AI will never be alive. It is a complicated iterative piece of software that is limited by the data it is given. It will always be an automaton.The fact we are organic beings, birthed from other organic beings, is what gives us the connection to that level of oneness.
Thank you Donna! Happy to hear you like the piece. =)
Oh, good, that is a positive way to look at it. I hope you are right. I feel, though, that the calculation of the brain are just that calculations and will be recreated, but I do hope you are right :)
We are more than binary logic. In fact reasoning, logic is actually one of our lesser functions. We are infinitely more complex than that, as proven by our irrational natures. In our modern world, these aspects of ourselves are denigrated, devalued, because they are hard to control, by us or by others. It is however, the very thing, that if we make peace with it, even befriend it, it becomes the source of unlimited power and motivation that drives us on to achieve the impossible.
Do androids dream of electric sheep? No. Therein is why we will always be more advanced than purported "intelligent" software.
I hope so. I mean I know a.i. is in it's infancy currently and that the human mind is a complex combination of organic and electric, so hopefully we shall always be the top dog.
I just hope a machine that 'learns' doesn't programme itself in a new form of 'living'. I know that in some ways self awareness and human intelligence is based on extrapolation of information garnered from our senses in our environment and then formulated to make our thoughts and intelligence. I worry about programming that already exists that takes information and comes up with its own new version of complexity.
I guess I don't worry that a machine will exist that will be LIKE a human but that will be better than a human in recreation and if we are not seen a necessity in one of the running simulated calculations would be simply ignored out of existence.
I believe in the human spirit though, which is sort of what my Singularity world/paintings are about. These creatures that were a hybrid of humans trying to improve themselves with more mechanized parts and implanted chips until they became more machine. And in a sense they are looking for that old humanity which in its spirit still exists in this world I created and is trying to win out over the binary. I mean that is what is so great about art for me, making up fun 'what ifs' and just having fun with it.
I am glad you feel so positive about humanity's supremacy. I hope and want you to be right :)
I just found the video I was referring to that discusses the dangers of AI.
This is so funny, as I have actually watched this one! I love watching the various online discussions of AI and also where robotics are going. The Boston Dynamic bots are probably the most that 'scare me' as it were.
Thank you for this, though, and I'll happily chat about ai whenever, though I'm not that informed and as I said, I like your hopeful look to the future :)
Boston Dynamic are the most public in their work. The Japanese are also very busy. There will be slew of companies worldwide working on both AI and robotics because of the perceived market for it. The military have the deepest pockets to fund the research and development. Much of the modern technology we use today is the result of such.
It's true, the war machine does indeed fuel most of our tech. In fact, I am sure there is some amazing tech we, the general public, are not yet allowed to access, but it'll roll out in a decade as the 'new thing'.
I have seen the robotics from Japan being used in hospitals and for the aged, interesting things. I also know that places like Mcdonalds and some coffee places are slowly moving more and more automated. It's funny how it just slowly evolves into our lives. Have you seen the funny bot in a Lowes on the West coast that roams the store and you just interact with it showing it what you are looking for or speaking or typing it in and then you follow it to the location. It's funny.
We have to do more than hope and tack an active interest in how the technology is being applied, just as we are here with blockchain tech. If we don't educate ourselves, then we will be made obsolete.