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RE: Painting Exploration Continues....

in #art2 years ago

Glad to hear your experience with migraines. I can't say that mine are true migraines, as I have not ever had it formally diagnosed, but they fit a lot of the symptoms, so I'm not sure an official name is necessary. Pretty sure mine are triggered by digestion. In Traditional Chinese Medicine I believe there is a connection between the two, and I've noticed it myself. Some people just get a spot of indigestion...and then there is me. Sigh.

It probably would not turn out half so good if there was a vision anyway - visions are stagnant; evolution has more depth.


"Some people just get a spot of indigestion...and then there is me. Sigh."

ha ha.... I feel like that about a lot of things in my life.

art visions, like long term goal setting have always eluded me. :)