Hi @brisby :). Times are strange, but I feel that people may be stranger - much stranger. I feel like a conduit at times, but basically, there is so much information travelling through us all, all of the time, that if we absorb ourselves in it, we will get lost. From around 2,000 I started researching everything. I loved it. It fitted my eclectic personality. From 2010 I started sharing the information that I had gathered, but it was not received well at that time.
I ended up stepping back massively from it all, as it was sending me mad. Not in itself, but with the contrast that was presented to me when trying to live in the everyday world. Nobody was on the same page, it seemed. I joined the Freedom Rebels Network and we hed regular public lectures in local pubs and the likes. It culminated with the day that we went to Birkenhead Magistrates' Court on the 8th March, 2011.
Around three hundred Sovereigns (us) turned up with black umbrellas (completely random) and seized the magistrates' court, as soon as the judge claimed jurasdiction and we arrested the judge. He later escaped, in all of the confusion, but we did this to try to explain to people that the legal system is robbing you and you should be using the law to defend yourself. The goal posts have been moved that often, they are now corner flags.
Anyway, I apologise for the discourse, but of recent I have been typing out posts and comments and either saving them or deleting them, but not posting them. Anyway (again), back to your comment :). Yes, a video of balloon modelling would be mad but fun, although I don't think the present video camera is up to it, but I am intending to buy a new video camera, so will be able to do more then.
Hmmmm. I know that this might look like a strange reply, but it is just me talking from this perspective, here and now. Well, it's my head, which isn't me, but it wanted to drive and if I don't let it, it makes life hell for me :).
Thanks for the reply and the kind words. Keep writing, or else people can't keep reading :).
Learning as much as possible is a very admirable pursuit. Just never lose the knowledge of who is important and what makes you happy.
Please feel free to launch an extensive discourse with me anytime. I will make a point to get back to you (although it may be days later).
When I see a comment or reply from you, my first reaction is a smile. It's more than a halfer, but less than a beam. There's a happy chuckle of breath in there as well. That is the response that YOU'VE created in a total stranger. I just wanted to let you know the positive power you wield.
As for the contrast, it can get to you. I'm a bit more fly solo or operate in a small group of 5 or less sort of person, so watching a group like what was in a video I watched from the 2011 incident (since I had no prior information regarding the Freedom Rebels Network) was interesting.
I belive in speaking from your head (it controls the mouth and the feet so it has all the power).
Keep smiling and writing as well!
Thank you for that reply, brisby. I may well launch a discourse or three at you, considering that you have opened that door ha, ha, ha, but seriously, it's nice to be able to express myself and my last comment was a lot about how I was feeling at the time of posting. I guess it's nice not to feel inhibited. Of course, I reciprocate the same and if you ever want a ramble, please feel free and I will join in :).
I am always pleased to see your replies, too. They always make me feel better, if I'm in a good mood or not. It's also nice to know I make you smile. Unless you're an evil overlord, that's a good thing. I'm certain that you're not an evil overlord, though, so yes, a good thing.
I am very much a solo person. The video was the only time I have ever protested, because we all felt it would be life changing news for a lot of people to be able to use the law against the legal system and a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, but my heart still feels the same and everything seems to fit into it, somehow. Difficult to explain, but I guess I am in the right place to try to :).
There are a lot of video clips for the court case, as a lot of people filmed it. The Freedom Rebels Network has a good library for legal documents and a lot of informaive lawful stuff, but it is a game. The legal system, to them that play it, is a game. It can send you mad, trying to get justice or a straight answer to a common-sense yes/no question.
This is why I feel that Steeit, to some degree, has a chance to change things for the better, on many levels, but as a brilliant introduction into crytocurrencies and a way for creative or just decent folk to grow together, even if there are pockets of negativity or flaws with the way it operates.
The head I use to process stuff, but it isn't very bright. A great processor and at times, it surprises me, but I trust my heart's decisions much more :). Feet are a good thing to have control of though, ha, ha, ha, and the mouth can really get you into trouble if it isn't controlled, so I do see your point. I may reconsider, but to be honest, that's doubtful :D.
Thanks, @brisby, for your comment and I hope to read more in the future, of course. I will keep smiling and can feel a 'something' coming on, but been over a week now, since I last posted, so I need to post before it gets too long a time. Still been upvoting and commenting and made a couple of balloon things, but I forgot to tae pictures of the skeleton I made today for somebody. A different looking fella, but made a couple of other things that didn't turn out well, so was going to do a 'failures' post, but decided against it.
Take care and have fun, but I don't feel you need much instruction there :).
Thank you! 💚
I hear you on not wanting to go too long without posting.
Recently, I've been doing these daily 5-minute freewriting (#freewrite) exercises put on by @mariannewest and @improv that I think you'd have fun with. (Honestly, I just want to see what fun you come up with...). If you're feeling in a playful mood, check it out.
Thank you, too :).
I did read one of your entries and I hope for my sake that I upvoted it, but I did mean to, so am sure I did. I just remember a woman swimming through the pages. Was really good. I guess I should have commented on it, but I will next time. I upvote quite a few things that I don't comment on, but sometimes I cannot add to the already made comments and sometimes can't find the correct words.
I might have a look at these as it might be a good way to keep in touch with Steemit and I'm sure it will inspire me to write more posts. Thank you for sharing that and I'll definitely have a look at them and see what my self-employed mind comes up with.
If you've been posting these daily, I have a few to read :).
Arigato gwb235! It gives me a warmth to know that you liked Anchor. It was more personal than I intended to post, but I promised myself that I'd try something different when I signed up for Steemit. (This last month I've done more social media posts than I have since high school AOL chat rooms.) My Pinterest account doesn't factor in since I don't have to communicate directly with people.
As I've experienced so far, the freewrite group is genuinely kind and thoughtful.
Yes, I have found myself sometimes not leaving comments for the exact reasons you stated. I suppose that gives more proof to the presence of similar minds.
Hi brisby,
Yes, you have posted regularly in the last month and that's excellent stuff. We all should be posting regularly and I'm trying, but not doing very well at all, but I know that something will give, soon. I had a look at the @freewrite section and read a post regarding what freewriting is and thought it'd be ignorant of me not to try, so I found the weekend one, which is in three parts. My first two parts were okay, but obviously, wanted to change them (but didn't), but the third part just killed it for me. There is no way I could try to make it fit. It just didn't work, but I will try the next one. I am tempted to just post the first two parts, but same conclusion - I may as well try to post something interesting for people (described as the ego requiring approval in the freewriting post, which I get).
I cannot try another go at the third part either, because that would be spending a lot more than five minutes on it. I tried and came close, but sort of failed, but I am inwardly optimistic. By definition of me being here, it shows I am a hopeless optimist :). So, I will try a single five minute one and see how it goes. I thought I was being clever as well, by adding two words to the first part's title, which were, "George Gerstein". It changes the whole perception of the story and that might have been my error. I have realised something whilst typing this, though, which has been niggling me for a while and which I have edited and avoided 'but', I use the word, "but" too often. This is my way of avoiding saying that anything 'is'.
I remember when I was younger I used to come out with some seriously deep and profound words. I used to enjoy what the head could throw out and having spent many hours in altered states, I am aware that I am not always the driver of this vehicle :). I have observed myself many times and often and it can be bemusing, to say the least. Anyway, what I was saying is that I used to come out with profound words and then, after a short pause, would follow it with, "Ahh, but I'm full of shit", and I think it was because it was my ego talking the wise words of depth and profundity. I was the observer.
Jesus, there I go again on the old tangent train. One of these days I am going to make something of it all. I used to write and write, all of the time. I'd fill every piece of paper that was lying around with ideas, thoughts and projects. Song lyrics, poems, scripts, routines and philosophies. I used to love writing and then it just stopped. I can't even be bothered writing a shopping list out nowadays and regularly forget items of necessity :).
Right, slap round the face, shake off the dust of morbid becomings and fet a big happy and bright grip of my shit. Not that I'm down, just a little anxious about time passing me by and me neglecting Steemit. I apologise for the lengthy replies, because they contradict my inability to type words out in a gang of paragraphness and they take more time than they are worthy of in the octopus that we know as the written word, of which I feel this is one of the tentacles of (Eh? How's that for stretching it a bit? Ha, ha ,ha).
Okay, quick note finished and now off to try to inspire myself to write about something or create a post. With regards to the deleting things, it may have something to do with all of the problems that have been created from people sharing thoughts via social media sites and just generally online. I feel that Steemit is different in that respect and maybe because there is nothing hidden.
Thanks for the reply, brisby, oh yes, I haven't heard the word Arigato before, but I am assuming that it is a happy word :D. Keep writing and I'll catch up with you and thousands of others, very soon.
Arigato is Japanese for thank you! I was in the mood for saying it so I said it, well actually I typed it but you know that since you read it. So if the written word is an octopus, and our comments here are the tentacles, what novels am I eating when I have those deep fried octopus balls? (Which are called takoyaki and they are delicious!)
You seem to write just fine when you're responding to me and other commentors. Maybe you can write a post that is simply an open letter to whomever? Perhaps that is a style that suits you best when you are feeling "stuck". What you've written on your blog so far is interesting, personal, entertaining, and thoughtful. And seeing the number of comments you get on some of the posts, many others agree!
I'm happy that you tried the freewriting (sad that it frustrated you). Maybe you'll have more fun with a single prompt. Don't be hard on yourself! Some of these are designed to be weirdand to just to let your brain go all wonky. When I started writing my cat one I was thinking about a cat mask on an assassin, and then I ended up writing about a dead woman in a tub talking to a white cat that is supposed to lead her to the next world....
Deep and profound words are great, but (HA I'm doing it too!!) did you truly mean them and did they make you happy? Maybe your words didn't leave you and you just became more critical? ( the whole full of s*** thing...). I understand that feeling a bit. I also used to write all the time until my father told me that every time I was published it was just because they wanted to sell me the books that I was being published in. Ha!! Once I found out he was right I sort of lost my enthusiasm for putting out what I wrote, although I still wrote. And you're right that Steemit seems to be different, that's why you and I are optimistically here! Although, realistically I do know that once you gather more than five human beings one of them will turn out to be an a**hole. It's just math.
Please don't apologize for your tangent train! It's a fun ride! Have a good one gwb235!!