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RE: Creative Kids Let Loose With Sharpies...

in #art7 years ago

I still remember when i did these type of things when i was a kid :) such good memories ! how i wish i was at that age... no worries, nothing, not a single care in the whole world!


My 7 year old thinks she has all the worries in the world, I keep telling her not to worry - I hope life doesn't throw too many curveballs at her.

Don't be like that... teach your child to overcome any problem and any curve ball, this way every time life throws a curve ball at her she evolves, adaps and becomes better! I'm not afraid of failing or of any curve balls because I trust in myself and know that i'll surpass any problem! My parents + the internet taught me how to overcome anything!
A parent's job is giving the tools and teaching their child how to use them to overcome problems, it isn't a parent's job to shelter their kid from problems ( i know you don't do this, i'm just saying :P I see way to many protective parents that don't give their kids these tools, they just create a wall around them)

That sounded a bit pathetic on my part, yes I do give her the tools to cope as well. I guess she doesn't have to like it, just get on with it.

Yes, I am a product of the latter type of parent.