoral means it is WRONG. Something that is WRONG causes harm to another individual. For example, when the tax man takes someone's money, that is WRONG because it is THEFT and it is causing harm to the individual that is losing their money. If someone does nothing but play video games all day, every day, it is NOT WRONG. They are not harming another individual by their actions. They are only harming themselves, which they have a right to do. I might not like or agree with their lifestyle, but it is NOT WRONG in terms of objective morality. To learn in greater depth about objective morality, I highly recommend the work of Mark Passio. His Natural Law presentation can be found online. Buckle in, it's about 8 hours of amazing information. Just search "Mark Passio Natural Law Presentation" and you'll find it. His website is Thanks again for the comment and getting dialogue going. Steem on!

And sorry for the late reply. I'm in Asia right now so the time difference is huge.

And sorry for the late reply. I'm in Asia right now so the time difference is huge.


Anarchist sees Evil Marauding Pirates cloaked in fictions created to justify extortion and immoral coercion
Statist Sees : Magical Fairness Manufacturing Machine that only occasionally engages in mis-steps and wrong doing.

Just checked your profile. I look forward to updates on the local currency you founded. Steem on!

Well put, nice addition.

I agree with a good portion of this, well ok, all of it. Some though i kinda see as rediculous from both sides. Some is simply we have allowed community to break down. We need to get back to family, friends and neighbors like it used to be and put down the damn devices once in a while. Even if we achieved real Anarchism i wonder would they still find something wrong with the necesity of some laws and try to go where the general population thinks of anarchy? That is that it is all about no rules or accountability. Living like animals. I believe in anarchy as a general rule according to its legit definition. I simply dont trust human kind. Not right now with all the violent tendencies. There must ba a gradual change and real informative teaching on true anarchism and we must bring the next generations up in that environment. I fear true anarchism is not possible with those of us brought up in the current environment. To jaded and quite possibly to angry. There is always hope and dreams though. Great post i appreciated it.

Thanks for the awesome insight. Yes, humanity is in a rough spot right now, ignorant of the most basic knowledge of right and wrong behavior, which is the foundation of liberty/anarchy. I, too, am quite jaded. I feel your pain. However, I think there are more people aware of Natural Law now than there were decades ago (myself included. I just found out about Natural Law and Anarchy about 3 years ago). So that's why I do what I do. I try to help spread knowledge through my work. I might not see any great, positive change in my lifetime, but I get comfort from knowing that in the future, humans might put an end to the current system of slavery and experience a great deal of liberty. Thanks again for your comment.

You speak and right so much more elequintly than i. Keep up the good work of spreading positive information like this.

well said

new links you might like:

You might enjoy privacy workshop too, just trying to spread the word.

following, upvoted, keep it up

My 9 year old daughter asked me today why others want to make rules which she doesn't want to follow in the play. I told her to make them follow her own rules, because all people make rules that fit their needs, there is no universal rule to most of the earthly things. In short, if it feels like a burden, make your own thing that feels like a freedom.
Have a wonderful day.
I love your posts!

Thanks for that comment. Sorry for my late reply. The notifications on my machine don't work half the time. Anyway, thanks for reading. Cheers