Hehe looks great. I'm impressed as you started from scratch. It even looks good on mobile. This will make a great portfolio website. I'd be great a button to go from one comic to the next.
Your comics would actually fit great in there if you have some kind of series. You can post from Hive with a couple of specific tags.I'm also trying to learn web development and making a Hive interface for comics and novels https://inkito.io
Let me know what you think of the design. I'm thinking of ways to improve it. ;-)
Wow. I just visited your website and it is really nice. You have good drawing skills too. I'm still a noob in both those areas. Thanks for the compliments though. I'm gonna check out your site more tomorrow and give you some more feedback on it.
I'm not sure if you can direct message on here anywhere so I'm just gonna message here. Anyways, I'm working on stuff right now. If you like yeah, I would love post it on your website. Just follow what I'm doing and see if you like any of it. It might be a while but I have lots of ideas. I just need to put them together and keep improving.