the power of imagination

in #art8 years ago

The idea was to show how were intersecting Chinese and Russian (and European - if be exact) decorative motives and images in concrete art things. many excellent things were be exhibited, and sometimes it was difficult to understand the origin one or other motif.
I dreamed about the good catalogue of the exhibition, but don't remember why I didn't not buy it (so expensive? or poor quality of photo?). but I photographed a lot things I like a lot and now I'm sharing with you.
here I post all photos without the things' labels, but it even more interesting - like a puzzle: which thing is Chinese and which is Russian?
I tell about the last one - is the funny Russian dragon (Russian imagination about Chinese dragon) - the Garden stool, the middle of the 19th century.
with the others - enjoy yourselves!"Imaginary China in the Russian culture of the 18-19th centuries" - was the one of the most brilliant exhibitions I can ever remember were here last years (it was in Moscow, in the Tsaritsyno museum, see wiki about this fantastic place here


downvotes coming! get ready! ;)

haha. yes

I just noticed that this morning some whales were downvoting every post upvoted by @wang and other whales. :) that's their war, and we can'd do nothing

o! thanks for the warning, @paolobeneforti! I remember some bright downvoters here (and I remember some awful stories I read about downvoting and wars). I don't care. it's non pleasant, but I hope everything comes to normal by time

Мне первые пять показались русской работы - европейская форма кораблика и коняшки по боку корабля, да лубочное изображение человечков-китайцев на рисунке. А серенькая тарелочка - китайская. Дальше уж запуталась. Много всего.

там еще все дело в том, что не только в Европе и России копировали Китай, но и наоборот тоже происходило - в Китае изначально включали элементы европейского декора для вещей, предназначенных на экспорт (все эти рококошные завитушки и др) . мне сейчас трудно вспомнить опять что и чье, надо смотреть этикетки (но серая тарелка - русская точно))). - но я на выставке провела несколько часов и пыталась понять "алгоритм". подумала, что китайцы как-то свободнее что ли, у них не такие "жесткие" вещи. но все равно путаюсь.