today I see this digital image that you are displaying.Hello @nonameslefttouse. this is my first time visiting your blog.
therefore, I want to introduce myself first. Introduce my name @aulia1993 from Indonesia Aceh Province.
Indeed, the image you are displaying, looks strange. but not all. there are some interesting images to see.
do you want to take silent mode?
maybe in my opinion you are being bored and tired. that is fair thing. I also sometimes feel like that.
if something like that, all you need is to look for entertainment out there so that your mind becomes refreshed.
It's nice to meet you, @aulia1993. I'm from Canada.
I produce a lot of digital art. From strange to not so strange and everything in between.
I'm bored, it's true. Tired. Needing a long walk in fresh air with no destination in mind. Maybe some video games. I haven't done that in awhile. A movie would be cool.
Thanks for stopping in. There will be more to see, eventually.
I am also very happy to meet you. eliminating boredom and fatigue with games or movies, it's not the right thing to do in my opinion.
In my opinion, to get rid of boredom and fatigue, the right thing to do, which is to go to the sights of natural scenery that you have never visited. I'm sure this will eliminate your boredom. while for fatigue, the right thing to do, which is doing sports. this is just my suggestion for you. hopefully your saturation and fatigue will quickly disappear.
You're probably right. Too cold for sports but not cold enough for safe ice to play hockey on, but I was planning to take a hike.