Sólo tarda unos minutos para estar listo y ejecutándose con hot-reload, lint al guardar cambios y empaquetado listo para la distribución en producción.
NPM es el método de instalación recomendado para construir aplicaciones a gran escala con Vue. Este combina perfectamente con empaquetadores de módulos, tales como Webpack o Browserify.
Vue no es compatible con IE8 y versiones anteriores, ya que utiliza las características de ECMAScript 5 que son incompatibles en IE8. Sin embargo, admite todos los navegadores compatibles con ECMAScript 5.
Vue también está disponible en unpkg y cdnjs (cdnjs tarda un poco en sincronizarse, por lo que es posible que la última versión aún no esté disponible).
Cuando use Vue, le recomendamos que también instale Vue Devtools en su navegador, lo que le permite inspeccionar y depurar sus aplicaciones de Vue de una manera más amigable.
Vue proporciona un CLI oficial para rapidamente construir ambiciosas Single Page Applications. Proporciona configuraciones de build prontas para un proceso de trabajo de front-end moderno.
Asegúrese de leer acerca de las diferentes compilaciones de Vue y use la versión de producción en su sitio publicado, reemplazando vue.js con vue.min.js.
No utilice la versión minificada (de producción) durante el desarrollo. Usted perderá todas las advertencias interesantes para los errores más comunes!
Este tema presupone conocimiento previo en Node.js y herramientas de build asociadas. Si usted es nuevo en Vue o en este tipo de herramienta, le recomendamos encarecidamente que pase por toda la guía antes de intentar utilizar el CLI.
En el directorio dist/ del paquete NPM usted encontrará muchas compilaciones o distribuciones diferentes de Vue.js. Una descripción de la diferencia entre ellas
Thailand is suffering from the tourism slide. Figures of arrivals in February showed 2 million entering Thailand, a 4% drop from 3.6 million a year ago, according to the Tourism and Sports Ministry.
Bangkok's iconic tuk-tuks are suffering because of the coronavirus, with tourists scarce on the streets, so some drivers have banded together to offer an economical new parcel delivery service.
Tourism is a key driver of the economy but Covid-19 has forced the Tourism Authority of Thailand to slash the projection this year to 33 million arrivals, a drop from almost 40 million last year.
About 50 tuk-tuk drivers have formed Tuk Tuk X and they unveiled their new business on Tuesday on a Facebook account, offering delivery of goods in Bangkok.
Their future can also change depending on what children learn. So we have to pay a lot of attention to our children's education. Children should try to use these educational apps rather than play games on their smartphones.
Is this a magic ring? Rings can interfere with the circulation of blood in your fingers by wearing them as accessories. Also, it is uncomfortable when you wash your face.
I'm still young, but I'd like to try this exo skeleton if I get sick when I become an elderly person. I hope this technology will be more advanced in the future than it is now.
I also sometimes watch movies or TV programs using Netflix. Netflix seems to be a convenient and good service. I think this program will be fine because I can tell how much time I spent on Netflix.
The first quarter of the year is normally money-making months as it is still the high season for tourism. But this year was different, with the coronavirus pandemic hobbling travel and confining tourists to home.
Smiling Tuk Tuk offers trips for tourists, including tours to promote communities and other attractions. Visitors from Europe, South Korea, Hong Kong and China are among their main customers.
The Earth is getting hotter every year, and that's why it's causing a lot of weather changes. Therefore, we should try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and also make efforts to catch the gas that has already been released and turn it into another substance.
These days, there is an issue in my country caused by fine dust. If there are many factories or cars near the city, the possibility of fine dust and ultrafine dust will increase.
People often use air cleaners or masks for their health. It is better to use electric cars instead of fossil fuels to lower the city's fine dust levels.
Every time I go to a hair salon, I often wonder what kind of hair style I'll cut my hair. Since hairstyles are a very important factor in a person's impression, it is important to find out which style will suit me.
This app is good because I can apply different styles and hair color to my face. Also, it would be very interesting to change the style in the pictures of friends and show them.
These days, we often take pictures using smartphones, so there is a lot of demand for photo editing programs that work on smartphones.
Sólo tarda unos minutos para estar listo y ejecutándose con hot-reload, lint al guardar cambios y empaquetado listo para la distribución en producción.
NPM es el método de instalación recomendado para construir aplicaciones a gran escala con Vue. Este combina perfectamente con empaquetadores de módulos, tales como Webpack o Browserify.
Es recomendable vincular a un número específico de versión que pueda actualizar manualmente
Vue no es compatible con IE8 y versiones anteriores, ya que utiliza las características de ECMAScript 5 que son incompatibles en IE8. Sin embargo, admite todos los navegadores compatibles con ECMAScript 5.
Vue también ofrece herramientas para la creación de componentes de un solo archivo (en inglés Single-File Components).
Vue también está disponible en unpkg y cdnjs (cdnjs tarda un poco en sincronizarse, por lo que es posible que la última versión aún no esté disponible).
Cuando use Vue, le recomendamos que también instale Vue Devtools en su navegador, lo que le permite inspeccionar y depurar sus aplicaciones de Vue de una manera más amigable.
Vue proporciona un CLI oficial para rapidamente construir ambiciosas Single Page Applications. Proporciona configuraciones de build prontas para un proceso de trabajo de front-end moderno.
Asegúrese de leer acerca de las diferentes compilaciones de Vue y use la versión de producción en su sitio publicado, reemplazando vue.js con vue.min.js.
Simplemente descargue e incluya la etiqueta script con la ruta correcta. Vue será registrado como una variable global.
Esta es una versión más pequeña optimizada para la velocidad en lugar de la experiencia de desarrollo.
No utilice la versión minificada (de producción) durante el desarrollo. Usted perderá todas las advertencias interesantes para los errores más comunes!
Mensajes de error completos y modo de depuración
If we support rehabilitation with VR, AR and computer systems, the effect will be even greater.
código que es responsable de crear instancias de Vue, renderizado y actualización del DOM virtual, etc. Básicamente todo menos el compilador.
las compilaciones UMD se pueden utilizar directamente en el navegador a través de un tag
El archivo predeterminado de jsDelivr CDN en https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue es la distribución Compilador + Runtime en formato UMD (vue.js).
formato destinado a empaquetadores antiguos como browserify or webpack 1.
Este tema presupone conocimiento previo en Node.js y herramientas de build asociadas. Si usted es nuevo en Vue o en este tipo de herramienta, le recomendamos encarecidamente que pase por toda la guía antes de intentar utilizar el CLI.
Explicación de las Diferentes Compilaciones
En el directorio dist/ del paquete NPM usted encontrará muchas compilaciones o distribuciones diferentes de Vue.js. Una descripción de la diferencia entre ellas
compilaciones que contienen tanto el compilador como el motor de tiempo de ejecución
código que es responsable de compilar template strings en las funciones de render de JavaScript.
Consulte los documentos de Vue CLI para obtener más detalles.
Thailand is suffering from the tourism slide. Figures of arrivals in February showed 2 million entering Thailand, a 4% drop from 3.6 million a year ago, according to the Tourism and Sports Ministry.
Bangkok's iconic tuk-tuks are suffering because of the coronavirus, with tourists scarce on the streets, so some drivers have banded together to offer an economical new parcel delivery service.
Tourism is a key driver of the economy but Covid-19 has forced the Tourism Authority of Thailand to slash the projection this year to 33 million arrivals, a drop from almost 40 million last year.
About 50 tuk-tuk drivers have formed Tuk Tuk X and they unveiled their new business on Tuesday on a Facebook account, offering delivery of goods in Bangkok.
Many tuk-tuk drivers have temporarily left their wheels and returned to their homes upcountry, due to the sharp decline of foreign passengers.
The charge starts at 180 baht per trip with multiple delivery stops possible. Conditions include size, a parcel can be no mor
please support haylou smarwatch.
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Their future can also change depending on what children learn. So we have to pay a lot of attention to our children's education. Children should try to use these educational apps rather than play games on their smartphones.
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We don't have N95 masks, even surgical face masks. We have funds, but its hard to find suppliers right now. :(
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The use of mind maps is good for organizing ideas. I used to draw a mind map on paper. This app is convenient because I can draw mind map simply.
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It's an educational robot that has a very good function. But I can't get this around.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
Is this a magic ring? Rings can interfere with the circulation of blood in your fingers by wearing them as accessories. Also, it is uncomfortable when you wash your face.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
I'm still young, but I'd like to try this exo skeleton if I get sick when I become an elderly person. I hope this technology will be more advanced in the future than it is now.
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It's a game that looks fun.
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I don't agree that java is widely used for games. But I agree that java is widely used as a programming language.
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This six-legged robot toy looks really interesting. I like it all the more because I can program it myself.
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I also sometimes watch movies or TV programs using Netflix. Netflix seems to be a convenient and good service. I think this program will be fine because I can tell how much time I spent on Netflix.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
I don't agree that java is widely used for games. But I agree that java is widely used as a programming language.
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But I read the review of Google Play in this game, and they say there are too many ads. So I am wondering whether to install this app or not.
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This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
This looks good. If you sterilize your toothbrush with UV, it will be hygienic because germs die. But it looks expensive for a toothbrush.
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Hextio Black - Your Personal, Portable Virus Killer
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This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
Please don't spam for this posts.
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If this really works, it would be very helpful for people suffering from the corona virus.
This comment has nothing to do with the post. It is spam.
The rest had to find a way to survive, and Tuk Tuk X came into play, focusing on small- and medium- enterprises that rely on e-commerce for business.
Another condition is the pickup point must be within 10 kilometres of Victory Monument.
Service hours are 9am-6pm, depending on the distance, as long as it is in the capital.
The first quarter of the year is normally money-making months as it is still the high season for tourism. But this year was different, with the coronavirus pandemic hobbling travel and confining tourists to home.
Smiling Tuk Tuk offers trips for tourists, including tours to promote communities and other attractions. Visitors from Europe, South Korea, Hong Kong and China are among their main customers.
Naturally, they will also still carry people, but "all the tourists were gone after March 15," Mr Kitichai said.
The Earth is getting hotter every year, and that's why it's causing a lot of weather changes. Therefore, we should try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and also make efforts to catch the gas that has already been released and turn it into another substance.
As has been known, greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, Freon gas and methane gas are affecting the causes of global warming.
I think this program will change my ordinary picture into a special one. Thank you for hunting good apps.
These days, there is an issue in my country caused by fine dust. If there are many factories or cars near the city, the possibility of fine dust and ultrafine dust will increase.
I think there should be a lot of projects for the environment like HiveMind.
People often use air cleaners or masks for their health. It is better to use electric cars instead of fossil fuels to lower the city's fine dust levels.
Every time I go to a hair salon, I often wonder what kind of hair style I'll cut my hair. Since hairstyles are a very important factor in a person's impression, it is important to find out which style will suit me.
Now electric cars are applied to trucks and buses as well as regular cars. Electric cars are pleasant because they have little noise and vibration.
This app is good because I can apply different styles and hair color to my face. Also, it would be very interesting to change the style in the pictures of friends and show them.
After a person is injured in an accident, his or her body cannot function properly.
I also think that in the near future, all buses should be converted into electric cars because they don't emit fine dust.
So we go to the hospital for rehabilitation. However, rehabilitation is a very long and boring exercise.
Therefore, hospitals should now use advanced technologies to help patients and therapists treat them more effectively.