Would you advice me to eat?

in #animals5 years ago


After rains yesterday, the house is swarmed with these flies.


I hear they are edible and I want to have a taste.

If I was your friend/family, would you advise me to try them out or I should stop?


Do you have them where you are? And how do you call them?


I would worry they would start hatching out of your stomach if you ate them lol.

😁😁😁I hope they don’t

You might become the host organism, be careful...

Haha...just hope I will be immune to coronavirus

You may have found the cure :-)

That’s likely 😊

I prefer grasshoppers for my covid cure lol.

i would skip it, and advise you to do the same

Haha...alright. thanks for your advice

These are winged termites. Always swarm out after a rainy day.
I have eaten them before, and they sure are tasty.
It's a special delicacy over here and they are called "shinge"

They are prepared by first sunning them for a few hours. They are then stir fried but without oil as the produce a lot of oil ones exposed to heat.

I did try them, but I didn't know about sunning them. Do you remove the wings before stir frying? That's what I did.

Yes I did. Sunning helps with removing the wings

Alright, next time. Thank you