Just Following Orders Sir

in #anarchy7 years ago


A passage from my up coming book 'Are you living or just existing?'

I really don’t have sympathy for military personnel. Although they are not making the actual decisions to go to War and to fight, fundamentally they are the ones that are pulling the triggers and dropping the bombs. It is them even more so than governments who need to start taking responsibility for their actions for causing so much chaos, and for the very reason that this World constantly exists in a state of conflict. It is no longer acceptable now in the 21st century to use the lame excuse ‘just following orders’. There needs to be culpability, moral compasses need to be engaged once and for all, this is not a game. Innocent women and children get blown up, homes destroyed, limbs blown off, cancer causing chemicals like depleted uranium being dropped devastating the long term health of hundreds of thousands of people ensuring that future generations are born with defects. Brains needs to be engaged not guns! The World is tired of War now and soldiers, and we as the general public need to question HARD the reasons for these wars. Every single one of us has to take personal responsibility and speak out, and ultimately soldiers need to put their guns down. Let the politicians go to war and fight amongst themselves, let’s see if they send their own to fight? Not just the William and Harry charade which is just a dog and pony show to make it look like the ruling class actually get their hands dirty in these conflicts. Let’s stop even calling it War, let’s call it what it really is which simply organized murder. Until the military start thinking for themselves then it’s down to the public to withdraw support. We all have blood on our hands when we allow this to pass unchecked. Not in my name, whilst I am here I will not support these illegal invasions into Countries that have done us no direct harm.

Surely the whole idea of ‘following orders’ is an inherently diseased and backwards mindset? As a sovereign being you have free will and YOU decide what you should or shouldn’t do. It is YOU that decides what is right or wrong, and ultimately it is YOU that must live with the consequences of those actions, and military personell believe me there ARE consequences. Nobody determines what is moral or immoral other than your own conscience. Yet soldiers will insist until they are blue in the face that they are thinking for themselves, but really by definition if you are following orders then you CANNOT in any way, shape, or form be engaging your own brain and moral compass because you have passed the very decision making process over to somebody else. Enough of this disgraceful glorification of death and murder dressed up in patriotism, it’s high time we finally put an end to Wars on this Godforsaken planet! Yet it’s so simple to see that the only people that ever benefit from Wars are the ones that always want them in the first place! How do the soldiers benefit? Depression? PTSD? Anxiety? Plus the fact they get paid peanuts to kill too, talk about rubbing salt into the literal wounds. Certainly it goes without saying the civilians don’t benefit at all. You can bet your life that the western governments and the weapons manufacturers do though, all giving each other back handers the same time as the state owned media is scaring the public into agreeing with yet more death and violence.


The solution couldn’t be simpler on this one. Military put down your dam weapons! Start thinking for yourself and disobeying immoral orders, or at least before you join up make sure you have an in depth view of the World and who runs it! People will say that this is Utopia and there will always be War. This is true because there will only ever be War as long as there are people willing to fight in them. As I have said previously, the World we have allowed to be created doesn’t HAVE to be this way; we can create whatever we want. Why do we accept this? Why have we allowed this decade after decade? And why do soldiers continue to fight in them despite knowing the depth of government lies? Whilst writing this book new information has come to light that the Pentagon paid half a billion dollars to a British company to make fake terrorist and propaganda videos! This was MAINSTREAM MEDIA reporting. I mean how blatantly obvious has it got to be here? That for me was a line in the sand as far as the military goes. If you’re going to continue to follow orders from governments making fake videos then you really aren’t interested in fighting for peoples freedoms like you say you are, How can ones conscience allow them to fight under these circumstances?

Sadly I can only conclude that the military revel in the ‘hero’ status that is bestowed upon them by the brainwashed, flag waving public. They parade around with their medals which look like (by design as a form of mockery) dog tags, given to them by the controllers as a ‘thank you very much for being a good pet and doing our dirty work for us’. Chests are pumped out and the glory worship starts, it’s sickening, vile in fact.Yet I will say this we DO need the military at this time in history, we need them to join us in the battle for TRUE freedom, to join the good fight. Against those who use and mock them, discard them, and ultimately get them to enslave others in our human family. If there are any military folk reading this, or indeed anyone else in occupations that support this immoral system based in fear and violence. Police, bailiffs etc. then I urge you to think about what I am saying here. Is a pay cheque worth your very soul as a human being? Do you want this on your conscience when you are lying on your death bed? That in actual fact it was YOU that were part of the problem in this World? That you were fighting, protecting, and serving people who couldn’t give a f*** about you or your family? I know I wouldn’t want that on my conscience, I couldn’t even bare being an Estate Agent in the end! It’s not too late either; if you have served or are currently serving you can turn things around. Come back to your TRUE family, your human family. We are waiting for you, and we need you now more than ever. And to the droves of people flag waving, what does that flag you wave REALLY stand for? Think and question, then question again.

Of course a big part of the issue here is that the military are generally segregated from the rest of society, this is also by design as a siege mentality needs to be created, that brotherhood, us against them. To expose the ranks to the general public is extremely risky because not everyone agrees with War. They can’t have others putting doubts in the minds of our young ‘heroes’ now can they? Also they are recruited at such a young age it’s insane! Join the Cadets, great just out of school where you can learn how to die in a pointless and unnecessary conflict. Recruitment starts disgustingly early, how can a 15 or 16 year old boy who has not even started adult life decide that they want to take part in War? It’s a form of child abuse is what it is! And what are the parents thinking encouraging this behavior? Parents aren’t just trying to discourage this, they are actively ENCOURAGING it. Just imagine a World where we send young boys off to kill and be killed. Well you don’t have to, it’s here and you’re living in it! The areas targeted for recruitment are also some of the poorest in the Country, homing in on the desperate as accurately as their million pound missiles. Focus on areas where opportunities are limited where the people are desperate and you have another generation willing to take the bullets for you. Perfect for a sick set of warmongers to groom their next minions.

Another term I hear all the time to excuse the actions of the military is ‘collateral damage’. If I had a pound for every time I have heard this phrase I would be a very rich man. That it’s all just ‘par for the course’ or that it is just a ‘natural consequence’ of conflict. Well why don’t you try telling that to a father who has witnessed his baby girl being blown up into pieces?? Tell him that it was just ‘collateral damage’! Tell the elderly couples that have had their home blown to smithereens that it’s just a ‘natural consequence’ these are the realities of War that we have been so desensitized to for so many years. But they don’t show all that on the BBC or CNN do they? No just pictures of an odd missile being fired from distance, or a town being so called ‘liberated’ conveniently leave the horrors out of it. That part has to be kept as far away from the general public as possible otherwise they would lose support overnight. Thank God for the internet now where these poor victims can film the atrocities, the pain, death, and violence that is REALLY being bestowed upon them. These images can no longer be hidden, and as horrific as they are, at least give the full low down on what goes on. That is, of course, if people acknowledge it and don’t bury their heads in the sand. ‘Oh I don’t like looking at that” I hear, REALLY? Poor you and your feelings, how do you think that Palestinian felt? The Syrian child felt? If you don’t like seeing those images then get off your backside and do something about it, and stop it from happening ever again!



its simple really...stop taking the orders, refuse to carry out the unspeakable acts that people wearing suits, sitting in comfortable offices have decided you should do, and the whole military, and industrial, complex falls. You simply cannot ever hope to FIGHT for peace...its an oxymoron!

Whats more unreal is that they have managed to convince billions of people that very oxymoron is true!

Not only true, Tony, but it is viewed as glamorous, exciting and even fun! I guess if you are psychopath it might be...stimulating...but looking at the whole entertainment industry..which is just an extension of the early forms of war propaganda developed in WW1, it is continuing in this propaganda mission even to this day. From their point of view...if you are profiteering from this, its only "good business"!

The military industrial complex really makes me sick. Everything you say @tonysayers33 is absolutely true. Promoting war is such a sick propaganda and tells you everything you need to know about the world we live in. These order followers are the most brainwashed of all. Hopefully with the internet, the truth of what the military and elites really do will continue to be exposed to the point people will deport from these satanic institutions.

Absolutely brother, anything for a pay check huh? The road to peace is so simple, just put the weapons down!

For sure we have to help awaken these young kids who are fucking clueless. And sadly many think thats just what it is a pay check and a good career. There entire life they grow up with hollywood movies and commercials glorifying war. Then the school systems which does a great job promoting the war machine thru history. Religion is another great brain fuck which somehow in the same breath teaches love your neighbor as yourself and your enemy but it's ok to kill them if there not Christian or happen to live in the middle east cause that automatically makes them a terrorist. And then to list of fuckery you have many brainwashed parents encouraging there children to give themselves a holy sacrifice for the cause of spreading liberty and democracy. I hope and pray that the light will grow strong to destroy this dark war machine once and for all.

Yes 100% Ive just written a book on exactly what you're talking about, this whole World is based on heavy mind control and its down to people like you and I to push back against it, not easy but its a war for peoples minds!