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RE: This Is Just An Art Post Where I Show You My Latest Creation and Say Nothing

in #art7 years ago

I think this piece is really neat. It's like your looking into a sunset with pinkish clouds that are morphing into shapes. I see a cyclops alien with a bearded demon head in it's stomach. If I look at it squinting I see it's mouth open with sharp teeth. Pretty sure it wants to eat me....Pretty darn scary...


Was it scarier than trespassing today? ;) read my post. :) I would say yes. The imagination can be scarier than reality. Breaking the rules was quite freeing. Look up from that forbidden spot and all you see is peacefulness. Good chance I'll be trespassing again. They have this creepy looking abandoned looking barn that needs it's picture taken.

IMG_5160 2.jpg

Be careful though. That barn might be where they keep the bodies.

There's a woman and some kind of animal ready to bite a cloud up in those clouds.
