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RE: Naturally Gay

in #anthropology8 years ago (edited)

Great article, I am not gay, but I don't see what's wrong with people who are homosexual. I mean everyone got their free rights, as long as its not disturbing anyone due to their acts, I think its totally fine. I mean, love is not limited to or defined by any religions, its just a feeling given to anyone.


Yeah but don't forget you're going to pay

well, i am not the one who is LGBT, so I am not gonna pay, also that's just their choice, so they pay religiously or something, then that's just their choice. Even people within any religious group still choose to lie or something, again those are their choice.

I just seen I just don't want to be responsible for other people choices it's not my business what they do I just don't want to be as a taxpayer to pay for something I do not believe in that's all it is