
Thank you, you're very kind. I can't in good conscience upvote content that insists the Earth is flat based on poetic verses. I have too much respect for science. It frightens me that you believe this. I'll check out the documentary. I hope I'm not being offensive do you refute space travel, images from our telescopes, weather technology, satellites in orbit around the Earth, the sun rising and setting and the cycles of the moon, our timezones, the solar system, seasons? I can't imagine the ability to believe such a thing without actively seeking ignorance, and that's what frightens me.

Ok, I understand. Yes, check out the documentary. You will get your questions answered. Don't worry about being offensive. Do let me know what you think of the documentary. Thanks. That is just one. I have seen lots of different documentaries like this one about the flat earth in the last two years.