I had also heard that you now have more daily people cured than newly diseased. Though I guess there could also be a decline in tests being done and analyzed. I will be moving to Oslo tomorrow, so will be interesting to see what it's like to start in a new work environment and also move into a new apartment will be like during a crisis like this.
We've never had anything close to this since world war 2 in terms of travel restrictions, schools and public places closing and people having to sit in quarantine. Feel for the Asian tourists that arrive in Norway these days and are told that if they leave the airport, they will have to spend 2 weeks in isolation at a hotel...
Hope you moving is going well. I do not know much about Oslo, except that what I remember from a classic game that Oslo was famous for lumber (it could be totally wrong)
Regarding COVID-19, I believe that the worst part is uncertainty: we don't know the contagion path, we don't have vaccinne or cure.
In that sense, I worry that travel ban/public place shutdown/self-or-mandatory-isolation would go much longer than initially expected.