The “Unalome” is a Buddhist symbol representing the journey to enlightenment. Beginning in chaos, we move through spirals of karma as we grow in awareness, moving between the polarities of experience until we transcend the limitations of duality and realize our inherent awakened state or Buddha nature. - Zamir Dhanji (my friend and teacher)
I am not religious about anything except perhaps brushing my teeth before bed. However, I am very happy to learn from those wiser than myself. I have found there are useful teachings in all cultures and ancient works.
This symbol to me, looks like a drop of water, I like the inevitability in both organic chemistry and gravity.
It changes direction, looping this way and that, but ends up pointing to its origion.
Our bodies spend nearly 20 years accumulating their full structure, we may get to play with that for another 50 years or more. Those molecules we borrow, will return to the pool and be used again in other forms of life.
What a wonder it is to exist, for this short, exhilarating, often exasperating, always confusing time together.
Do you like the symbol?
What do you see in it?
Love it,
Great post freemo
Buddhism is beautiful.
Hey Dr. Wom
Thanks for dropping in.
It is indeed, I see what a beautiful influence it has on Thailand and its people.
They understand it ways I will never feel, culture is like that, which is why so many cross culture relationships alternately struggle and thrive.
I don't see a deep a meaning as you do in the symbol, but in it I do see tranquility and peace. A beautiful symbol indeed! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Very deep indeed :)
Hi Chunger
Thanks for dropping in again, your thoughtful comments are always very welcome.
I have seen this symbol used so much in Thailand, but only recently had I read the definition from my friend, Zamir. Man, that guy can write!
I do not feel I have done it justice or just is ha ha
but it was fun animate something so beautiful as you say :)
I didn't know the meaning... lovely. Difficult to reverse the conditioning I have after spotting that symbol tattooed on the bodies on prostitutes and "not very nice" men all over Thailand.
are they also not on the path :)
how we see ourselves in relation to others
will also lose its grip
to be replaced with
what is
that which is only found
in sensation
minus the perceptions that give rise to
as you well know my friend :)