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RE: Response: Sorry Libertarian Anarchists, Capitalism Requires Government

in #anarchy9 years ago

"If all humans were benevolent, no government would be necessary. If all humans are not benevolent, no government should dare be tried." This is a paraphrase of a famous quote but I can't remember who said it.

If the premise for the need of government is that humans are not perfect. I wonder who or what will inhabit the station of government that is free from the imperfections of humans.

If you accept that the initiation of non-consensual violent force against an individual is wrong, then no government is even logically possible. Government implies involuntary forced compliance to some dictate. If it were voluntary you wouldn't call it governance, you'd call it co-operation.


You are both spot on - I intentionally shied away from defining "government" because it is a whole different can of worms. Let me gather thoughts - I'll try to post something tomorrow.

James Madison said this phrase - "If all humans were benevolent, no government would be necessary. If all humans are not benevolent, no government should dare be tried." @xeldal