I love what your mother did with the zinnias and the tiny vases. I love it because I do the very same thing except with my roses. I will show you at the bottom of this comment. I actually thought that you would be going to the hospice thrift shop today! I was looking so forward to it oh, it is you know mine is closed for Good so I was going to live vicariously through you. Now I can't do that but we can paint. I know how that's done and I even know how to appreciate it well. Well when I first look at that painting I was thinking that he was a party down under and I'm not talking about Australian under the sea. Now please don't ask me how I kept that but it was just my first take on it. It's happy oh, fun there's a spark of activity going on and it's non-stop busy.
I have always liked vacation Wednesday but I'm thinking I really like Friday's better because I can go away for 3 days. But I think you have the right idea breaking up the week so nicely and doing it every single week. It's like I want to work now I don't yes I want to work. Then you get the weekend off and start over again. You do have a cush job. Especially when you get to pick your days like that. What will you do with them? I think that you will go on vacation or staycation is fine too. Oh for goodness sakes don't you put your toilet seat down? Okay that make me giggle thinking of the fruit fly using your bathroom. Lol
You could have baked something and not even Christmas cookies but you have now make yourself available to put up a Christmas photo every time you and your post. You know, when you do Post. I do love your shot of Christmas cookies. I feel a sense of Joy just looking at them and that's what it's all about isn't it?
I actually understand what you mean about your sister-in-law and I know I don't judge anybody that I give anything to but it's sort of stings just a little bit, just knowing that I could have kept that up in my house or giving it to somebody who would truly appreciate it. Now, maybe she does appreciate in just doesn't know how it will fit into our house but loves it so much that she doesn't want to give it up yet. Or maybe somebody admire did before you could see it hanging up and she, just like you gave it to somebody else. We just won't judge her yet but when we find out that the little turtle has it stuffed in a drawer, then we'll talk trash about her. How about that?
The leaves are beautiful and I hope you do more of them. I know new ones won't be the same but that's the joy of it. Unique and equally as beautiful if not more. I think I'll make an afternoon pot of coffee and perhaps put my feet up and read a little bit. But Nick's bad because I just realized that I have to do my last step on making my ginger ale. It's a natural thing and I thought I would try it and see how it came out. I will let you know. I'm feeling all Susie Homemaker today. How would you describe this one when it's done. I think that you would describe it as be-you-tiful. Because they all are. They are merely a reflection of your soul. Well it was good chatting with you and I'm a little put out that I didn't get coffee but next time. Until then, Merry Christmas!
I wanted some coffee myself, but two minutes before I decided I wanted some now, I put vinegar in the coffee maker to clean it and when done, I need to run 2 or three pots of water through to clear. First pot of hot water is done....LOL.... 2 more and then maybe I can actually have some afternoon coffee out of it.... early evening?? If only I had thought of it two minutes earlier.
My mother has SUCH a green thumb and the land her house is on was forrest up till about 7 years before they bought the house, so all of the soil is still so naturally fertile. It's magic the way it will grow stuff with her care and attention. I recognize some (no all) of the little vases she is using and that I have given her over time. Amazing that she still had them all. She is trying to dejunk a little, but her house has so much open space and storage space and sheds and 45 years worth of "stuff"..... she is not attacking it avidly, but slowly. I'm glad she is thinking on it some.
Three days off together is always good. Since I'm not traveling now though, it is not as strongly desired as before. I would then need to work 4 whole days in a row though.... LOL... yuck....
I decided I really needed to wait till the weekend to bake, so I could plan on taking most of whatever I cook to Moms or somewhere, so I don't eat it all myself. It could happen ya know ! So that came off the list of possibilities for today. The photos of Christmas cookies? Those can make me smile any day !
You know I adore my family, ever single one and I usually don't even step near anything that would cause strife, inside or out, so I don't like that it makes me wonder about my sweet paintings and if they even still exist. I don't dwell on it really, but if it comes up, it causes me to pause for a moment or 5 and conclude once again that I wish I had not given them to her. LOL !! jeepers.... who knew? I still love her.... I guess. 😄
Homemade ginger ale? That sounds devine. I want some ! Can't wait to hear how it comes out. Are you going to post the process???
Wish I had thought about oh, but it is such a process. You have to add sugar and then geest and let it grow and all that sort of silly nonsense. So the short answer is no. It's in the open right now on me bread proof setting just to keep it room temperature while I boil water and sugar and mince some ginger. I'll probably show you the last step. Probably only you and next time perhaps if it comes out right oh, I will do the whole process.
The last step is supposed to be you drinking some of it.... right? I want a video so I can see your face after the first sip. That always tells the truest story. LOL... I made myself giggle typing this.
Yes! Right!
Ohhhhh.... such a rich pink. I love them.
It wasn't the rose that I was trying to show you, but the little mini vase, because they are little mini roses and they are individual place settings. So, I have about a dozen and I always put little flowers in them. See how small? That is a cupcake plate. Click on it .
Oh... ummmm.... I couldn't see the vase because the pink grabbed my eyes.
Now I see since you made me look again.
Some sort of told you that I was going to show you a picture of mine when you showed me your mother's. That's okay dear and if you can't remember. It was a long time ago. LOL
No... I totally remember reading that, but the vase wasn't there at the time and by the time I saw it......good lawd.... you expect a lot out of my peach seed brain.... don't you?
A minute is sometimes long enough. LOLOLOL !!!
So what did you do today? I mean you post it and then you sort of paint it and then you sort of went through things yeah, but what did you do today? Kidding you've been busy all day.
Pretty much nothing.....LOL.... no leaf painting yet, but that could still happen or at least be started. Tried to get some of my work benefits things in order and caught up, earning medical dollars and checking balances on giftcards and looking to see where all I have money stashed.... you know, catching up on balances and .... sitting in the vault and counting my gold pieces. giggle
It's all in order and now I am hungry again. I think I'll go raid the kitchen and close all the blinds..... and then I'll decide after that.