... coronavirus🤷♂️😓.
I guess that's it for the #getinshapechallenge for me. My goal was to see how much weight I could lift above my head after 6 weeks. But now it seems that I won't have access to a gym facility for a few weeks... Perhaps I'll have better luck finding something in Oslo where I'll be moving this Sunday. But for now, I'll have to be creative and see what type of workout I can do from home with what I've got.
How is the situation where you guys live? Are travel restrictions starting to apply as well as social events closing down?
It seems that the worst has passed in South Korea. We still wear masks and don't have large meetings, but most businesses are as usual (but people tend to stay inside so the number of customers is low)
I had also heard that you now have more daily people cured than newly diseased. Though I guess there could also be a decline in tests being done and analyzed. I will be moving to Oslo tomorrow, so will be interesting to see what it's like to start in a new work environment and also move into a new apartment will be like during a crisis like this.
We've never had anything close to this since world war 2 in terms of travel restrictions, schools and public places closing and people having to sit in quarantine. Feel for the Asian tourists that arrive in Norway these days and are told that if they leave the airport, they will have to spend 2 weeks in isolation at a hotel...
Hope you moving is going well. I do not know much about Oslo, except that what I remember from a classic game that Oslo was famous for lumber (it could be totally wrong)
Regarding COVID-19, I believe that the worst part is uncertainty: we don't know the contagion path, we don't have vaccinne or cure.
In that sense, I worry that travel ban/public place shutdown/self-or-mandatory-isolation would go much longer than initially expected.
Ireland is on part lock down. Schools are closed for the next two weeks, gyms and sporting events are off. The lock down only kicked in last night. There is crazy panic buying and its nuts already
that's pretty much the same as what has happened here then. Nothing like this has been done since WW2... And yeah, watching people hoard food is both funny and sad at the same time. Not exactly showing solidarity towards others.
Life is still pretty normal in Guatemala.... but i doubt for much longer.
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Europe seems to be getting it the most the last week. Probably due to having the highest rate of mobility and tourism
Yah here in Germany 🇩🇪 will everything closed for 2 Weeks -.-
Hopefully that will be enough to reverse the trend and see more people cured daily than newly diseased.
I think not but we will see 😉
Последней страной стала Украина: с понедельника въезд в нее иностранцев будет запрещен. Запрет объявлен на две недели, но может быть продлен. Об был объявлен после того, как на Украине была зарегистрирована первая смерть от коронавируса. Умерла 71-летняя женщина в Житомирской области.
На территории страны закрыты все учебные заведения — от дошкольных до высших. Православная церковь Украины заявила, что прихожанам позволяется не целовать иконы.
Чехия, Болгария и Словакия также закрыли свои границы для всех иностранцев, кроме тех, у кого есть вид на жительство.
Ранее на этой неделе президент США Дональд Трамп подписал указ, запрещающий въезд в США гражданам и жителям 26 стран Шенгенской зоны в Европе.
Австрия объявила, что будет проводить медосмотры на границах с Швейцарией и Лихтенштейном. Эта мера уже применяется на австрийской границе с Италией.
Великобритания переносит местные выборы на год — до мая 2021 года. Здесь отложены до апреля матчи английской футбольной Премьер-лиги, перенесен Лондонский марафон.
Привет. В Латвии только обнаружили. С понедельника закрывают школу. Правда правительство не знает,как обучать детей через комп. Хотя Латвия находится в ES. BИ могу привести анекдот, что твориться у нас в Латвии.Жизненная ситуация!!! Чёрная пятница!!!

Вчера купил в магазине кетчуп. Заплатил 1 евро. Завтра, в пятницу, на кетчуп скидка. Ценник "Старая цена 1,50 евро. Новая цена 1,25 евро". Хорошо, что купил вчера, а не сегодня со скидкой!!! Извините, что пишу на Русском языке. Переводчик работает очень плохо. А,как вы относитесь к этим фото. Во всей ES Поставлены ограждения чтобы животные не перебегали дорогу. А в Латвии такого нету. Машина куверкнулась 4 раза. Правда все остались живыми.
Looking fit already...
I think that the situation of Venezuela (my country) has always been known to the whole world, now that yesterday two cases of coronavirus have been confirmed, people have gone crazy. Prices are sky high, you can see queues for gas, for entering pharmacies and surely for buying food.
The government has restricted meetings in malls, cinemas, museums, events, restaurants can only deliver food to people's homes, some European and Latin American flights have been cancelled, as have classes in general (primary, secondary and university). I think these are good measures, but they didn't give much time just 3 days, I don't want to be in the shoes of good traders.
Some measures were well thought out, but on a health level we are not prepared for this, hospitals do not work.
And now the electricity have just gone out in my town, excellent...
At least I can say... good job, you look sexy man ;), something positive for my morning.
It is a shame that Corona affects our life everywhere. With the challenge that you started, but you really done very good so far.
In Scotland it is all right, the number of patients who positive for Virus not too high and actually when you just go out people really relaxed, still attending cafes and restaurants. But the local orchestra where our son play cancelled its 2 concerts that were planned. It is a shame he was preparing so good. I assume in Norway the situation is also not so bad at least not much in the news about it.