Art Shop Full Of Art By EdgarsArt

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Art Shop

So the first thing after coming back home from Norway was: To go to the artshop. Yes ,that was what I did. Bought nothing much just some pencils, but there is this one artshop which has also some real art exhibited+ for sale. You can buy them. From local artists. In no other have I seen this. They have a room where they have all the canvas types you need. From really really tiny,to quite large too.

And the art is actuslly beautiful. Some are even better than the ones I have in seen in some art exhibitions actually. And the cost is- funny. In a way that it is so cheap,that the market prices would be three times bigger. Being an artist myself I do sometimes go past them, considering actually buying one. The more I see them every time,the closer I get to doing it!



I included a link to my verification post:

You can also check out my youtube channel:


Great work @edgarsart ...

Thank you:)

Wow I must admit that they have really beautiful paintings, even I would be able to buy some! They have called my attention those works of art, the photos are very nice :D

Yea right, I was kinda amazed a bit too. Out of nowhere a really high quality

The roots one looks kind of nice and the shadows in the first..
seems like artists are trying to sell anything to survive..

Oh i dont know how they are choosing but maybe you can just negotiate your works being sold here
I guess the store takes a percentage too

Traditional Arts really rocks!

Yea that is true

Even the pics themselves are good work of Art. ;)

oh thanks so much!

To see selling paintings in Art Shop is a big rarity. The paintings are really beautiful.