I don't know why I would be surprised when what I envisioned doesn't come out, I mean, I don't think that has ever happened. Mostly though, I nearly never have a vision. Good thing I like abstracts so that any way it comes out I can pretend that's what I mean to do. LOL
Thank you ! They were fun to do.
I rarely get a migraine. Didn't have any till my late 40's and most of them were during about a 3 year period. Since then, very, very rare. I am fortunate in that I don't usually get the head splitting pain. It either starts out of the blue with a slanted sparkly line the does a wavy glitter as it slowly passes over my eyes from right to left and then disappears... .OR, no sparkles, just amazing dizziness like vertigo for a few hours. Afterwards my head feels like I have my Beanie on too tight....LOL.... or a heavy headband across the middle of my head from ear to ear and my eyes are slightly bleary.... and .... all that, just not (so far) excruciating pain, which I am very VERY thankful for. I stay slightly loopy headed for about 3 days'ish. I know you wanted to know all that ! It's annoying.
Sleep is always helpful at the first.
Thanks for stopping over. I've been happy to see you posting again.
Glad to hear your experience with migraines. I can't say that mine are true migraines, as I have not ever had it formally diagnosed, but they fit a lot of the symptoms, so I'm not sure an official name is necessary. Pretty sure mine are triggered by digestion. In Traditional Chinese Medicine I believe there is a connection between the two, and I've noticed it myself. Some people just get a spot of indigestion...and then there is me. Sigh.
It probably would not turn out half so good if there was a vision anyway - visions are stagnant; evolution has more depth.
"Some people just get a spot of indigestion...and then there is me. Sigh."
ha ha.... I feel like that about a lot of things in my life.
art visions, like long term goal setting have always eluded me. :)