It's a man and his dog inside of a cave.
And now, a special note to my friends, fans, and followers:
It's time for a mental break.
I'll be honest. It feels like I've been working myself into a corner lately. It could just be my state of mind clouding my reality or I might truly be going nowhere, fast.
Either way, it's my fault, and whatever is happening doesn't sit well with me.
I'll be going into silence mode for a few days, maybe longer. I need rest and time to think.
I'll still curate, might leave a few comments here and there.
I'll probably still work on art, and share it here, but there won't be many words. My thoughts aren't in the right place for writing, I don't want to harm whatever I have left here with negative vibes, so it's best for me and probably everyone around this place if I just keep quiet for awhile, until my brain comes back from vacation.
I'm here every day with something fresh. It's tiring. All of these images you see here today, from top to bottom, were produced within the past seven days.

I'm just killing myself.
And I don't know why.
The things that were bothering me...
Are still very much on my mind.
I want to say a lot but I'll say nothing instead. That's the only thing that makes sense now.
It's time to rest.

I followed the trail here...mmm lunchtime, hahaha, sorry that I can't still vote on that one.
Definitely not the end. Rest your brain and your psyche.
Not many will know what mmm lunchtime means or why that is so fucking funny, but that's cool, don't worry about the vote. I'm everywhere on this platform it seems.
I used to do shit like that at work on the dry erase board when I was leading staff meetings as well. Of course those didn't have such a fancy background.
I'm trying to rest. I'll probably put this down shortly.
Good point, I put in a link and they can follow it if they choose ;)
Rest is good.
None of this should be a chore and I know you get close to the heart of a lot of the issues that exist here. It can be draining and you do it because you care about the platform. You do nothing wrong that's for sure. (Except the monkey thing, that was never a monkey)
Maybe it's time to just kick back and relax for a bit, preferably with a beer or two and let those negative feelings dissipate away.
You get huge amounts of engagement so know that you are valued.
Look forward to seeing some of your mad monkey shit* soon :0)
*wasn't a monkey
The rest of the story has been nonexistent as of late.
I do care and I've been stressed. I had a long response typed out but I deleted it and said this instead.
I know a lot of folks still stop in. I had said in another comment under a different post how when I get in these fucking tired shit moods I have a bad habit of forgetting the good while the bad seems to be amplified. I'm grateful for the good. Really, I am.
It's a fucking monkey!
today I see this digital image that you are displaying.Hello @nonameslefttouse. this is my first time visiting your blog. therefore, I want to introduce myself first. Introduce my name @aulia1993 from Indonesia Aceh Province.
Indeed, the image you are displaying, looks strange. but not all. there are some interesting images to see.
do you want to take silent mode?
maybe in my opinion you are being bored and tired. that is fair thing. I also sometimes feel like that.
if something like that, all you need is to look for entertainment out there so that your mind becomes refreshed.
It's nice to meet you, @aulia1993. I'm from Canada.
I produce a lot of digital art. From strange to not so strange and everything in between.
I'm bored, it's true. Tired. Needing a long walk in fresh air with no destination in mind. Maybe some video games. I haven't done that in awhile. A movie would be cool.
Thanks for stopping in. There will be more to see, eventually.
I am also very happy to meet you. eliminating boredom and fatigue with games or movies, it's not the right thing to do in my opinion.
In my opinion, to get rid of boredom and fatigue, the right thing to do, which is to go to the sights of natural scenery that you have never visited. I'm sure this will eliminate your boredom. while for fatigue, the right thing to do, which is doing sports. this is just my suggestion for you. hopefully your saturation and fatigue will quickly disappear.
You're probably right. Too cold for sports but not cold enough for safe ice to play hockey on, but I was planning to take a hike.
That red guy looks like a clay figurine being flicked so that he is moving, taunting poor Max the red fish with the heart on his
sleevegill. There is my mediocre art interpretation for the day.Rest up then, I'll see you when I see you.
I think Max is more of an inside out dog. The light colored area is his brain, I think. This was one of these random pieces where I just put colors down and swirl them around until something starts to look like — something. Then once something looks like something, I make something look more like something, but not quite.
Well if it's not quite something, then at least it's still something. Some things look better as not quite something. Just a matter of something's opinion.
Inside out dog - that makes sense. I see it.
I.. think we're all just killing ourselves, some of us are just doing it a little faster.
Hey! That actually sounds deep. It's not, but who really cares.
Goodbye words. ;(
Try to swing by once in a while, especially if your owner lets. Or if he doesn't.
I'll be around. Just going into a mode where I won't be thinking about new stuff for the blog. If I get random ideas like the story about Dan's wife, I'll just write them down like that and save it for later instead of trying to build upon ideas and publish them. The brain is too much mush.
Hmm. My general plan of action is to start off at some random point - why is the sky green? And just let my mind move on from there. Sky... it's really all a lie, we just live under some domed roof the government made or us.
Takes absolutely no brain power. Hey, that's actually not a half bad idea... I should write about that.
I'll be right back!
Something about this time of year makes me want to hibernate. Have a good rest. I think that walk is a great idea.
When the days get short, I feel like I'm in a hurry. Time to slow down for a bit.
I just find myself sleeping more and stuffing myself!
Relax have a beer or two and take a break. But know that I do enjoy your artistry and appreciate the time you put in on it
Time for a rest. Don't worry. I have completely forgotten the fact people actually do enjoy what I do. I see you folks. Not turning my back to it.
"My thoughts aren't in the right place for writing, I don't want to harm whatever I have left here with negative vibes"
I feel your pain there for sure. I am sure we have very different reasons but I have been in one hell of a slump lately and my negativity has been showing in my writing too.
Have a good break, man. Get yourself lost in something enjoyable and come on back whenever you feel a little better.
I have this flaw where when things bother me, I unleash and say way too much. Feels good to get it out, but I don't think anyone really gives a fuck... so why should I. Better left unsaid.
Definitely time for a real break though.
Haha yeah. People aren't used to hearing someone express themselves without the filter of false nicety so it either freaks them out or they try to hide themselves from it. There are a few weirdos like myself out here who enjoy it though, so it does reach a few of us. That is probably the best that we, the internet people, can hope for these days.
Well, yeah. The ones that aren't afraid are usually the cool ones, so that's good at least. There's actually plenty of these cool people around here.
Truth. This place is pretty alright in that respect and there a few people whose work I am always happy to read. I am a big fan of @ diabolika. I get the sense that there is something real behind what she writes and that is something that I will go out of my way to seek out. There are a bunch of other good people too, come to think of it. Haha maybe that was just my negativity making an appearance in the last comment lol.
I miss a lot of the folks who used to come here and shoot the shit with me.
Great pictures, the mind also needs a rest and this is extremely important to the well-being.
The shape is very beautiful but looks scary.😰
Yeah. I think I scared everyone away...
Yes you do it, I'm one of them😀
Yeah I think I might just take a rest from this place as well.
Also spelunking with @ned, maybe?
I hope you have a nice mental break. Hopefully it is not a breakdown, but just a break.