False Alarm
I heard somewhere that if you need attention, just yell, "Fire!"
Obviously it worked because now you're here.
Today I'm going to attempt to do an actual art post.
I don't normally do actual art posts. Normally I just ramble on about something. I'll spend sometimes more than a day working on something artsy, then I'll slap it down somewhere inside my post, and talk about something else.
I've probably done that hundreds of times. I'm nervous.
I have to be creative but I don't know how.
Everyone in this Creative Coin Tribe is judging me right now. I can feel your eyes looking at me.
But I'll be fine. I just need you folks to know this is a big day for me. Thursday. I'm a huge fan of Thursdays.
Maybe I should do the art thing now?
It's not too soon, is it?
Welcome to the actual art portion of the actual art post. I am a digital artist.
I should probably start out by mentioning I made the image above that says, "Fire!" all by myself.
In order to make something like that, all one has to do is take a blank digital canvas, make it black, bring up a new layer, select the tool that sprays color down in that fashion, then write, "Fire!" Once that's done, I resize and center the word, "Fire!" because I'm sloppy and all over the place. Then I merge the two layers together, save the file, hopefully don't forget where I put it, then upload it here.
I'm proud of it.
Moving along.
This is going better than I thought it would.
Normally, when I produce my artwork, I zone out, and always forget to stop to take screenshots of the process along the way.
Because this is my first time presenting my work in front of the this Creative Tribe thing, I decided not to forget.
So now I have to spend a whole bunch of time cropping these damn screenshots and explaining borderline insanity to you people with the hopes I come across as someone who is not messing with you or wasting your time. This is going to be hard.
The Artifact
That's the fancy name I gave the finished work of art!
Step One:
Today I decided to first split my blank digital canvas into four sections. When I paint onto one section, the other three sections will paint themselves to match the section I'm working on. I do not do this for every image I produce. It's just one of my many ways of getting things done.
No. I'm not being lazy. I'm building up what I call my "base."
Now things start to get intense. Are you ready for this?
First I wanted some blue!
Two kinds!
Then I grabbed a new layer and put some black underneath for some strange reason!
Then I went crazy with some green!
Then I started to see red!
Then yellow came along to say, "What's up!"
Then I guess I wanted more black!
Now I want to start mixing it all together!
This usually takes awhile and it's really boring!
Still going!
Now I have the base I want to play with!
So it's safe to say:
That's half random, half planned.
And I've already been busy for quite some time.
At this point, I've made a little playground for myself. I spend that amount of time making a 'base' so I'll be able to spend less time producing the actual image I have in mind. The main colors I want to use are all in place. Now I can use hotkeys to select back and forth from the color on my canvas, to the brush tool I'm using. I'll be able to move and shape what's there, kind of like I'm sculpting or messing around with colored sand. And of course I'll be applying new layers on top and using my trusty spray paint like tool (my favorite) to paint over things and create an actual "work of art."
The Artifact
Took a long, long, long, long time to finish.
I would never torture you with another train of process images. I also don't like being watched while I work.
So through the magic of television...

Now you get to see:

And now I'll just let you think about that for awhile.
Have a nice day.

yep! finally the artist himself disclosed some of his techniques ;)
Only some. It's not the first time either. Once every couple months I reveal something cool.
Nice! it seems i've missed some of them...
Igreed about the zoning in creation procees...
here you go!
I spent quite a few hours zoning out on this, but I spaced it out over a few days. Hopefully this post livens up.
resteemed via www.creativecoin.xyz
Well that was kind of you. Thank you. Now I have go out for a bit. Maybe I'll come back to a miracle! LOL!
This is awesome. Did you have the final image in your mind when you started the first step? If so, you are a fuckin genius. This kind of creativity is amazing to me.
The final image was partially planned and that plan was combined with allowing pareidolia to offer up ideas for the rest. That part of the process is really hard to explain but it's in much of my work. Basically I'll allow my eyes to play tricks on me, then I'll paint the illusions.
As the colours were going down, I kept thinking you were producing "Fire" the long way. lol
Just showing some of the ridiculous things I do to save time. It's no fun selecting colors and looking for tools.
How long have you been producing digital art?
Since the early 90's with MS Paint!
And I think it's still around.
And still quite useless.
When looking at any actual art post, I always scroll down to the end result immediately.
Does that make me evil?
I think that makes you efficiently ignorant, if that's even a thing. Not evil though.
Dude, that tv magic just put me in one epic trance! Just when I thought you could no longer surprise me
That's a fun little show. I think if I make one again I'll use more frames.
Awesome :D The eyes of this birdy figure look like strawberries :D
Strawberry handshakes. That's something I never thought I'd need to say in my life.
Huh. More secret techniques. Hopefully you don't crash the blockchain again. (No, I'm not complaining, I love it.)
And are you sure you're not dead?
Pretty sure I'm not dead. Unless this is the afterlife and it's all just the same as the during life.
Would you notice if it were?
Probably not for a couple decades at least.
Ha! That was a trick question, there is no afterlife; you live in a simulation and I'm one of the mods. You just never found out because we're sworn to secrecy about it.
I think I just broke my vow of secrecy - or did I?...
An insane parrot man. The process was interesting, the results are pretty cool. Step by step process and progress snaps are fine, but I was growing board with some of them, (not on your post).They get rather long, and lots of people parrot the same posting/blogging technique, but it does become insane after awhile.
It is nice seeing how things were created though. Time consuming for the Artist to do though, and I would imagine they lose their train of thought on what they are creating, is it the art they are creating or is the art a side effect of the post they are creating?
Here is how I start the eye, then a couple of darker lines here, and then the shading, and on and on and on, for a lot of the pencil sketch post I see. I love the final work on some of them, but I have seen so many step by step process ones, that most of the time I will just scroll to the finished work.
Step by step to me is used as a learning process, but the step by steps of how I created something are completely lacking in any educational value what so ever.
I think having the community will bring an evolution to the types of posting, a broadening of posting styles, so there are not so many of the same parroted post.
I'll rarely do these kind of process posts due to the monotony of it all. One of the main reasons I say less about the art when I post is because that encourages you folks to say more. I hope this was still entertaining but I'm not surprised about how quiet it is.
I thought it was a rather entertaining post. I am hoping that more people will be more creative in there creative post than monotonous with the same ole, here is how I did it.
I want to see more sculptured post, like here is this clump of clay I found just sitting around and well when I looked at it I could see the lucky leprechaun jumping out at me with a knife, So I sculpted it.
As a non artist who cares -that I had the potter wheel spinning at about 22 RPM's to get the clay to the initial correct consistency for molding. After getting it to the right consistency, i beat and pounded on it with my fist to get the elasticity into the clay I was going to need - insert Picture of fist slamming clay- That is boring.
I like how you drop the picture talk around it, and present your thoughts of the day or what ever. A two for one kind of post.
That simple all around approach has been working well for me for nearly three years.
Yelling fire is all well and good but if you really want attention try yelling butt sex.
I see an amused parrot in the picture.
Maybe I'll do that for my next post. "Fire!" didn't work as good as I thought it would. I'm thinking if I was on fire, everyone would just let me burn... LOL!
Do you see about twenty other faces?
Haha I see faces in about everything. They're mostly clowns though so it's actually pretty horrifying.
I saw a different face originally, but now you've said parrot, I'm struggling to see anything else!
Posted using Partiko Android
Haha yeah it is one of those things you can't unsee.
You lost me at "more black."
So how am I supposed to find you?
More white?
You're a genius.
This is very interesting
There I was, thinking that I wasn't keen on all the yellow when it went in and you pull that out of it! I'm not a big fan of our primary colours, but I love the colours that can be created from them, from people who know how.
Posted using Partiko Android
It's cool to see how powerful using layers is. It's a tool I see frequently in various apps but rarely use.
Something like this I'm more or less building it. Changes a lot over time. Things get covered up quite often. I didn't do it with this one but when it comes to finer details, you can paint them large, then shrink the layer and position it. Then you have to blend it in with the surroundings though.
I just wanted to make something bizarre. I think if I would have put more detail into all those faces, it would have been too much.