Any form of sex cannot be considered unnatural for the very reason that sex always exists in nature. In fact, nothing can be considered unnatural since everything is inclusive to an absolute extent under nature.
People develop a special interest about what goes on in other people's beds because sexuality is defined by culture. Copulation is a pretty central part of the human experience — if not the most important. The rejection of homosexuality from some groups is primarily based on the lack of offspring production. Even so, this perspective only provides a small part of the whole picture.
There is a failure in understanding that the production of offspring involves quite more than the processing of inserting a penis inside a vagina. Human societies for hundreds of thousands of years used to exist in communal forms. Small groups of males and females gang-banged together and created large families. Homosexuals assisted with the upbringing of the children and household chores. They were an integral part of the family as much as any other member.
Being gay only got a bad reputation after the arrival of monotheistic religions that insisted on nuclear families between one man and one woman. Nonetheless, the invention of marriage was perhaps the most successful business idea of all time. In the past, only a few elite got to breed with as many females as possible. This is how things rolled from hundreds of thousands of years in our species and this is part of the reason the human populations were kept in relatively low numbers.
Similar patterns can be observed with other mammals. The "alpha" copulates with as many females as possible while the rest are assisting with the hunting. Some would still snick in a fuck or two but the general sentiment was pretty much the same. A few alphas enjoyed most females while the rest of males just stuck with the dick in their hands. What was "natural" then, it is not "natural" today.
Marriage became a rather successful enterprise for state religions. It was an attempt to increase numbers, influence and power through an undeniable "holy" dogma and it worked since everyone was getting laid. Following this cultural change there was an additional reason for meaning in life. People with families had purpose for sacrificing themselves in battle, thus ensuring resources for their offspring. There was no need to force people into self-sacrifice for the "glory of the King". The social memes of patriotism, religion and family secured the whole conquest enterprise together. That was "natural" as well.
Whether entertains the idea or not, sexual behavior has a lot to do with time and place. If one would find themselves born in Yemen, it will evidently appear completely natural to marry a 13 year child. Nature doesn't disagree with the premise since a human being is pretty much ripe for copulation at puberty.
This is also the reason the age of consent varies massively across different countries. Based on the same social imperative some groups of people homosexuality as natural and some do not. In a similar respect, some people find it "unnatural" and "unethical" for an older male to be with a female in her early 20's. In the past some people found it unnatural for black people to drink from white folk fountains. Thing is, mother nature doesn't give a shit about what people call natural or unnatural. Mother nature expresses itself through it's living subjects, not vice versa.
Mother Nature is pretty wise about what allows to be propagated through the gene line. Homosexuality is no more unnatural than an elite athlete. Rareness in behavior, taste or gene expression cannot be an indicator or naturalness. Ecosystems, which are the hear and soul and of Nature thrive or variations and suffer under homogeneity. That alone should be able to answer to everyone whether being gay is natural or not.
Contextual References:
[1] Men's Favorite Ages Are 20, 21, 22, and 23
[2] Wikipedia: Age of Consent
[3] The Origin of the Human Family

The times are starting to change...
Whatta fabulous article!! Encompasses every angle possible. Kudos to that. And yes mother nature does not distinguish based on the parameters layed out by modern day ideologies and beliefs. No one should have a right to dictate or instruct any other person of what they must follow. What is holy and what is satanic. If something exists I this world and then it is anything but natural. If it wasn't for mother nature's approval, it would not have been there in the first place. As you said, it might be like a very successful athlete, just that their gene pool is uncommon it doesn't mean it's not natural. Peace
well said.
Thanks @kyriacos.👍
First off, I love that picture you used at the top of your article.
Second, your combination of rough language while discussing these rather high level concepts is really unique to me as in:
"Small groups of males and females gang-banged together and created large families."
Haha I'd have definitely gone with "group sex" over "gang banged" but you certainly make your point known with little filter.
Love the article and totally agree with the intent of where you're going with it. We as people should be able to enjoy sexuality in the way we wish as long as we're open, with those who can offer consent, and hopefully in responsible cultures that respect people and their autonomy as human beings and sexual creatures. Living in Cambodia has shown me how easy it is for economics and societal pressure can completely dominate the ability to make one's own choices about love and desire. I'm still struggling with the idea of ethics in societies that teach young girls from birth that they are sex fodder for old men and have no value outside of their sexuality and childbearing abilities.
Also, if anyone reads comics, there's actually an awesome Flinstones comic out right now they completely make the point of homosexuals helping out with child rearing. It's like issue 8 or something. Hilarious and just fantastic modernization of the "modern stone age family."
My only real challenge to the piece is the idea of "alphas" as some sort of natural state for humanity (not that you were saying it was but I want to get the info out as much as possible). We're just too complex for that, mirroring our closest genetic cousins (chimps and bonobos) in some ways and completely rejecting others. Our social structure almost seems hardwired from "gay for the stay" in prison or the interesting scenario posed here where rampant sex by elites adversely affected the masculinity and sexuality of males in worse standing. Some would definitely make an argument like that for aspects of the American Black community's sexual fallout from slavery. They say in books like Sex at Dawn that widespread agriculture 10,000 or so years ago completely changed the importance of things like knowing one's parentage, female chastity, and even the concept of ownership - completely reversed after storing food was no longer taboo and being in once place suddenly mattered.
Anyway! It's an interesting book. Great post and thanks for writing it. I'm glad I followed you for sure.
thank you for sharing this. Well said my friend.
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The rejection of homosexuality from some groups is primarily based on the lack of offspring production.
Can you bring some more light on this? Can't realize how both things are connected
There is no connection at all it's all junk writing in junk science
The fact that gays cannot produce babies makes them look "unnatural" to some people.
Whenever I see or hear bullshit in our societies like giving love limits, I piczure the pic where Jesus hugs the visible to our current tech universe babling: Dont do that, dont be gay, dont masturbate. It's really a great bullshit detector

Curious that "is unnatural" arguments often contradict basic observations from nature.
Nice article, in France we already have a video explaining about it.
I really like your post.
Mindsets will change when old generations will be gone as every homophobia problems and so on.
Couldn't agree more, hopefully old generations mindset will change as the time goes by
i had to, sorry :D
cancer :D
Nice post :)
My main argument, as a biologist, when I hear hate about homosexuality being unnatural is exactly that, to tell them Nature thinks otherwise...
Sometimes it shuts them up, sometimes I actually have to dig around for publications and such to prove it to them (though, of course, they often nod and then go right back to hating... no correcting some people, sadly XS)
Proof is rather irrelevant when it comes to beliefs.
The sad thing us that that even applies to us scientists.
Given the lack of guarantee of thousands of years of time, Ive still nit trued to validate...well... anything school has taught me about biology (which didn't come with experiments).
I hope that when we get to brain augmentation technology, we'll create a device that allows one to bypass some of all those shortcuts the brain likes taking.
Course, then the brain would be an even bigger energy hog than it already is, and wed be consuming tons more food XS
Live and let live!
Great article!!We as a species just love to define and judge what's natural and well..what's not,or at least supernatural.I would like to emphasize that we fall in LOVE with the person,not it's genitals.Keep up the good work @kyriacos! Bless!
Great article I am going to resteem it
thank you
Très bon article qui est très bien fait de la part de vous .
No parlez vous francais
Oui je parle français
You can to describes the story about lions. Good job sir.
Lets walk to my blog I have latest post about travrlHello @kyriacos you are amazing writer.
We must be open minded and accept others people chooses! Good article!
Gay is the way... we don't need more offspring.
Like your post. Thank you for shearing
I wouldn't normally promote in this way, but in one of my recent posts I demonstrate how pretty much anything we do in sex, it's done, or over-done in nature, including vomiting in each other's mouths, urinating on each other, group sex, homosexuality, necrophilia, rape and more...
'unnatural' is an increasingly false concept, it seems
Yeap, glad you shared it. I will check it out.
You are right man! Any form of Sex is natural!
Not sure pedophilia or Beastiality should be allowed.
like my coment
Just as cannabis is being legalized more and more around the world. Everything else that isn't harmful towards another will be legalized big time as time passes. Everyone should be able to choose what their path in life would be. No difference here. Thanks for sharing! Cheers!
yeap, as time goes on people eventually become more open minded
Like your post. Thank you for shearing
Sex is to a person what it is to the society around him or her. Whether gay sex is natural or not the point. The point is whether the religion, culture or society see it as forbidden, allowed or recommended.
Western societies see homosexuality as a normal because it is a norm now for people to choose their orientation. Easter cultures, specially the believers of monotheistic religions, see homosexuality as a forbidden thing and they avoid it. Many of them do not hate homosexuals but they do respect their faith and refrain from it or do not have any inclination towards it at all.
I think it's okay to have a different stance or point of view about homosexuality but it's not okay to have hatred for anyone.
We need to grow maturer as human beings and see things from all the angles, like you described in detail in this post.
yeap. it all depends where you are born.
Special theme Good Regards, Please, thank you
Sieg Heil! It's only natural.
like my coment
Bro that's a little overkill...
"Did someone say my name?"
Don't forget churchill! He genocided more people than Hitler (if genocide is the theme).
Stalin: Gays? Shoot them! Soviet people can not be gay.
i like the spreading confusion, my plan works :)
Yeah... definitely working
I often wonder what the world might have been like, if NOBODY was GAY!
Not much different really.
Very well said. It was an interesting read and brought up a perspective I have never even considered. I helps validate my view on things; love is love and consenting parties have the right to live their lives the way they want to.
yeap. glad you enjoyed it.
This is an amazing post. This is a change in the thinking era of people. Nd really a wonderful description.
Nice post! We definitely need more of this!
This is really a great and rare article. People even are afraid of speaking the work like gay or homosexuality in front of others. You really made a good statement here by eloborating the whole shit.
yeah, I don't see much of this going around and even though I despise gay social justice warriors I felt had to at least explain the basics about homosexuality before writing another article critiquing.
So True !

owo this made me rofl
Well written post,it certainly gets you thinking and it was fascinating to hear how important homosexuality was in nature and how peoples perspective on it has changed through history.
yeap. culture changes everything
Noice post!
9 out of 10 giraffe sexual encounters are male on male ^_^
I think it's simple. If nature has created some people homosexuals, then this is for some reason necessary.
Generally, mutations can be evolutionary dead ends, so no, there need not be an obvious reason.
Well, if nature considers some branches deadlocks, and stops their reproduction - is this not a valid reason?
Many folks will not like this, will get their feathers ruffled by some of the facts you mention...but this is all true and a great post. 👌🏼
"...arrival of monotheistic religions ..."
That was a dark spot on the evolution of humanity.
Wonderful post, thank you :o)
not really, everything was a rather necessary step
Wisdom like this allows me to look around, and realize that even if I see the bigger picture, I'm standing in a museum, and there are a lot of big pictures to look at.
Brilliant article; and of course, which you allude to with your lead picture, around 10% of the animal kingdom is gay, so, how much natural do you want?
It's cold junk science
yeap. glad you enjoyed it man
Props to you !! Following :) :) Kayleigh
Great article, I am not gay, but I don't see what's wrong with people who are homosexual. I mean everyone got their free rights, as long as its not disturbing anyone due to their acts, I think its totally fine. I mean, love is not limited to or defined by any religions, its just a feeling given to anyone.
Yeah but don't forget you're going to pay
well, i am not the one who is LGBT, so I am not gonna pay, also that's just their choice, so they pay religiously or something, then that's just their choice. Even people within any religious group still choose to lie or something, again those are their choice.
I just seen I just don't want to be responsible for other people choices it's not my business what they do I just don't want to be as a taxpayer to pay for something I do not believe in that's all it is
im not gay but im not against them because it's hormonal thing
Homosexuality is a choice
So why do you suppose all those wild animals are choosing to be gay?
Evil animals!
Well, at least we can be comforted by the fact that they will burn in hell for it.... /sarc
Animal do not choosing to be gay it's a gay people choose to believe there is that gay animals
So -- why are male penguins and male ducks bonding again? And why are male giraffes humping each other exclusively and never attempting to mate with females?
Yes, must just be us choosing to believe they are gay....
Insert eye roll.
Because they are defective surviving this defeatist this stronger are survive and pass their genes to future generation the weakest one are destined to vanished actually it's Darwinism usually all liberals see him as a God
Exactly. What you are calling "defective" is homosexual behavior. That's the behavior that you are saying doesn't get passed on. Homosexual, as in attraction to the same sex. As opposed to heterosexual, attraction to the opposite sex. You can't really "imagine" that two male animals are having sex or have bonded to each other. That's a scientific observation -- objective, not subjective. In your own post you admit that it occurs.
How is it possible that you are not able to see this?
no its hormonla
It is junk science
even if its a choice there is nothing wrong.
yea ofc everyone free to do what he want
Yeah the American Supreme Court just recently redefine marriage the definition of marriage in United States is who is better stimulate their genitals the same sex or maybe dogs or goat or monkeys it doesn't really matter this how we going to keep population not growing😕 and by the way one more thing under mood-altering substances goes you can be man you can be woman you can be dog you can be monkey no identity Who You Are
I've never understood the logic behind being stridently anti gay.
I mean -- if you understand systems, then you understand that gay people becoming couples is how gay gene traits are kept to a small minority in a population.
So if homosexuality bothers you, then wouldn't the best way to control it be to allow the free expression of it? Rather than repressing it and insisting that those traits remain in the gene pool?
Ahhh, but gay is a "choice", which conveniently not only ignores the obvious truth staring us in the face but also excuses and encourages me to burst into your bedroom with my checklist to make sure you aren't doing unapproved things with your own genitals.
Never mind. Think I just figured out the logic. It ain't about logic. It's about power.
Yeap, even if it was a choice. There is nothing really wrong with it. What bothers me is how gays choose to marry under an institution that demonizes them. Also the gay parades. I have gay friends that despises them because they are degrading.
The only solution that two reasonable factions that disagree would choose would be to have a different term for a "religious" marriage and a "non-religious" marriage. That way the religious folks get to keep their god honored specialness, and gay folks get the social rights that they want.
But -- that would require two factions that are interested in getting along.
Sometimes I think they just want to fight and this gives them an excuse.
A complex topic for me, and not because I'm so "right". And by gay I normally am. Next to me worked are "guys" — great friends and great professionals.
I also think, that homosexuality is not a chance. Nature needed such a relationship. As if we didn't look at it)
If you want to control the population you can make some individual infertile. Why make them gay?
A resource that opens access to all scientific papers on pubmed. One scientist gave me the link yesterday. I'm sharing it with you. Have a good time.
oh wow. that's awesome man.
Sex is not only about copulation. The mechanism of sex evolved synchronously for pleasure and sociality as well.
this video is kinda cool although the science behind it has not been replicated
Oh @kyriacos you just had to step into such a controversial subject with logic and intelligence didn't you?
The only point I can even attempt to argue against is that it absolutely is un-natural
Sooner or later, words would start coming out of their mouth and the older male would recognize how totally incompatible they are. ;-)
Not really they will stick fuck and copulate with the young because they are more fertile. Nature doesn't really car about ethical semantics
See your post mentioned here
I'll resteem this for you.
thank you
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