Today's political spectrum (as depicted by the Mainstream Media) is a very narrow slice of the left side of the spectrum.
In truth, the full spectrum is much bigger. At the left end, is total government or collective control. At the right is total freedom.
As an Anarchist, I am all the way off the right end of the scale. No government. No rulers. All actions voluntary.
My observations is that, as political parties, Democrats want to grow the government by 5% a year, and Republicans want to grow the government by 3% a year. But both “major” parties intend to grow the state. Forever.
Between them, Democrats and Republicans want to limit just about everything single thing in your life. Property rights, freedom of association, free speech, freedom of religion, self defense, and every other individual right you might value all fall by the wayside either because control is really what they want, or they think they have to compromise, to give a little, to go along, to be reasonable.
I love Libertarians, (big L and little l), because anyone who actually wants to shrink the state is my friend. And I want a little love back. But too many Libertarians dismiss Anarchists as crazy, extreme, or idealistic.
Each and every one of you, even those of you who still love the state and see government as the answer, need us in the discussion. Because without us, the world we live in will continue to move further left until we are each under such a state of tyranny that violent revolt or total submission may be the only choices. (And how close to this are we already?)
No matter the issue at hand, whatever excuse you have to criticize each other, you are better off saying “Yes, I agree. The state has too much power here. How can we limit the power of the state? What are the ways the problem could be addressed by private individuals making voluntary decisions?”
Even if you aren't ready to love and trust your neighbor, isn't it time to reduce the power of the police state? Isn't there some law you think is wrong? Some rule you think should be repealed or reversed? (Which one is your biggest pet peeve? Which law should go first?)
Seriously, do you personally need the state to keep you from committing acts of violence or theft?
I say, in a very self serving way, tell your favorite Anarchist you love them and give them a big hug.
Another way to look at this:

----> The market will provide that which is valued enough to fund voluntarily.
Interesting, I never knew what an Anarchist was until today
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some people just want to watch the world burn
“We do not fear anarchy, we invoke it. For we are convinced that anarchy, meaning the unrestricted manifestation of the liberated life of the people, must spring from liberty, equality, the new social order, and the force of the revolution itself against the reaction. There is no doubt that this new life—the popular revolution—will in good time organize itself, but it will create its revolutionary organization from the bottom up, from the circumference to the center, in accordance with the principle of liberty, and not from the top down or from the center to the circumference in the manner of all authority.”