It's a small, cute electric car. I am watching the development of the automobile sector with interest because electric cars are expected to become popular in the coming years.
Wow, I like to assemble. Sometimes I get annoyed when I assemble a plastic model or puzzle, but I can concentrate my mind completely when I assemble it, so it is good for preventing dementia and good for our brain health.
Wow, I feel that if I use this app to translate my voice into a different voice and share it with my friends or family, they will be very happy and the relationship will get better.
As technologies using smartphones become more advanced, these good-functioning apps seem to be being created. I think it is a good app to use in various fields.
As technologies using smartphones become more advanced, these good-functioning apps seem to be being created. I think it is a good app to use in various fields.
It takes a lot of effort to verify what facts are real. The same is true of the information the job seeker has written on his resume. If only reliable information can be registered through blockchain, the hiring process can proceed quickly.
I haven't lived my life for so long, but I think the world is really good these days. We used to have to go to the library and look at the pictures and descriptions in the book to study anatomy.
However, if you want to study anatomy using an app these days, you just need to run the app on your tablet PC or smartphone. I think Spine Pro is a great anatomical app.
MILO is a product that analyzes these brain waves and allows us to move wheelchairs only with our thoughts. Perhaps if we can use brain waves to control wheelchairs perfectly, we will develop further and control more complex machines such as cars and airplanes.
All technology may seem very humble in the first half of the year, but as time goes by and technology is refined, it may have become a technology that can change the world. That's why this project is interesting.
Sólo tarda unos minutos para estar listo y ejecutándose con hot-reload, lint al guardar cambios y empaquetado listo para la distribución en producción.
NPM es el método de instalación recomendado para construir aplicaciones a gran escala con Vue. Este combina perfectamente con empaquetadores de módulos, tales como Webpack o Browserify.
Vue no es compatible con IE8 y versiones anteriores, ya que utiliza las características de ECMAScript 5 que son incompatibles en IE8. Sin embargo, admite todos los navegadores compatibles con ECMAScript 5.
Vue también está disponible en unpkg y cdnjs (cdnjs tarda un poco en sincronizarse, por lo que es posible que la última versión aún no esté disponible).
Cuando use Vue, le recomendamos que también instale Vue Devtools en su navegador, lo que le permite inspeccionar y depurar sus aplicaciones de Vue de una manera más amigable.
Vue proporciona un CLI oficial para rapidamente construir ambiciosas Single Page Applications. Proporciona configuraciones de build prontas para un proceso de trabajo de front-end moderno.
Asegúrese de leer acerca de las diferentes compilaciones de Vue y use la versión de producción en su sitio publicado, reemplazando vue.js con vue.min.js.
No utilice la versión minificada (de producción) durante el desarrollo. Usted perderá todas las advertencias interesantes para los errores más comunes!
Este tema presupone conocimiento previo en Node.js y herramientas de build asociadas. Si usted es nuevo en Vue o en este tipo de herramienta, le recomendamos encarecidamente que pase por toda la guía antes de intentar utilizar el CLI.
En el directorio dist/ del paquete NPM usted encontrará muchas compilaciones o distribuciones diferentes de Vue.js. Una descripción de la diferencia entre ellas
Thailand is suffering from the tourism slide. Figures of arrivals in February showed 2 million entering Thailand, a 4% drop from 3.6 million a year ago, according to the Tourism and Sports Ministry.
Bangkok's iconic tuk-tuks are suffering because of the coronavirus, with tourists scarce on the streets, so some drivers have banded together to offer an economical new parcel delivery service.
Tourism is a key driver of the economy but Covid-19 has forced the Tourism Authority of Thailand to slash the projection this year to 33 million arrivals, a drop from almost 40 million last year.
About 50 tuk-tuk drivers have formed Tuk Tuk X and they unveiled their new business on Tuesday on a Facebook account, offering delivery of goods in Bangkok.
Their future can also change depending on what children learn. So we have to pay a lot of attention to our children's education. Children should try to use these educational apps rather than play games on their smartphones.
Is this a magic ring? Rings can interfere with the circulation of blood in your fingers by wearing them as accessories. Also, it is uncomfortable when you wash your face.
I'm still young, but I'd like to try this exo skeleton if I get sick when I become an elderly person. I hope this technology will be more advanced in the future than it is now.
I also sometimes watch movies or TV programs using Netflix. Netflix seems to be a convenient and good service. I think this program will be fine because I can tell how much time I spent on Netflix.
The first quarter of the year is normally money-making months as it is still the high season for tourism. But this year was different, with the coronavirus pandemic hobbling travel and confining tourists to home.
Smiling Tuk Tuk offers trips for tourists, including tours to promote communities and other attractions. Visitors from Europe, South Korea, Hong Kong and China are among their main customers.
The Earth is getting hotter every year, and that's why it's causing a lot of weather changes. Therefore, we should try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and also make efforts to catch the gas that has already been released and turn it into another substance.
These days, there is an issue in my country caused by fine dust. If there are many factories or cars near the city, the possibility of fine dust and ultrafine dust will increase.
People often use air cleaners or masks for their health. It is better to use electric cars instead of fossil fuels to lower the city's fine dust levels.
Every time I go to a hair salon, I often wonder what kind of hair style I'll cut my hair. Since hairstyles are a very important factor in a person's impression, it is important to find out which style will suit me.
This app is good because I can apply different styles and hair color to my face. Also, it would be very interesting to change the style in the pictures of friends and show them.
It seems that there are a lot of mountain bike products registered in steemhunt. I am not very interested in mountain biking because few people in my country do mountain biking as a hobby.
Wow, I like to assemble. Sometimes I get annoyed when I assemble a plastic model or puzzle, but I can concentrate my mind completely when I assemble it, so it is good for preventing dementia and good for our brain health.
vue is a popular front-end script these days. I have never made a program using vue in my company. But I think this service will be used to help developers create UI easily and quickly.
I like services that make URLs short. If you have a long URL when you have to share something with others while surfing the Internet, the chat room will look very messy.
광배근 마사지
3 위쪽 어깨가 약간 뒤로 위치한 비스듬한 자세에서 힙을 들어 올리면서 무릎을 펴며 폼롤러를 굴린다.
2 아래 다리는 길게 뻗고 위쪽 다리는 무릎을 굽혀 뒷쪽에서 지탱한다.
1 폼롤러를 겨드랑이에 놓고 옆으로 눕는다.
힙 내전근 마사지
1 두 팔꿈치로 체중을 지지하고 엎드려 한 다리를 굽혀 안쪽에 폼롤러를 놓는다.
2 골반을 움직여 좌우로 폼롤러를 굴린다.
중둔근 마사지
1 힙의 뒤쪽과 측면 사이 부분을 폼롤러에 놓고 다리를 길게 뻗고 두 손으로 체중을 지지한다.
2 무릎을 살짝식 굽히며 폼롤러를 굴린다.
능형근 마사지
장경인대 마사지
1 아래쪽 다리를 길게 뻗어 힙 옆면을 폼롤러에 놓고 팔꿈치로 체중을 지지한다.
2 윗쪽 다리는 무릎을 굽혀 아래 다리 앞으로 놓고 발바닥으로 균형을 유지한다.
3 폼롤러를 위아래로 굴린다
가자미근 마사지
2 두 손에 체중을 지지한 후 엉덩이를 바닥에서 들어올린다.
3 골반을 다리쪽으로 이동하여 폼러를 굴린다.
셀봇 테스트 중입니다.
Congratulations @noiseless! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge
ocker Desktop delivers the speed, choice, and security you need for designing and delivering these containerized applications on your desktop.
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Docker Desktop includes Docker App, developer tools, Kubernetes, and version synchronization to production Docker Engines.
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Build Kubernetes-ready applications on your desktop
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Docker Desktop is an application for MacOS and Windows machines for the building and sharing of containerized applications and microservices.
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Congratulations @noiseless! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :
ocker Desktop delivers the speed, choice, and security you need for designing and delivering these containerized applications on your desktop.
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Docker Desktop includes Docker App, developer tools, Kubernetes, and version synchronization to production Docker Engines.
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Docker Desktop is an application for MacOS and Windows machines for the building and sharing of containerized applications and microservices.
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아침에 일어나는게 너무 힘들다. 좀 더 자고 싶다.
조금만 일찍 출근하면 그만큼 일찍 퇴근할 수 있을텐데
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This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
Docker Desktop is an application for MacOS and Windows machines for the building and sharing of containerized applications and microservices.
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코로나 때문에 헬스장에 가지 못한지 오래 되었다. 12월부터 그렇게 열심히 다녔었는데
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아파치 톰캣에 내장된 웹 서버로만 웹 시스템을 구성할 수 있지만, 대규모의 사용자가 사용하는 시스템을 구축하려면 웹 서버와 연동하는 안정적인 시스템을 구축해야 한다.
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마이프로틴은 도대체 언제 오는걸까?
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도커 컨테이너는 일종의 소프트웨어를 소프트웨어의 실행에 필요한 모든 것을 포함하는 완전한 파일 시스템 안에 감싼다.
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재단은 능력 위주 사회로, 재단의 멤버십은 아파치 프로젝트에 적극 활동에 기여하는 지원자들에게만 부여된다.
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주의! 이것은 셀봇입니다.
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Docker Desktop is an application for MacOS and Windows machines for the building and sharing of containerized applications and microservices.
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Congratulations @noiseless! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge
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achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge
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This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
아파치 소프트웨어 재단(Apache Software Foundation, ASF)은 아파치 HTTP 서버를 포함한 아파치 소프트웨어 프로젝트를 지원하는 비영리 재단이다. 1999년 6월, 아파치 소프트웨어 재단은 아파치 그룹으로 구성되어 미국 델라웨어에서 설립되었다.
아파치 소프트웨어 재단(이하 재단)은 개발자들의 분산 커뮤니티이다. 그들이 개발하고 있는 소프트웨어는 아파치 라이선스 조항 아래 배포되고 자유 소프트웨어/오픈 소스 소프트웨어이어야 한다.
파치 프로젝트는 공동 제작과 합의에 기반한 개발 프로세스와 오픈되고 실용적인 소프트웨어 라이선스라는 특징으로 규정된다.
각각의 프로젝트는 프로젝트에 공헌자로 활동하는 기술 전문가들로 구성된, 자발적으로 참여하는 팀에 의해 관리된다.
재단은 능력 위주 사회로, 재단의 멤버십은 아파치 프로젝트에 적극 활동에 기여하는 지원자들에게만 부여된다.
재단의 목적들 중에는 아파치 프로젝트에서 일하는 지원자들에 대한 법적 보호와, 허가 없이 다른 조직에서 아파치 브랜드의 사용을 막는 데에 있다.
아파치 톰캣(Apache Tomcat)은 아파치 소프트웨어 재단에서 개발한 서블릿 컨테이너(또는 웹 컨테이너)만 있는 웹 애플리케이션 서버이다.
재단은 또한 아파치 프로젝트와 관련된 기술과 아파치 개발자들이 함께 모이는 데에 초점을 맞춘 ApacheCon 콘퍼런스를 해마다 열고 있다.
톰캣은 웹 서버와 연동하여 실행할 수 있는 자바 환경을 제공하여 자바서버 페이지(JSP)와 자바 서블릿이 실행할 수 있는 환경을 제공하고 있다.
톰캣은 관리툴을 통해 설정을 변경할 수 있지만, XML 파일을 편집하여 설정할 수도 있다. 그리고, 톰캣은 HTTP 서버도 자체 내장하기도 한다.
아파치 톰캣은 Apache Licence, Version 2를 채용한 오픈소스 소프트웨어로서, 자바서버 페이지이나 자바 서블릿를 실행하기 위한 서블릿 컨테이너를 제공하며, 상용 웹 애플리케이션 서버에서도 서블릿 컨테이너로 사용하는 경우가 많다.
버전 5.5 이후는 기본적으로 Java SE 5.0 이후를 대응한다.
참고로 Tomcat은 사전적 의미로 '수고양이'를 뜻한다.
아파치 톰캣에 내장된 웹 서버로만 웹 시스템을 구성할 수 있지만, 대규모의 사용자가 사용하는 시스템을 구축하려면 웹 서버와 연동하는 안정적인 시스템을 구축해야 한다.
이때, 웹 서버인 아파치 HTTP 서버와는 연동모듈을 사용하여 연동하고, 연동모듈로는 버전 1.3, 2.0은 mod_jk를 이용하고, 버전 2.2 이후는 mod_proxy_ajp 모듈을 사용한다.
도커는 리눅스의 응용 프로그램들을 소프트웨어 컨테이너 안에 배치시키는 일을 자동화하는 오픈 소스 프로젝트이다. 도커 웹 페이지의 기능을 인용하면 다음과 같다
도커 컨테이너는 일종의 소프트웨어를 소프트웨어의 실행에 필요한 모든 것을 포함하는 완전한 파일 시스템 안에 감싼다.
커(Docker)는 리눅스의 응용 프로그램들을 소프트웨어 컨테이너 안에 배치시키는 일을 자동화하는 오픈 소스 프로젝트이다.
도커 컨테이너는 일종의 소프트웨어를 소프트웨어의 실행에 필요한 모든 것을 포함하는 완전한 파일 시스템 안에 감싼다.
It's a small, cute electric car. I am watching the development of the automobile sector with interest because electric cars are expected to become popular in the coming years.
I often forget to take pills, too. Using this notification app is a good idea because we take a variety of nutritional supplements as well as pills.
Docker Desktop includes Docker App, developer tools, Kubernetes, and version synchronization to production Docker Engines.
여기에는 코드, 런타임, 시스템 도구, 시스템 라이브러리 등 서버에 설치되는 무엇이든 아우른다. 이는 실행 중인 환경에 관계 없이 언제나 동일하게 실행될 것을 보증한다.
Docker Desktop includes Docker App, developer tools, Kubernetes, and version synchronization to production Docker Engines.
Compose는 멀티 컨테이너 도커 애플리케이션을 정의하고 실행하는 도구이다.
Docker Desktop includes Docker App, developer tools, Kubernetes, and version synchronization to production Docker Engines.
Build Kubernetes-ready applications on your desktop
지라는 아틀라시안이 개발한 사유 이슈 추적 제품이다.
바나나는 파초과 파초속의 여러해살이 식물과 열매를 두루 일컫는 말이다.
열대 아시아, 인도, 말레이시아 등지가 바나나의 원산지이지만, 현재의 주된 생산 지역은 인도, 브라질, 필리핀, 에콰도르 등이다.
I like shiny objects and shiny equipment. I honestly don't know when to use UV flashlights in everyday life. But it's…
I often play games in my spare time. There are a lot of games in the world and they are being made over and over…
Wow, I like to assemble. Sometimes I get annoyed when I assemble a plastic model or puzzle, but I can concentrate my mind completely when I assemble it, so it is good for preventing dementia and good for our brain health.
Wow, I feel that if I use this app to translate my voice into a different voice and share it with my friends or family, they will be very happy and the relationship will get better.
Their future can also change depending on what children learn.
So we have to pay a lot of attention to our children's education.
Children should try to use these educational apps rather than play games on their smartphones.
Is this really a fully free VPN? I like free service. I want to use this VPN when my TunnelBear free capacity is over.
As technologies using smartphones become more advanced, these good-functioning apps seem to be being created. I think it is a good app to use in various fields.
Sometimes I get news of wildfires in other countries. It was the news that a very large forest fire caused several…
Is anatomy a fun subject for me? I think our bodies are mysterious, but I would be disgusted to imagine myself…
When I was very young, I played with the Lego blocks my parents bought me. The Lego at that time was a very simple…
I'm really bad at drawing. Maybe my paintings are worse than those of children. Maybe I'm not very good at drawing.…
Oh, this is a 3rd person shooting game with a unique SF background. And if the enemy follows the pattern I attacked…
I don't donate to charity. Because I've seen many charities use money for their own benefit instead of helping people…
It's a robot that children can learn to code with fun. It is not easy for children to teach them something because…
But we should always be careful not to get hurt.
This product seems to be a good motion-capture suit that can be applied in various fields, such as game-making companies and film-making companies.
I like the foldable board. We can use this to move short distances quickly.
Every street corner of my country is equipped with CCTVs. So when a crime occurs, we analyze CCTV footage and track…
Health checkups are active in my country these days. Most workers over the age of 30 are eligible for a free medical…
Oh, this is a herb that has so many different ports. The types of ports also vary tremendously. Perhaps this product…
버그 추적, 이슈 추적, 프로젝트 관리 기능을 제공하는 소프트웨어이다.
These days, children don't read books as much as they used to. Instead, the children watch YouTube. But the books we…
It may vary from person to person, but some people like to spend time inside the house instead of going out and doing…
When developing an IT system, customers are not sure what they want. So once the function that the customer initially…
Usually, if we want to teach or learn something, we have to go to a specific place or subscribe to a specific Internet…
All children have the right to an education. Their future depends on how they were educated as children. So parents…
I raise a puppy. The breed of the puppy is Maltese. I think most Maltese are timid. When all the people are out of the…
Until 10 years ago, the air in my country was fresh and I could see the blue sky in spring and fall. However, due to…
Eating clean water and using it in everyday life is a human right. But it is shocking that one billion people cannot…
I think it would be nice to use it when I see things online and buy them. Although IT technology has improved a lot…
I learned how to play guitar when I was young. But the tip of my left hand holding the guitar was so painful that I…
I have had a dog since I was young. Dogs are always happy to see me and wag their tails. Dogs are not false because…
지라라는 이름은 고지라라는 일본식 이름에서 따왔다.
These days, many people are interested in health. The type of food they eat and calories are important for those who…
This is a laser projector that can be used in interior areas. I think we can give people a new feeling if we use it in…
When we take pictures, we take the same target, but each person shows up well and sometimes we don't. Good pictures…
I first read a book about mind map about 10 years ago. Mind map helped me organize my thoughts. At that time, I used…
I learned how to play guitar when I was young. But the tip of my left hand holding the guitar was so painful that I…
When I was a student, I came across the Wolfenstein game. At that time, the game was innovative and famous, so many…
I take a video with picture about twice a week. But I don't know how to edit videos. As far as I know, editing a video…
I think it would be nice to use it when I see things online and buy them. Although IT technology has improved a lot…
Eating clean water and using it in everyday life is a human right. But it is shocking that one billion people cannot…
I learned how to play guitar when I was young. But the tip of my left hand holding the guitar was so painful that I…
I have had a dog since I was young. Dogs are always happy to see me and wag their tails. Dogs are not false because…
2002년부터 지금까지 개발되고 있다.
This is a special pen. I like things that make me feel like I'm floating with magnets. If I put this on my desk, I…
These days, I think we can learn anything if we want to study. Anyone interested in robots will be able to enter…
It takes a lot of effort to verify what facts are real. The same is true of the information the job seeker has written…
This is a small playground that we can use as a toy for raising children. The advantage of this playground is that it…
Therefore, hospitals should now use advanced technologies to help patients and therapists treat them more effectively.
As technologies using smartphones become more advanced, these good-functioning apps seem to be being created. I think it is a good app to use in various fields.
I have had a dog since I was young. Dogs are always happy to see me and wag their tails. Dogs are not false because…
Is anatomy a fun subject for me? I think our bodies are mysterious, but I would be disgusted to imagine myself…
I learned how to play guitar when I was young. But the tip of my left hand holding the guitar was so painful that I…
I learned how to play guitar when I was young. But the tip of my left hand holding the guitar was so painful that I…
I think it would be nice to use it when I see things online and buy them. Although IT technology has improved a lot…
These days, many people are interested in health. The type of food they eat and calories are important for those who…
I learned how to play guitar when I was young. But the tip of my left hand holding the guitar was so painful that I…
I have had a dog since I was young. Dogs are always happy to see me and wag their tails. Dogs are not false because…
When I was a student, I came across the Wolfenstein game. At that time, the game was innovative and famous, so many…
All children have the right to an education. Their future depends on how they were educated as children. So parents…
Every street corner of my country is equipped with CCTVs. So when a crime occurs, we analyze CCTV footage and track…
These days, I think we can learn anything if we want to study. Anyone interested in robots will be able to enter…
It takes a lot of effort to verify what facts are real. The same is true of the information the job seeker has written…
This is a small playground that we can use as a toy for raising children. The advantage of this playground is that it…
In fact, we shouldn't play games while charging our smartphones. It's good to do something other than a game even…
Mathematics is a basic subject, and every student needs a certain level of math skills. The app only needs to take a…
Dogs have been our old friends for tens of thousands of years. I like dogs the most among all pets. So I have kept…
I think it's really a unique watch app. Because I can feel as if I were looking at the Earth and the stars and the sun…
I haven't experienced skydiving yet. Perhaps there are more people in the world who have never done skydiving. That's…
I live in a non-English-speaking country. English has a different word order than my mother tongue and a different…
I set up a tent in the camping ground. Setting up tents takes a long time and is stressful. So I recently bought a…
This is a laser projector that can be used in interior areas. I think we can give people a new feeling if we use it in…
Docker Desktop includes Docker App, developer tools, Kubernetes, and version synchronization to production Docker Engines.
Recycling plastic to make new plastic products temporarily slows down the plastic products being thrown into garbage.…
Mathematics is a compulsory subject among many subjects. However, many children find math difficult.
Children like games, so if they can study math while playing games, they can get their attention.
It takes a lot of effort to verify what facts are real. The same is true of the information the job seeker has written on his resume. If only reliable information can be registered through blockchain, the hiring process can proceed quickly.
I like this site because it is free. It would be hot if the production company translated the subject into several languages.
These days, I think we can learn anything if we want to study. Anyone interested in robots will be able to enter…
I haven't lived my life for so long, but I think the world is really good these days. We used to have to go to the library and look at the pictures and descriptions in the book to study anatomy.
This is a special pen. I like things that make me feel like I'm floating with magnets. If I put this on my desk, I…
The books were thick and had to be searched through several books to study what they wanted.
However, if you want to study anatomy using an app these days, you just need to run the app on your tablet PC or smartphone. I think Spine Pro is a great anatomical app.
This is because users can see very high-quality 3D images from different angles.
It's a very impressive project. I know that brain waves are constantly flowing out of a person's.
MILO is a product that analyzes these brain waves and allows us to move wheelchairs only with our thoughts. Perhaps if we can use brain waves to control wheelchairs perfectly, we will develop further and control more complex machines such as cars and airplanes.
All technology may seem very humble in the first half of the year, but as time goes by and technology is refined, it may have become a technology that can change the world. That's why this project is interesting.
Build Kubernetes-ready applications on your desktop
These days, we often take pictures using smartphones, so there is a lot of demand for photo editing programs that work on smartphones.
Sólo tarda unos minutos para estar listo y ejecutándose con hot-reload, lint al guardar cambios y empaquetado listo para la distribución en producción.
NPM es el método de instalación recomendado para construir aplicaciones a gran escala con Vue. Este combina perfectamente con empaquetadores de módulos, tales como Webpack o Browserify.
Es recomendable vincular a un número específico de versión que pueda actualizar manualmente
Vue no es compatible con IE8 y versiones anteriores, ya que utiliza las características de ECMAScript 5 que son incompatibles en IE8. Sin embargo, admite todos los navegadores compatibles con ECMAScript 5.
Vue también ofrece herramientas para la creación de componentes de un solo archivo (en inglés Single-File Components).
Vue también está disponible en unpkg y cdnjs (cdnjs tarda un poco en sincronizarse, por lo que es posible que la última versión aún no esté disponible).
Cuando use Vue, le recomendamos que también instale Vue Devtools en su navegador, lo que le permite inspeccionar y depurar sus aplicaciones de Vue de una manera más amigable.
Vue proporciona un CLI oficial para rapidamente construir ambiciosas Single Page Applications. Proporciona configuraciones de build prontas para un proceso de trabajo de front-end moderno.
Asegúrese de leer acerca de las diferentes compilaciones de Vue y use la versión de producción en su sitio publicado, reemplazando vue.js con vue.min.js.
Simplemente descargue e incluya la etiqueta script con la ruta correcta. Vue será registrado como una variable global.
Esta es una versión más pequeña optimizada para la velocidad en lugar de la experiencia de desarrollo.
No utilice la versión minificada (de producción) durante el desarrollo. Usted perderá todas las advertencias interesantes para los errores más comunes!
Mensajes de error completos y modo de depuración
If we support rehabilitation with VR, AR and computer systems, the effect will be even greater.
código que es responsable de crear instancias de Vue, renderizado y actualización del DOM virtual, etc. Básicamente todo menos el compilador.
las compilaciones UMD se pueden utilizar directamente en el navegador a través de un tag
El archivo predeterminado de jsDelivr CDN en es la distribución Compilador + Runtime en formato UMD (vue.js).
formato destinado a empaquetadores antiguos como browserify or webpack 1.
Este tema presupone conocimiento previo en Node.js y herramientas de build asociadas. Si usted es nuevo en Vue o en este tipo de herramienta, le recomendamos encarecidamente que pase por toda la guía antes de intentar utilizar el CLI.
Explicación de las Diferentes Compilaciones
En el directorio dist/ del paquete NPM usted encontrará muchas compilaciones o distribuciones diferentes de Vue.js. Una descripción de la diferencia entre ellas
compilaciones que contienen tanto el compilador como el motor de tiempo de ejecución
código que es responsable de compilar template strings en las funciones de render de JavaScript.
Consulte los documentos de Vue CLI para obtener más detalles.
Thailand is suffering from the tourism slide. Figures of arrivals in February showed 2 million entering Thailand, a 4% drop from 3.6 million a year ago, according to the Tourism and Sports Ministry.
Bangkok's iconic tuk-tuks are suffering because of the coronavirus, with tourists scarce on the streets, so some drivers have banded together to offer an economical new parcel delivery service.
Tourism is a key driver of the economy but Covid-19 has forced the Tourism Authority of Thailand to slash the projection this year to 33 million arrivals, a drop from almost 40 million last year.
About 50 tuk-tuk drivers have formed Tuk Tuk X and they unveiled their new business on Tuesday on a Facebook account, offering delivery of goods in Bangkok.
Many tuk-tuk drivers have temporarily left their wheels and returned to their homes upcountry, due to the sharp decline of foreign passengers.
The charge starts at 180 baht per trip with multiple delivery stops possible. Conditions include size, a parcel can be no mor
please support haylou smarwatch.
Their future can also change depending on what children learn. So we have to pay a lot of attention to our children's education. Children should try to use these educational apps rather than play games on their smartphones.
We don't have N95 masks, even surgical face masks. We have funds, but its hard to find suppliers right now. :(
The use of mind maps is good for organizing ideas. I used to draw a mind map on paper. This app is convenient because I can draw mind map simply.
It's an educational robot that has a very good function. But I can't get this around.
Is this a magic ring? Rings can interfere with the circulation of blood in your fingers by wearing them as accessories. Also, it is uncomfortable when you wash your face.
I'm still young, but I'd like to try this exo skeleton if I get sick when I become an elderly person. I hope this technology will be more advanced in the future than it is now.
It's a game that looks fun.
I don't agree that java is widely used for games. But I agree that java is widely used as a programming language.
This six-legged robot toy looks really interesting. I like it all the more because I can program it myself.
I also sometimes watch movies or TV programs using Netflix. Netflix seems to be a convenient and good service. I think this program will be fine because I can tell how much time I spent on Netflix.
I don't agree that java is widely used for games. But I agree that java is widely used as a programming language.
But I read the review of Google Play in this game, and they say there are too many ads. So I am wondering whether to install this app or not.
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This looks good. If you sterilize your toothbrush with UV, it will be hygienic because germs die. But it looks expensive for a toothbrush.
Hextio Black - Your Personal, Portable Virus Killer
Please don't spam for this posts.
If this really works, it would be very helpful for people suffering from the corona virus.
The rest had to find a way to survive, and Tuk Tuk X came into play, focusing on small- and medium- enterprises that rely on e-commerce for business.
Another condition is the pickup point must be within 10 kilometres of Victory Monument.
Service hours are 9am-6pm, depending on the distance, as long as it is in the capital.
The first quarter of the year is normally money-making months as it is still the high season for tourism. But this year was different, with the coronavirus pandemic hobbling travel and confining tourists to home.
Smiling Tuk Tuk offers trips for tourists, including tours to promote communities and other attractions. Visitors from Europe, South Korea, Hong Kong and China are among their main customers.
Naturally, they will also still carry people, but "all the tourists were gone after March 15," Mr Kitichai said.
The Earth is getting hotter every year, and that's why it's causing a lot of weather changes. Therefore, we should try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and also make efforts to catch the gas that has already been released and turn it into another substance.
As has been known, greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, Freon gas and methane gas are affecting the causes of global warming.
I think this program will change my ordinary picture into a special one. Thank you for hunting good apps.
These days, there is an issue in my country caused by fine dust. If there are many factories or cars near the city, the possibility of fine dust and ultrafine dust will increase.
I think there should be a lot of projects for the environment like HiveMind.
People often use air cleaners or masks for their health. It is better to use electric cars instead of fossil fuels to lower the city's fine dust levels.
Every time I go to a hair salon, I often wonder what kind of hair style I'll cut my hair. Since hairstyles are a very important factor in a person's impression, it is important to find out which style will suit me.
Now electric cars are applied to trucks and buses as well as regular cars. Electric cars are pleasant because they have little noise and vibration.
This app is good because I can apply different styles and hair color to my face. Also, it would be very interesting to change the style in the pictures of friends and show them.
After a person is injured in an accident, his or her body cannot function properly.
I also think that in the near future, all buses should be converted into electric cars because they don't emit fine dust.
So we go to the hospital for rehabilitation. However, rehabilitation is a very long and boring exercise.
Therefore, hospitals should now use advanced technologies to help patients and therapists treat them more effectively.
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대둔근 마사지
It seems that there are a lot of mountain bike products registered in steemhunt. I am not very interested in mountain biking because few people in my country do mountain biking as a hobby.
1 폼롤러에 엉덩이를 놓고 무릎을 굽혀 두 손으로 체중을 지지한다.
Wow, I like to assemble. Sometimes I get annoyed when I assemble a plastic model or puzzle, but I can concentrate my mind completely when I assemble it, so it is good for preventing dementia and good for our brain health.
I like the foldable board. We can use this to move short distances quickly. But we should always be careful not to get hurt.
This product seems to be a good motion-capture suit that can be applied in various fields, such as game-making companies and film-making companies.
There are various controllers to make VR feel real.
It's a great photo app with great effect. I will download it and use it.
However, if a smartphone can operate as a controller, we don't have to buy a separate controller, so it looks economical.
The use of mind maps is good for organizing ideas.
I wonder how accurate it works when using a smartphone as a controller.
I used to draw a mind map on paper. This app is convenient because I can draw mind map simply.
It is not easy for me to remember passwords such as exchanges and various crypto currency wallet.
vue is a popular front-end script these days. I have never made a program using vue in my company. But I think this service will be used to help developers create UI easily and quickly.
So I am worried too if this service is safe.
I like services that make URLs short. If you have a long URL when you have to share something with others while surfing the Internet, the chat room will look very messy.
We must doubt all services Because losing our precious assets is a short moment.
I like this porter robot. It would be nice to get help from this robot if I had a lot of luggage.
It looks like a toy for children, but it's also a great toy for adults like me to play with. I like this one.
However, if people pursue something too convenient, they will exercise less, so they should use it moderately.
All kinds of coins are coming out. People, of course, love coffee and drink a lot, but it doesn't seem like coffee coins need to exist.
It looks very good. I want to buy this nice mask at a reasonable price. Because I only have a daily mask.
There are also several people around me who do not snore loudly or breathe temporarily when they sleep.
Men also need styling, but I think it's a women's game. I don't like the size of the head of this game character.
This is a product I would like to recommend to those people. But I'm not sure if I can buy this product directly in my country.
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