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RE: The Artifact and Using the Art and Facts to Somehow Explain: The Artifact

in #art6 years ago

An insane parrot man. The process was interesting, the results are pretty cool. Step by step process and progress snaps are fine, but I was growing board with some of them, (not on your post).They get rather long, and lots of people parrot the same posting/blogging technique, but it does become insane after awhile.

It is nice seeing how things were created though. Time consuming for the Artist to do though, and I would imagine they lose their train of thought on what they are creating, is it the art they are creating or is the art a side effect of the post they are creating?

Here is how I start the eye, then a couple of darker lines here, and then the shading, and on and on and on, for a lot of the pencil sketch post I see. I love the final work on some of them, but I have seen so many step by step process ones, that most of the time I will just scroll to the finished work.

Step by step to me is used as a learning process, but the step by steps of how I created something are completely lacking in any educational value what so ever.

I think having the community will bring an evolution to the types of posting, a broadening of posting styles, so there are not so many of the same parroted post.


I'll rarely do these kind of process posts due to the monotony of it all. One of the main reasons I say less about the art when I post is because that encourages you folks to say more. I hope this was still entertaining but I'm not surprised about how quiet it is.

I thought it was a rather entertaining post. I am hoping that more people will be more creative in there creative post than monotonous with the same ole, here is how I did it.

I want to see more sculptured post, like here is this clump of clay I found just sitting around and well when I looked at it I could see the lucky leprechaun jumping out at me with a knife, So I sculpted it.

As a non artist who cares -that I had the potter wheel spinning at about 22 RPM's to get the clay to the initial correct consistency for molding. After getting it to the right consistency, i beat and pounded on it with my fist to get the elasticity into the clay I was going to need - insert Picture of fist slamming clay- That is boring.

I like how you drop the picture talk around it, and present your thoughts of the day or what ever. A two for one kind of post.

That simple all around approach has been working well for me for nearly three years.