We try and create ‘unique’ gifts to give the teachers at Christmas and at the end of the school year.
This year, we (the kids) got the sharpies out and created these epic designs on plates. My only job was to ensure there were no extra permanent designs on the furniture.
I still remember when i did these type of things when i was a kid :) such good memories ! how i wish i was at that age... no worries, nothing, not a single care in the whole world!
My 7 year old thinks she has all the worries in the world, I keep telling her not to worry - I hope life doesn't throw too many curveballs at her.
Don't be like that... teach your child to overcome any problem and any curve ball, this way every time life throws a curve ball at her she evolves, adaps and becomes better! I'm not afraid of failing or of any curve balls because I trust in myself and know that i'll surpass any problem! My parents + the internet taught me how to overcome anything!
A parent's job is giving the tools and teaching their child how to use them to overcome problems, it isn't a parent's job to shelter their kid from problems ( i know you don't do this, i'm just saying :P I see way to many protective parents that don't give their kids these tools, they just create a wall around them)
That sounded a bit pathetic on my part, yes I do give her the tools to cope as well. I guess she doesn't have to like it, just get on with it.
Yes, I am a product of the latter type of parent.
I especially love the one with the yellow smiley face and red cheeks.. It looks cute and mischievous at the same time, like it just dipped it's hand into the cookie jar and got away with it!
Creative kids here, I give you guys a badge! (I don't really have one, you just have to imagine it 😁)
They are forever making things, include fly traps on the door handles with double-sided tape!
Nice one! 😎👌
Hi Neo, how's it going? Staying awesome I hope?
Hi Helen,
So far so good as life is you know :-) Try to keep calm and carry on :D
How's you?
Keeping sane, just about - balancing work and kids at home for summer holidays :)
Hope you ok :)
I LOVE this idea! Adorable!
The teachers almost got some very interesting necklaces and bracelets, we'll save that one for Christmas.
Your activity brings back memories. When I was in Girl Scouts many, many moons ago, we did the same activity. The plate was a Christmas present for my parents. It still gets put out every year when they put up the Christmas decorations.
I think its such a waste to give flowers or chocolates as they will be eaten and forgotten (never been a big fan or them myself unless bought by myself), I want to teach my children to put thought into presents and what they can mean.
I may regret that when I in 20 years time when I have to still pull out the interestingly designed cereal box to prove I still have it.
My husband and I began putting things our son made for us in a Rubbermaid storage box, to save for him. A few things are displayed in the house. Homemade items related to holidays are stored with our decoration for those holidays,
My parents did the same thing for stuff we made for them, That is how over 40 years later the plate decorated as a Christmas present still gets put out in their house every year.
Wow, what a good idea! I actually was thinking about trying Sharpies on white mugs. So it doesn’t smear when you wash the plates?
I wouldn't wash them. Just use them as decoration. (I know through experience sharpies don't stay on glass, but maybe better on ceramic) However, hand washing, rather than putting them in a dishwasher should be okay.
That makes sence. Thank you for the advice. I will definitely try it!
These are looking so pretty great work there : )