Mr. gastroenterologist! Regarding your comment about sleeping, digestion & intermittent fasting, you are diverging to an entirely different topic. So I'd not like to engage on it here.
Now coming to your ridicules accusation about cloning and un
natural meats you talk about artificial breeding and what not.
Well, let me make things clear beforehand that I ain't accusing anyone for it. I'm just giving out facts. Did you find it otherwise?
Are you aware of the fact that according to FAO reports, 80% of the antibiotics we produce is consumed by animal industry? BTW, you are not wrong when pointing out to the use of chemicals & preservatives in plant agriculture. And that is the reason why organic farming and permaculture is booming as health awareness spreads among people. But the impact of these through animal food combined with the dangerous diseases they transmit far outweigh the adverse impact of plant based food. Nevertheless, I never advocate the use of chemical pesticides, dyes, preservatives etc. in plant farming system. If you have means and access to better plant produce then why not go for it? But if you can't, then it doesn't automatically proves that eating animals is justified.
Like is said before we as Humans were meant to eat meat it's apart of nature, the rule of the jungle and the cycle of life.
This is your presumption based on what you were taught or your own personal thinking. Humans were never meant to eat meat. The rule of the jungle and cycle of life doesn't imply that humans were meant to eat meat.
we are designed to eat meat, meat is good for you meat is key
Again you are giving out misinformed statement based on your preoccupations.
all vegan diets are terrible for you which is why my best friend who is vegan suffers from anime and an iron diffidence
Now this is a laughable statement and that too from a so-called gastroenterologist! Going by your logic, I should tell you that it's only one of your vegan friends who is suffering from some iron deficiency. But I can tell you that many of my non-vegan friends are suffering from various life-threatening ailments like cardiac diseases, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and many more. How would you explain that?
Your talking about organic what about organic meat? what about free ranged meat is that still bad for you? :/ you make no sense, I understand your passionate about not mistreating animals and i agree im very against that, I my self am a Muslim and we do not eat meat that is torched or harmed in anyway, but im sure there are organic farmers the keep there animals well looked after i think your going a little over board with all of this. Its the typical vegan argument 'meat is bad' 100% no it is not humans need meat in there diets. Yous don't drink milk yous don't eat eggs what are the eggs for what are there purpose why are they here do they just lay them and let them sit? everything has a purpose in this life. And by the way my friend who is anaemic has been told by myself and a specialist do eat greens eat your broccoli and cal great that's great for you but there nothing better to fix and iron shortage then red meat.
Also another argument is Vegans dont like taking the life of another animal... If you knew anything about photosynthesis you would now plants are just as much living as animals. Just because it doesn't have a face with blood running through its veins doesn't mean its not living.
No, I didn't advocate for organic or free-ranged meat. All meat is cruel and violent for the animal as well as the one who feeds on her.
I ain't talking about mistreating or welfare of animals here. In fact, you can not derive any animal product without mistreating the animal. All welfare norms are a misnomer and an eye wash.
Think this for yourself a little and I'm sure you will arrive at the right answer on your own. It's very obvious by the way.
You need to update your dietary information if you see red meat as the only source of iron. There are plenty of plant based sources.
Well, our discussion is going unusually long here. So I've decided to write another post dedicated to this subject as I also see another comment by @arrjey raising similar questions. Will update you here once I do that. Believe me there is nothing personal against your stand, I'm just sharing the facts I know. You are welcome to provide counter facts if you think I'm talking all non-sense. I won't mind. Thanks for your interest in the subject!
You can't answer any of my questions my friend, I'am not being rude it's only because you stated eating meat is equal to if not worse than smoking, come on man that's pathetic please get your fact straight and come with some hard evidence to back your points, you can not directly answer any of my questions
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