
For sure we have to help awaken these young kids who are fucking clueless. And sadly many think thats just what it is a pay check and a good career. There entire life they grow up with hollywood movies and commercials glorifying war. Then the school systems which does a great job promoting the war machine thru history. Religion is another great brain fuck which somehow in the same breath teaches love your neighbor as yourself and your enemy but it's ok to kill them if there not Christian or happen to live in the middle east cause that automatically makes them a terrorist. And then to list of fuckery you have many brainwashed parents encouraging there children to give themselves a holy sacrifice for the cause of spreading liberty and democracy. I hope and pray that the light will grow strong to destroy this dark war machine once and for all.

Yes 100% Ive just written a book on exactly what you're talking about, this whole World is based on heavy mind control and its down to people like you and I to push back against it, not easy but its a war for peoples minds!