That's a pretty ugly painting.
I remember very well the "census" and the excitement associated with it. And the sense of triumph that we citizens resisted. Yes, in fact, it is downright cute compared to today.
For my part, I know I'm a transparent person. You're talking about a very sensitive subject, to which one can develop paranoia. The personal sphere is today more unprotected than ever before, if you refer to the possibilities of technical supervision. The possibilities of denunciation, when it enters a nation, are almost unbelievable. Some time ago I read a novel about the period of communism in China and I got nauseous. Then I think: no matter what the state of the art, as soon as a state subjugates its citizens in this way, it can do so without having to use the technology: with an extremely efficient approach: to make them afraid. Media is probably the right word. With radio and print this has worked quite well before. All right, then. I don't think it will ever be the case that in a state everything is what you would call "perfect". I have been living for over forty years and never before have I felt as unfree as my parents, for example. The comparison sometimes puts things into perspective in a way that I don't like, but that is sometimes necessary. Freedom is a big term.
Hahaha... its a pretty ugly subject! 👁
Completely agree with you and one could easily get paranoid.. I actually do every now and then. The camera on my ipad is covered with a sticker, but we are all surrounded by microphones, that can be turned on at will by the right person. Ok, not the right person of course, I mean someone who has access to the necessary resources. And you are right, fear is one of the main "tools" for control. Always has been, in former centuries it was the devil, people were afraid of, today its the stock market going down.
They trigger our emotions and as psychology is becoming more and more refined, the methods become even more sneaky. You know more about it than I do of course.
I am very grateful, that I may live in a system of relative freedom. Its quite amazing, that we can call our political leaders bad names and ridicule them in caricatures and not get our heads cut off! I also think, they finally found the "better communism". One doesn't feel it, so to speak. Not that we live in a communist system. I'm referring to the level and methods of control in a system.
Think of old school communism like someone controlling sand. If it came right down to it, you could actually take each single grain and do something with it. What "they" do today, is more like controlling water. OK, with the right technology you could manipulate single molecules, but lets not split hair. With water on our normal level of perception, you are no longer dealing with individual (particles), so one sets boundaries and makes sure through control, that the water goes where they want it to go. Surveillance at a sophisticated level is to make sure, those who think about peeing in the pool are detected, before they actually do it... unfortunately, you could get "detected" for the thought alone too, without the intention. Hope my "picture" makes sense..
yes, it makes sense.
But you know what? I think most of us are actually very well adopted to the system we live in. More, than we would like to admit. Only by circumstances, that alone is enough. We were assimilated even before born. Conditions were long set and I entered this world without knowing that I am a "good" citizen.
I do not believe that the leading class (or politicians or rich) is having a plan. Maybe I am wrong but I do not care so much, even though I had my camera lense covered for about two years. Just recently removed it because of a skype session with a friend.
I will appear on the radar as a molecule or a sand corn whenever I interfere with thy systems which need my data. Mostly just smoothly I am sliding through. But when I start to think about technology marrying bureaucracy I get the creeps. When it is connected to matter of health, for example. You read my article about organ donation? That is something I do not cope with.
So, I am too, having my fears. But actually not for myself but for my child. ... And then, and then, ... well, let's leave that. Your painting is expressing those anxieties in a much too well manner:)
Sorry for my late reply... been in my studio a lot and there I'm sort of "offline" :-)
Of course we are all used to the way things run and we don't think of it much in our every day routines. I also wouldn't care about being on some radar as a remote light dot.
But what if something freaky happens? Someone decides, that because of a certain combination of stored bits and bytes you become a target? You know... we all feel mostly safe in our cars, but that doesn't mean a truck can't hit us the next moment... Yeah, I too find it creepy, when technology and bureaucracy join forces and like you say, what's it all gonna be for our children?
OK, trying to find your post on organ donation now.
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