A few days ago, I painted a plate of loquats and today I continue to share with you loquats . Its leaves are big and oval in shape. If you are close to see it, you will see some veins regularly arranged on it. However, its leaves are not only beautiful but also can be made into tea leaves after drying it.
There are many fruits on the Loquat trees with luxuriant foliage, which look like yellow pears and so beautiful that little sparrows want to eat it. No wander the ancients called it "Gold fruit" and look on it as money tree. So it is a symbol of wealth and good fortune. Many people not only like to plant but also like to paint it, including me. I hope it will bring you good fortune.
通常来说,枇杷树枝繁叶茂。碧绿硕大的叶子下面,藏着一串串金灿灿的果实,一颗颗像金黄的珍珠,就连小麻雀看见了,都围着它要转好几圈,忍不住想去吃这诱人的果实。难怪古人称之为“黄金丸”,又把枇杷树看作是摇钱树。所以枇杷又寓意着多财和多福。很多人不仅喜欢种植还喜欢画它, 我也一样。
Material 工具:
Chinese brushes 毛笔2只
Chinese painting color 国画颜料
Xuan Paper (raw) 生宣纸
Chinese ink 墨汁
wool felt 羊毛毡
The Process 过程图:
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好漂亮的黃中帶綠綠中帶橙的枇杷呀!還有我喜歡的小麻雀!<3 小麻雀好輕盈的感覺XD
谢谢@susanlo, 你也忙了,好久没见你的漂亮画作了。
不用謝,畫得真是好!:) 對呀,考完試還要忙其他的東西,都沒時間靜下來畫畫或者繡花TVT不過以後總會有時間的!💪
赞!我都2周没画国画了 T T
so beautiful ,especially the sparrow of the picture very beautiful
I love Chinese scripts !!!!
thank you @thetravel13, very glad you love Chinese scripts.
Beautiful! I love the fact that you put step by step photos on the painting progress as well. It's a really beautiful painting :)
thank you @emilyl, To be honest, I don't want to shot it when I paint it.
nice paintings, keep it up ..
The sparrow is just perfect!
I like sparrow and I think it has indomitable vitality.
Art is a profession... love it .
Amazing! 😍
Beautiful Artworks..thanks for share ^^
you are welcome..@raihanafn
The Colors are brilliant :)
thanks@wanderingartist, yeah, I like its yellow.
excelente, gracias, quiero conocer un poco más de tu técnica y las redes donde participas... saludos :)
I like your yellow — it is super sunny)
me too, yellow looks quiet and modest.
its very nice ;) @helene
thanks @esraaydin
another great painting. the little bird is the best!
thank you for your encouragement @filotasriza3
Makes the artwork look great.Colors are rich with pigment, @helene
thank you @mphil
You are welcome.
In Venezuela we have medlars, but they are dark brown, by the way, your drawing is very nice.
So beautiful.!! I follow you.
This is really nice and simple too. Did you use multiple reference photos to make this?

整幅畫協調感相當好~~ :D