
@starjewel, I almost missed this critical episode in Miss Spikey's saga! I suddenly feel very protective of our dear @davemccoy! Was this Chip dude before, during our after our Dave? What's that wild-haired Girl doing to these guys?

@starjewel, I love all your stories! You are a very delightful person and it's a pleasure to know you here! I Upvoted and resteemed!

@kismet2018 - I feel very protective of our dear @davemccoy also... The wild haired Spikey is cold hearted. The Chip dude was so lucky he got sold so fast. He probably still misses her... look at @davemccoy ... he is still dreaming of her ... Watch upcoming episodes :)

Bahaha ... this is getting soooo good @starjewel! Can you imagine when @beeyou catches up on the Spikey Saga?! I am looking forward to the story from dear @davemccoy's forlorn perspective!

What a gal that Spikey was, eh?

I'm not hating Chip like I initially was, I actually kinda feel sorry for the lad. After all, who could blame the dude for not wanting to kiss those soft pouty lips?

I do think for the good of Comment Challenge, you need to get together with the girls and protect @danielsaori from the devious attraction of Spikey, as she seems to have used her seductive influence to get his attention too.

And I'm afraid that @beeyou got tired of the whole sordid affair, she is not used to the tawdry and lurid details. She is just a sweet sweet young momma that has virgin ears. I can't blame her from distancing herself from the whole seedy and seductive world that Spikey lives in. :D

My virgin eyes! (and ears)

hahaha... I know right... I really think you are so dainty and pure that I hated to see you get dragged into this tawdry love web filled with all kinds of seedy behavior... :D

@kismet2018, I miss your cheerleading spirit on here! I know life is busy. I am just now following along with the saga. Spikey is living quite a fish tale, I might say.

Hiiii dear @beeyou! Man oh man I miss this place, you, of course our @davemccoy and the rest of the #newbieresteemday family!!!

I am amazed that we could feel such "for real", meaningful connection and caring on a crypto-currency platform! I know I say that a lot, but I think it a lot!

Life has kaboomed exponentially and has interrupted my Steemit participation! It's ok, though! It is ALL awesome!

Thank you for reaching out on Discord! I appreciated it - deeply! Chat soon!

@starjewel thank you so much for protecting my heart too... as I just told @kismet2018, I am naive and innocent when it comes to love and I need you to protect me from no good seductive bad girls like Spikey. I don't know whether Chip is a good dude or whether he was involved with her sorted games, but since you think he's a nice guy then I will wish him the best too.

I must admit that it has been tough to get Spikey out of my mind, so yes I will be watching in anticipation to see whether she grows up and quits playing her wild childlike games, because secretly I still have a crush and can't get those soft pouty lips, big beutiful blue eyes, and of course that wild and magnificent hair out of my mind. I know I should be stronger, but I feel like it will be ok if you and the ladies guide me.

Will leave it the ladies to do that for you I am above the childlike games and the poor fools that fall for it.

hahaha... did you just call me a fool ... lol :)

hahah, our dear @davemccoy might not be dreaming of her so much these days since we sorta elevated him to Norse godhood status @starjewel .

That's true... Spikey is toast now that the ladies have seen the mighty Thor and my resemblance to him. It is quite the ego booster I must admit!

The funny thing is that I do carry a hammer with me everywhere I go and lightening has been known to shoot out of it too... Maybe there is more than a resemblence because I do have those braided beads in my hair too!!! hmmm this is getting interesting!

haha @kismet2018... thanks for protecting me against this temptress known as Spikey. She has that wild streak that is as famous as her hair, and sometimes I think that she may have been two timing me with that Chip dude all along. I'm just an innocent and sensitive guy who may be a little naive at times, so you having my back is a great help and definitely appreciated! :D