in #animals7 years ago

This guy got himself into some trouble last night.

When I went to do chores this morning, the chicken feed barrel was already open. Apparently one of the @little-peppers must have forgot to close it up last night. When I looked down into the barrel, there were two little wild mice trapped in the bottom. One managed to get out and run away immediately, but I was able to being this one out in the open for a photo shoot.

I think going from the dark barrel to the bright sunlight made it squint a bit in some of the photos. I hope you like them!


here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @orelmely



Really the way you do your things seem Enthusiastic and farfetched.

How do you capture such a shot.
Your running magical.
Cause it's not my first to see such from you I saw that of birds and thought it's an Edit, but this one seems realistic
Cause you defend your words with a proof "As always @papa-pepper and here's the proof"

Glad that you enjoy the proof too!

Nice story .

If you like unexpected happenings with a mouse than I can also tell you are story about a mouse relaxing at our home

If you are interested than visit my post

Trap the mouse

Anyway - nice post.

Thumbs up

It is so tough to deal with them when they enter the house lols but all the same thanks for the post

Yeah I'm not at all for killing them. Thankfully there are traps that do not hurt them.

Yeah, there are safe traps out there too!

Do you eat them ad well. Am curious!

I don't like the odds of them not coming back. They are cute though, I used a glue trap once and I still feel bad about it, that shit is not humane.

Yeah, those may be the worst traps of them all.

Glue traps are horrible. I had to free a bird out of one last year with Dawn dish soap. I won't allow them to be used here.

Hi pepper i wonder how you manage such nice shots.. Ooo oo oooo if i was there i surely shouted again and again and again.. Hahaha
I hate this tiny creature and afraid to see it.. Anywaz you are brave more than an army. Man i think... Haha..

I once made friends with a wild mouse. He became so tame that I could call his name and he would come running and set in my hand and stare at me. I had to tell him goodbye one day when I moved away. I hope he lived a long cat-free life.


Seriously. It was the coolest little mouse ever

Haha, that's a great story! How long did he stay with you before you moved?

I would say I was friends with him for 5 or 6 months. He never once tried to bite me. They're smarter than people give them credit for. Animals are awesome!

Wow, that's way longer than I had expected! Such a cool story ;)

Yeah, mice are actually pretty smart compared to a lot of other animals!

Blessed are those who believe without seeing.

I will also tame one, just tell me the techniques you used.

And I give it a try @bristowboy.

All I can say is good luck! My mouse was a youngster when I met him. I think that might be the key... Meet a young one and treat it well :)

That is so cool.
Would never work at my house we have 5 cats in the house, one dog (yes the dog catches mice), two barn cats, and very few mice.

The lil fella got his hand caught in the cookie

People do not like rats. even in fear. why are people afraid of a tiny sweet animal?

It's handed down from generation to generation. The fear. There aren't enough people out there that will challenge their long held beliefs.

In a house they are pests, and unfortunately at times they have been responsible for the propagation of some diseases which have been devastating, so I think that those are the main reasons for people disliking and fearing them.

Most of those diseases have been taken care of by modern antibiotics. I still believe it's wrong to kill them just because. That isn't a good reason.

They multiply unbelievably rapidly. One male female pair reproducing can lead to tens of thousands of mice over the period of a year. This is because they can breed a litter of 6-8 and gestation is only 6 weeks. After giving birth, the female can get pregnant again immediately. And the babies born are sexually mature at about 8 weeks and begin breeding too.

Their numbers are kept in check by coyotes, foxes, cats, etc around here. They never get to those numbers here.

If only they are as nice as they look in the photos. Nice shot.

May be camera pixels. Supplement the mouse looking smart


The sight of those little creature makes me shiver. They are a disturbance in the house and i found it so difficulty to kill them due to their tiny body.

They don't deserve to die!

Not after consuming my foodstuff...

They gotta eat to survive too! Lol

Besides, usually when you get rid of them alive they get themselves right back into the house...

Sad as it is, you do usually have to kill them to really get them out of the house and save yourself a whole infestation.

I don't just set them down outside my door when I catch one. There's plenty old abandoned areas far enough away from my house for them to be released at. The extra effort is not a big deal for me at all.

Great Pictures & Post!
One of these little guys got into our mud room and got into a bag of dog food the other night. Came out to find a little hole in the side of the bag with scratch marks. Steem on!

It seems that you love animals very much. I'm amazed

You got lots of great shots of it, @papa-pepper! I especially like the first one where it seems to be grooming itself :)

Cute rat, I like but a little amused at the bite

Awwwwwn......and the nigga looks cute though...lolz

jaja imagino a los pequeños intrusos bien chorreaos.

Ha ha... he needs his coffee!

Oh, how cute little critters! Why are some people afraid of them? When i was a child, i often met them in the henhouse. Of course my clothes were full of chicken shit after this adventure. I caught a mouse, then shown it to my grandmother, who gave it to our cat, Mafia. But he did not eat mice, only meat and milk.

OMG! That mouse is huge!
Oh, that's just the zoom on your camera.

LOL! - Yup, really LOL on that one, thanks!

I like that first photo. He seams to be saying "I'm sorry, please don't yell at me".

And I shall name thee... BLACK PLAGUE

Ironically, caused by the fleas carried by the rodents, right?

You really don't want mice in the house. Their droppings alone carry a load of bacteria that can really cause some health problems; and they chew through everything and cause havoc wherever they go.

They are really cute...but a real pain in the neck!

A real cute pain in the neck!

Usually here we immediately kill mice.
But I think cos of you I'll start showing them some sympathyNice one @papa-pepper

Some sympathy may be a good idea.

Yes the old mouse stuck in the feed bin mishap, we've had that happen here many times. Over the years the lids of some of our bins seem to have broken (from a cow knocking them off the bin and then proceeding to stomp over it as they are getting shooed away from said bin) or disappeared and we find little mice in them on occasion. If we see them and there isn't much feed left in the bin we'll take it outside and let them be, if they happen to get in a fuller bin we grab them by their little tails and set them free. Although this time of year I think they'd rather stay in the barn. :D LOL. :D
Great pictures. They are cute little critters. Good thing our dog Mya wasn't around them or they'd be eaten for sure. She's a very good mouser. :D I'd be squinting too if I was going from inside to out in the bright sunshine, even with sunglasses so I can't blame the mice for doing the same. :D
God bless you and the pepper clan. :D Have an awesome day my friend! :D

It does happen often, if the lid is left open. I guess it is an easy way to get a check on rodent activity or the population.

Yes, that is true. If you find a whole family you'll know its time for relocation. If you find a wee baby, you let it go find its mom. :D

You take great wild life pictures. I used to think mice were cute - until I bought an older home and figured out my house was infested with them. Not fun.

Totally not fun. Tiny unwanted roommates.

I want your camera papa!

Most cameras are capable of taking photos like this. I have a cheap one that does great.

It's a contest. You just have to put the word camera in a comment...and the camera seems a good one. You can win his camera.

Good shots of this such a cute mouse, especially - little dark eyes. One day, when I was working at the carpenter's factory, my comrades and colleagues
chased one such mouse & catched it in the corner the gap between the wall and floor. These animals constantly interfered between our legs & bored us a little bit. Therefore, taking advantage of this inconvenient moment for a mouse, one of my good friends decided to realize the punishment for their molestation. He took a small belt and began slightly & gently slap this naughty creature. It was very funny to look at this scene of slapping this little mouse - everyone was laughing out loud at that funny moment... ))

Am supposed to be sleeping oh! but this post had me in stitches

Amazing photographs..
I don't like rats though but I've always wanted to just follow them into their own world so that I can relate with them..... Lol

thanks ^^

God, I really like the proof at the end of your posts.
Also, the mouse is cute. I don't understand how it didn't run away while taking the shots. :) Did you agree on some terms before his posing in front of the camera?

Nice photos of mice. Now you want to come to my place and take a few of baby rats? Went out to do the laundry the other morning and heard a peculiar scratching noise coming from the dog food bin. I thought nothing of it as the cat was scratching at the bin. A little later my son opened the bin to feed the dogs and low and behold, staring back up at him were two baby rats! Usually, it is catch and release, but there has been a run on diseases lately so they were dispatched. The cat latr found 4 more. We have been hunting for mamma but no luck so far. These are the first rats in over seven years and they usually come from our neighbour's place. We won't go there right now...

I really wonder... look like you really able to get close to it...nice

Cute pics :) Not so cute when they eat your wiring :( or when the cat lets them go in the house Lol

nice post and what did you do after you took a photo?
did you let it go? or killed it?
just curious. lol!

they are cute, but i still don't want them in my house!

wow..beautifully captured..i like the look on its face..seems very innocent :) lovely shots

HA..HA... This is amazing!!!!! Anyway they look too adorable to put away

man your photography is awesome and you are very talented add this one in your album2016-12-05 17.42.34.jpg